Let me guess, you're the owner of a small business. You've got loads of cool ideas but no money to actually execute them, and you're wondering how you even begin to start to market your business in 2021. Don't worry, I've been there. I've tried a hell of a lot of different strategies and tactics, and I'm going to spend this video telling you which ones worked, which will hopefully give you some really great ideas for how you can market your business in 2021. So let's get to it.
So before we get started with these tips, there's a few things which I need you to at least think about. I'm hoping you've already done these different things because they're really essential to you kind of running your business. But I want to make sure that I've said them before we talk about these specific strategies just so that I've covered all bases. Right! So the first thing is that you need to know who your audience is, and in order to do that what you want to do is build a really granular, in-depth audience profile...
The second thing I would have need you to have done is a bit of...oh...um...I've got to use a real marketing term then. I was going to say macro-micro environmental analysis. My god, buzzword, buzzword, buzzword. So many markets, so much marketing jargon, honestly, you know what, every time I say something what sounds like marketing jargon, just have a shot on me. It could be...it could be a new...my...it could be a new drinking game. What it basically means is looking at your broader environment surrounding your business, your brand, your products, your audience, right?...
The third thing that I want you to think about and the final thing what I'm going to flag is your competitors and what they're doing. And whilst I'm never going to suggest that you go down the rabbit hole of comparing yourself to others, it's always important that you keep an eye on what your competitors are doing, how they're advertising, what strategies they're using...
So now that I've got that up-front boring stuff out the way, let's talk about some tactics. The first thing that I want to talk about, and it's probably the most powerful and in some ways the most obvious thing that you should be utilizing in 2021, is social media...