  1. Top Tips for Standing Out on Instagram
  2. Navigating Through Illness while Filming
  3. Controversial Tip: Aesthetically Pleasing Feed on Instagram
  4. Creating an Aesthetically Pleasing Feed on Instagram
  5. Tips for Achieving Cohesive Feed on Instagram
  6. Advice on Layout for Aesthetically Pleasing Feed on Instagram
  7. FAQ

Top Tips for Standing Out on Instagram

Did you know that Instagram has one billion monthly active users? One billion monthly active users. So I know you're thinking, "Okay, it's one billion monthly active users. How on earth do I stand out amongst all of those people?" And that is a really good question. And that is the question for today's video. I'm gonna be sharing my top tips for how you can stand out amongst that ridiculously big crowd on Instagram. So if that sounds like something you're interested in, then please carry on watching.

Navigating Through Illness while Filming

I am not very well today. I just need to caveat this. I'm probably gonna have to caveat this in every video I batch. But I've got a bit of a cold. Um, so yeah, bear with me. I feel like you could probably hear it. My voice is really nasally. But whatever, it's not COVID. I've taken several tests, but just wanted to flag in case you're wondering why does Jade look like she's dying? It's because I am.

Controversial Tip: Aesthetically Pleasing Feed on Instagram

Okay. So I'm gonna get straight into the tips today. And the first tip I'm gonna give you for standing out amongst the crowds on Instagram is probably a bit of a controversial one. Not even probably. I know it's a controversial one. People disagree on this all the time. But this is what I believe, and I'm just gonna go for it and give you this tip. So my first tip is to have an aesthetically pleasing feed. Now, the reason why I say this is controversial is because some other people who are also kind of Instagram gurus or Instagram experts and coaches don't necessarily believe that this is something that you need. And I think everyone has their own personal opinion on it. And I can only tell you what has worked well for me, what's worked well for my clients. But also how I act on the platform and how my clients and my friends and my colleagues, how they use the platform and the feedback that I get from them in regards to what actually helps a page stand out to them and what potentially convinces them to eventually follow these pages.

Creating an Aesthetically Pleasing Feed on Instagram

Right. The reason why I feel like a necessity feed is something that actually really helps you stand out is because, as we've already established, there are a lot of different people on Instagram. There are a lot of active users every month. And there are going to be a lot of channels who are similar to you and post similar content to whatever niche you're in right now. If you present that content in a really aesthetically pleasing way. So, you've got a really great preset that you use across all your content. Or you have a really great layout style. Like my personal favorite is the grid style. Put an example here. You have a really great layout style which is enabling you to create a feed which is really cohesive and just easy on the eye.

Tips for Achieving Cohesive Feed on Instagram

Now, when you're browsing different Instagram pages within a specific niche, if you see four Instagram pages which are all posting similar content, one of them has this amazing, really pretty feed, and the other ones don't. The chances are, that feed which looks really amazing and really pretty and really aesthetically pleasing, that one is going to stand out for you. And I mean, today's video is about how you can stand out, right? And unfortunately, we still have this really annoying habit of judging a book by its cover. I know we're always told not to, but we do it anyway. So, having a really amazing pretty feed is usually going to help you stand out against your competition and potentially go towards you converting that visitor to a follower.

Advice on Layout for Aesthetically Pleasing Feed on Instagram

Now, there are a bunch of different ways that you can actually create a feed which is really aesthetically pleasing. I could go out into detail about this and talk about this for hours. But for the sake of this video, I'll give you a few tips. Think about the layout in which you're posting photos. So, previously I mentioned the grid layout. This doesn't always mean literally posting the exact same photo every other photo, right? A lot of people take the grid layout really literally when, actually, it's most impactful when what you're doing is looking for visual cues for every other photo to help tie those two photos together. I'll show you an example of a screenshot from Orange Collective on the right. This is probably going to be a screenshot from a while back because we used to be a lot better than we are now. But what you can see from the screenshot is that every other photo has something which is similar. So maybe the background is similar, or maybe the focal point of the photo is similar. So maybe it's like an up-close and personal photo of myself or my other half. Or maybe it's just a scenery photo. Maybe every other photo was taken in a park, or maybe every other photo was taken from our Paris trip and then the other photos were taken from Morocco. But whatever it is, there's something that's tying every other photo together. And because of that, it's creating a grid-style feed. And that's what's kind of pulling all of our content together. In addition to a really kind of heavy preset which is all kind of orange, which relates to us being called Orange Collective. It all [..]


Q: What are some top tips for standing out on Instagram?
A: Some top tips for standing out on Instagram include having an aesthetically pleasing feed, creating cohesive content, and engaging with your audience.
Q: How can I navigate through illness while filming content?
A: When navigating through illness while filming content, it's important to communicate with your audience about your health condition, try to maintain consistency by batching videos, and prioritize your well-being.
Q: Is having an aesthetically pleasing feed on Instagram necessary?
A: Having an aesthetically pleasing feed on Instagram can help you stand out among the crowd and attract more followers, but it is a personal choice and not a strict requirement.
Q: What tips can help in achieving a cohesive feed on Instagram?
A: To achieve a cohesive feed on Instagram, consider using a consistent preset, layout style (like the grid style), and look for visual cues in your photos to tie them together.
Q: How can I create a visually appealing Instagram feed layout?
A: When creating a visually appealing Instagram feed layout, think about the overall aesthetic, maintain consistency in colors and themes, and use visual cues to connect your photos together.

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