Proxy SitesPrefixx


Chief, all-inclusive refined proxy services provider


What is Prefixx specializes?

Prefixx specializes in IPv4 address brokerage, facilitating secure transactions for buying, leasing, and divesting IP address spaces. Ideal for companies navigating the complexities of IP resource management, it offers expertise in reputation management and blacklist monitoring. Prefixx's seasoned team ensures ethical and legal compliance, providing comprehensive support in the global IP market.



Popular FAQs


What is a RIR?

A RIR, short for Regional Internet Registry is an organization that's responsible for management and allocation of IPv4, IPv6 and ASN Internet number resources within a specific region.

What is a subnet mask?

A subnet mask is a 32-bit number that is used to divide IP addresses in a class, a common procedure often done in larger allocations for specific assignments or security reasons.

How many IPv4 addresses are left?

Most Regional Internet Registries (RIR) such as ARIN (in 2015) and RIPE (in 2018) have already exhausted their resources and are now recycling old IP pools and recovering unused space within their region.

How long does it take to transfer IPv4 addresses?

The duration of the transfer depends on the corresponding Routing Internet Registry region but consider that any process may take between 10 to 30 days to complete.

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