HomeBlogAffiliate MarketingThe #1 Work From Home Business For Any Beginner ($200+ A Day)

The #1 Work From Home Business For Any Beginner ($200+ A Day)

  1. Real-life Examples of Success
  2. Success Story of EMT Student
  3. Impressive Growth of Another Student
  4. Multiplying Income through Online Money Makers
  5. Sharing Student Success Stories
  6. Requirements and Initial Setup

Real-life Examples of Success

What if I told you it was possible to make $10,000 a month? Even $15,000 a month or even more? All from the comfort of your own home. All without having to touch a physical product. And being able to do the whole thing from start to finish. Even if you are a total beginner with no marketing experience. Now, I already know and expect there are going to get comments saying, "This guy is exaggerating," "There's no way this guy is for real," or "This doesn't work." So before I even get into the technique of how to do this, I want to show you some real-life examples of my students that have made this kind of money.

Success Story of EMT Student

You look at this first one: EMT. You can see he's making $1,600 per month. And basically, the way this works is you set up these little money generators and you set up multiple of them. So he's just doing a report reporting in our private Facebook group of students telling us a new deal that he got and a new monthly payment that he got. And what happens is then you build these up and you do more and more and more of these monthly payments until you reach your goal of like $10,000 or $15,000 a month. So he's really excited here. He's retired, you know. He was on a fixed income, Social Security, and he was only making $1,200 bucks a month from his fixed income. So basically once he added this money maker, now he's making more than doubled his monthly income just by doing just one of these Money Maker setups. And I'm going to show you how to do it in just a second. You can do multiple of these. So all he has to do is do 10 of these to reach $10,000 plus per month.

Impressive Growth of Another Student

Here's another student you can see circled there who made $39,000 (USD) in the last 3 months. You can see here 3 months ago and this is after he was only a student of mine for 2 months, so he was a brand new. He had no idea how to do this. So you can see this guy here is making way more than $10 or $15,000 per month. Here's another one of my students that just had gotten just started. This student was posting in our private Facebook group because of how excited they were at getting their first setup: $1,830 per month. And again, this was their first deal that they had ever done as a student using this specific business model that I'm about to show you.

Multiplying Income through Online Money Makers

Like I was explaining to you before, this is the type of thing where we teach you how to set up one of these little setups. And then we teach you how to multiply. So you set up one that's maybe makes you, like I showed you earlier, a lot of these folks made like $1,000 a month or $1,800 per month on one little online money maker. And then we teach them how to multiply that. So then you set up two, so then you got $2,000 a month. You set up three, you got $3,000 a month and so on until you reach whatever monthly income goal that you want.

Sharing Student Success Stories

I actually have a folder on my computer where I like to save anybody that posts in our private Facebook group of a success that they've had making money with this business model. And you can see all these screenshots I have. A ton of them. These are all from our private Facebook group of students that we have. And I'm going to show you later in this video how you can join that private Facebook group of students. But first, I want to get into the actual business itself. This business model is something I've talked about on my YouTube channel before, but it's always been very brief. And so in this video, I really want to go through a step-by-step in a lot of detail of exactly how you can set this up. So I decided just to dedicate an entire YouTube video just to this business specific business idea. And I want to set you up so that you can literally walk away from this YouTube video and set up your first online money maker using this business model.

Requirements and Initial Setup

First before I get into the details of how to set this up, there are a couple things you're going to need. One, you are going to need a computer. It doesn't need to be an amazing computer, doesn't need to be super powerful. But you do need to have a computer that you can just click around and browse the internet. Now the first thing that you're going to have to do is I've shown this before in other videos so I'm just going to go over it really, really quick. This initial setup that'll give me more time to delve into the more detailed stuff later on in the setup. But I've shown this - you basically click up, you go to Google Maps, you click up here in the upper left, you click add a missing place. And all you're going to do here...

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