Proxy SitesProxyElite


Elite, broad-spectrum advanced proxy service


What is ProxyElite?

ProxyElite delivers premium proxy service, ensuring swift, secure web access. Catering to businesses and individuals, it offers a wide array of IP addresses for versatile browsing. ProxyElite's advanced systems minimize detection, making it ideal for market research and competitive analysis. Its robust network and top-tier support guarantee reliable performance and user satisfaction.



Popular FAQs


Why should I buy server proxies instead of other types?

Server proxies provide higher performance and security compared to other types of proxies because they operate on dedicated servers with high connection speeds and powerful processors. This ensures faster access to internet resources and reduces latency. Additionally, server proxies can offer better protection against fraud, malware, and other types of cyberattacks. They can block access to malicious websites and control resource access through security policies.And one more thing: unlike botnet proxies, server proxies are legitimate.

Why are server proxies quite expensive?

To ensure high quality and reliability of server proxies, it is necessary to use high-quality equipment, skilled professionals, and continuously update their software. All of this requires significant expenses for equipment, hiring specialists, and maintenance.Therefore, server proxies cannot be cheap if their quality and reliability need to be at a high level. If proxy servers are priced cheaply, they are likely to be slow, unstable, and insecure, which can lead to serious problems when used on the internet.

It says that ProxyCompass is also an LIR, what does that mean?

LIR (Local Internet Registry) is an organization responsible for the allocation and management of IP addresses and autonomous systems (AS) within its region. LIRs are created to provide their customers (organizations or individuals) with IP addresses and AS that can be used for internet access.LIRs receive blocks of IP addresses and AS from RIRs (Regional Internet Registries), which, in turn, receive these blocks from IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority). LIRs are also responsible for maintaining the accuracy and currency of the IP address and AS registries they manage, as well as collaborating with other LIRs for information exchange and dispute resolution.

Is it true that the more IP (proxy) addresses, the lower the likelihood of getting banned?

Yes, in some cases, having a larger number of IP addresses (or proxies) can reduce the likelihood of blocking or banning. This is because when using a large number of IP addresses (or proxies), some services cannot definitively determine that all requests are coming from the same device or user, making it more difficult to identify potential violations or malicious behavior.However, it should be noted that using multiple IP addresses or proxies is not a guarantee of complete protection against blocking or banning. Many services may employ other methods to detect suspicious activity, such as analyzing user behavior or using captcha systems. Therefore, using a large number of IP addresses (or proxies) is not the only means of protection against blocks or bans and can only be one of many tools in a comprehensive protection strategy.

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