  1. Introduction to Instagram Reels Algorithm Insights
  2. The Role of Reels Algorithm in Growth
  3. Explore Page Similarity with Reels Algorithm
  4. Deciphering the Instagram Reels Algorithm Signals
  5. FAQ

Introduction to Instagram Reels Algorithm Insights

Hi guys, welcome to my first real video. Crazy, right? I cannot believe this is my first reels video. I have spoken about reels quite a few times in my other videos, but this is my first real dedicated video. The reason why is because basically I'd been spending some time trying to iron out my own personal reel strategy. Reels are obviously here to stay. If you haven't watched this video where I talk about Instagram basically saying that reels is their baby, it's their favorite thing in the world, and they're going to be pushing it, then I recommend watching it because it is useful to you if you're trying to grow in 2021. But essentially, I'm trying to iron out my own Instagram reel strategy, and as part of that, I'm obviously doing loads of research, and I've actually discovered loads of really interesting information about reels, but specifically about reels' algorithm. So that's what today's video is about. If that sounds of interest to you, please keep on watching, subscribe because I upload content about entrepreneurship and social media every week. Let's get to it.

The Role of Reels Algorithm in Growth

Okay, so the first thing I want to open with and talk about today, which I discovered about reels, which I thought was really interesting, right -- obviously reels are really good at helping you grow. I wanted to figure out why. Why are reels good at helping you grow? Like, what is it about the reels algorithm which is helping people blow up? Also, just a quick note, in case you weren't aware, there are different algorithms for each of the different sections on Instagram. If you want a bit of information about the algorithm 101 and kind of how it works and what happens after you post, I recommend checking out this video because I talk about it in a bit more detail. But today, as I mentioned, I'm going to be specifically talking about the algorithm which is driving reels, right?

Explore Page Similarity with Reels Algorithm

What I discovered, which is really interesting about why reels are so good at helping you grow, is because it runs on a similar premise to how the explore page runs. So if we think about the explore page, right, the essence of the explore page is that it is going to be showing you content that Instagram thinks you are interested in from accounts that you do not currently follow, and that latter bit is the most important part, right? So if you engage with certain types of content or if you engage with someone's profile but you don't follow them, when you go on your explore page, you are going to see content from that person because Instagram is using their algorithm and their bots to pick up on what you're interested in and you've said to them, 'Hey, I like this type of content' or 'Hey, I potentially like this person's profile.' So in return, Instagram is showing you more of that content. It's learned that from you and its algorithm is therefore showing you that content, and it's going to keep on doing that until you eventually follow those people, right? So that's how the explore page works. Its superpower is that it's showing you content from people that you don't already follow.

Deciphering the Instagram Reels Algorithm Signals

Okay, so let's break down the Instagram reels algorithm, the signals that go behind them, and basically what happens when you post, right? So say you've just come up with a great reel idea, you've captured the content, you've edited it, you've posted it, you're feeling really good. What is Instagram looking at and how are they deciding whether or not that reel is going to hit the algorithm? One of the first things they're going to look at is you. So they're going to look at you, they're going to look at your account, and they're basically going to analyze a few aspects of you and the type of content you create.


Q: What is the focus of the first video mentioned?
A: The first video focuses on Instagram Reels Algorithm Insights.
Q: Why are reels good at helping people grow on Instagram?
A: Reels are good at helping people grow on Instagram because they run on a similar premise to how the explore page runs, showing content that Instagram thinks the user is interested in from accounts they do not currently follow.
Q: What is the essence of the explore page on Instagram?
A: The essence of the explore page is that it shows content that Instagram thinks the user is interested in from accounts they do not currently follow.
Q: What are some of the signals that Instagram considers in the Reels Algorithm?
A: Some of the signals that Instagram considers in the Reels Algorithm include the account owner, the account itself, and the type of content being created.

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