HomeBlogAffiliate MarketingFiverr Professions New Fiverr update to increase Sales and Opportunities #priverrprofession #fiverr

Fiverr Professions New Fiverr update to increase Sales and Opportunities #priverrprofession #fiverr

  1. Setting up Categories and Tags
  2. Selecting Skills and Description
  3. Adding Descriptions and Completing Profile
  4. Creating Q&A and Portfolio
  5. Finalizing Profile and Waiting for Verification
  6. FAQ

Setting up Categories and Tags

When we click on tag, we have to click on next. After clicking on next page, it brings us here. In this, we write here which is our category and select the category like I selected digital marketing digital marketing. Within all your types, like comes within all types, digital marketing comes from e-commerce, digital mart, parent A category, e-commerce comes, apart from that, writing comes, e-commerce comes to you, sector.

Selecting Skills and Description

I have done it here, by the way, here I have selected e- commerce manager, so here we select product hunting, after that we come down and you can select more than one and that is the one that suits you, otherwise you are there. You can select because not all of us have this in the testing phase, that's why giving you an overview of it as I am telling you, the rest will be like professionally, so inshallah we will look at it carefully again, after that we select our skills. After that we will tell you what is there, after that we will click on Next.

Adding Descriptions and Completing Profile

After clicking on Next, it tells us to add a description. Now we would have cut its description because my scale is and you know that I will get S just. I am making one to show you, we go to the shop and tell the shopkeeper that we are providing this service, like I write which I write here, I am providing a service as a product. Hunter, [Music] Then within a second, she will write this description, we have to copy that description from here, just one, two or three times, copy it from here, after copying it, we again have to copy it on fiber paper. After going to the page, we have to paste it here, after that this date is asking for the date, brother, how long have you been working on this, I have put today's date which means it is going on. Had put it on August 24 but you have to put it I think from three to four years ago so that the client...

Creating Q&A and Portfolio

...is well professional and doing work for the last four to four years without having to pay a good amount. Based on this we will click on Next. After clicking on Next Why is he asking for F? He is asking for F. So in A. We go again to the chaat. We will write Jaak in the chaat. Cut F. A. According to my description, so this is according to our description. After treating the description, it will create and give us something like this. So let's see [music]. Look, it has given us a lot of A's. In this, we will copy the first one. After copying, we will get into F. After going, we will put the question in the question section and in the answer section, we will put the answer. Well, I am telling you why these are the common questions in the client, they are basically there, after this we click on add. Apart from this, There may be more items inside if you want to add. After clicking on the leads, you can add them, but I am still adding one, after that I click on next. After clicking on the button, we will give you four options - portfolio photo video, everything will be verified, video, so inside this how I will add the portfolio and show it in the ad and it is telling how clear your video should be.

Finalizing Profile and Waiting for Verification

The image should be clear, all the details etc. are given inside it. When you get it, you should check everything, otherwise I will put the link of its photo like this, you can check out from there also and see what is inside the winner - What things will come and what can you learn? Everything will be given inside it. Look from there. By the way, Fiber has sectioned it like published an article but this fiber profession is not available to everyone yet, only some people have got it. Like, if everyone gets it, then it will be done and we will see it carefully. Right now this experiment is in the test phase, when it comes to the professor, we will see it carefully. [ Music] I will upload the song above here. After uploading, I will I click on submit. Well, after submitting, it takes some time in processing. The team of Faber does the processing with this and then goes to [Music] [Music] We will submit this video to submit. After doing everything and submitting, go to that page again, within some time or after some time, your video will be shown which is not there in your question. Let us go to the previous page and I can also add the portfolio and tell you. How to do it, let's go, come back to it and click on the portfolio. After clicking on the portfolio, whatever portfolio we have added will be shown there. After going there, you will click on it from there. Select anything, set it, let me tell you how to [Music] [Music] After coming here, create a portfolio, after adding the portfolio, submit it, within a few minutes after submitting Or within a few seconds it gets shown on our profile. After this, if you have any question regarding it or want to know something else about it, then you can comment. I will tell you about it in full detail. Thank you.


Q: How to setup Categories and Tags?
A: When we click on a tag, we have to click on next. After clicking on next page, it brings us to a form where we can write our category and select the appropriate category.
Q: How to select Skills and Description?
A: In the form, select the relevant skills (e.g., e-commerce manager) and provide a description. You can select multiple skills. After completing this, click 'Next'.
Q: How to add Descriptions and complete Profile?
A: After clicking 'Next', add a description. Copy the description and paste it into the required field. Provide the date of work experience and then continue to the next step.
Q: How to create Q&A and Portfolio?
A: Follow the prompts to create Q&A content. Specifically, answer the common client questions and click 'Add'. You can add more items as needed. Then, proceed to set up your portfolio with photos or videos.
Q: How to finalize Profile and wait for Verification?
A: Ensure all details are correct and submit your profile. Wait for verification from the platform's team. Check the status and details of your profile. Wait for the verification process to be completed.

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