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I've been struggling... | Life update where have I been | Full time content creator

  1. Feeling Overwhelmed as a Full-Time Content Creator
  2. Struggles with Workload and Business Changes
  3. Triggers for Feeling Overwhelmed and Strategies to Overcome
  4. Identifying Social Media Struggles and Solutions
  5. Reevaluating Work-Life Balance and Self-Imposed Pressure
  6. Strategies for Overcoming Social Media Pressure
  7. Embracing Work-Life Balance and Content Creation Joy
  8. FAQ

Feeling Overwhelmed as a Full-Time Content Creator

So we're going to Q3 in a matter of days, god that's scary. And I still haven't started working on the program. My brand partnership side of my business has like skyrocketed. Hi guys, welcome back to my channel. My name is Jade for anyone who's new here. And to anyone who's not new, hi! How are you? I've missed talking to you. That probably sounds really weird because you're probably thinking, how could I miss talking to you if I don't hear you talk back to me? But I actually miss just sitting down and filming content. I haven't done it in a little while and you probably wouldn't have guessed that because I batch create a lot of stuff. So sometimes I can go weeks and weeks without filming content and you guys will still be getting content every week. So you're just like none the wiser. But I haven't actually sat down and filmed content in a while.

Struggles with Workload and Business Changes

The reason why is because life has been super hectic and you can probably tell by the current strength of my voice that I'm feeling a little bit rundown. Very rundown. I'm feeling very rundown and things like I don't say things have been tough. Like I've been struggling ever so slightly with being a full-time content creator and running my business a little bit more than I usually do. I figured I would sit down here and just talk to you guys about it because hopefully if there's anyone who's going through something similar or who will be going through something similar in the future, you can watch this video, get some... Oh my god, there's a spider. There's a spider guys.

Triggers for Feeling Overwhelmed and Strategies to Overcome

Okay, we're just... Okay, so the spider's gone. If you saw the size of the spider, you would be like, "Come on, Jade, get a grip." Because it was literally like the smallest spider in the world. But it's... No one expects a spider to be hanging from their camera when they're filming. Anyway, I think what I was saying was that hopefully anyone who's going through something similar to what I'm about to explain to you can watch this video, get some value from it, know they're not alone. But I'm also going to be telling you exactly how I'm getting myself out of this flunk that I'm in. And spoiler alert, I'm getting out of the flunk by basically quitting a bunch of stuff. So let's just get straight to it before like, I don't know, a tarantula climbs over my ring light or something and I just lose the plot.

Identifying Social Media Struggles and Solutions

So essentially what I've been struggling with... I don't think there's like an official word for it, because I don't want to sit here and tell you that I've been struggling with burnout. Because I don't quite think I'm struggling with burnout yet. But I definitely think I'm kind of on my way. But not only that, the whole kind of being overwhelmed and ever so slightly overworked and stressed thing, but I've also just been letting myself get a little bit down about how things are going in my business. And it's so silly because I'm basically doing the things that I always coach my clients not to do, you know, like the whole comparison thing and kind of getting lost in your analytics and that kind of stuff. I have fallen down that hole ever so slightly, right?

Reevaluating Work-Life Balance and Self-Imposed Pressure

The final trigger is that the nature of my business has changed from what I thought it was going to be at the start of this year, to something slightly different. And I'm so grateful for it because I very much prefer the angle that I'm going or the route that I'm going down. But it's different and it's required me to adapt quite a bit. Let me explain. At the start of the year when I was forecasting my year, when I was looking at what I thought my main projects were going to be, I thought my main source of income or the thing that I spent most of my time on would be courses, right? And kind of my programs. And I was actually planning to release a new program later on in the year. I'm currently in the process of updating my Instagram marketing course. And of course I have the Creator's Club, which is my baby.

Strategies for Overcoming Social Media Pressure

Now the reason why is because my brand partnership side of my business has like skyrocketed. I've had the most incredible opportunities with brands recently. And you'll start to see what I'm talking about over the next few months when the content starts to come out. But guys, when I say me and Jamie, Jamie is my fiance. He helps me manage all of my brand partnerships. For anyone who doesn't know, we have been working over time to secure some of these deals and they are like wild, wild opportunities. So because of all of these incredible opportunities, it's meant that the nature of my business has changed quite a bit. And for anyone who's worked with brands before, they'll know that working with brands is completely different from working on your own projects.

Embracing Work-Life Balance and Content Creation Joy

Now the final thing that I'm quitting is putting so many kind of rules and regulations around the content that I'm producing. I realized that part of the reason why I miss just sitting in front of the camera and talking like this so much is because I haven't actually filmed a video like this in a while. A lot of my videos recently, I've been doing as a bit of a tick boxing exercise. Like someone asked me to create a video about this, therefore that's the video that I create. And while that's always going to be part of my strategy, right, I'm always going to create content specifically for you guys because you guys need it.


Q: What is the content creator feeling overwhelmed about?
A: The content creator is feeling overwhelmed about being a full-time content creator and managing brand partnerships in addition to running their business.
Q: What triggers the feeling of overwhelm for the content creator?
A: The content creator feels overwhelmed due to workload, business changes, social media struggles, and self-imposed pressure.
Q: What strategies is the content creator using to overcome these feelings of overwhelm?
A: The content creator is reevaluating work-life balance, embracing content creation joy, and concentrating on strategies to overcome social media pressures and workload stresses.
Q: How has the nature of the content creator's business changed recently?
A: The content creator's business has shifted focus from courses and programs to brand partnerships, leading to a change in workload and business dynamics.

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