HomeBlogSMM# 9 Ways To Glow Up WITHOUT Changing Your Appearance (2024)

# 9 Ways To Glow Up WITHOUT Changing Your Appearance (2024)

  1. The Real Glow Up: Building Character Over Aesthetics
  2. The Power of Words and Communication Skills
  3. The Irresistible Allure of Personal Fragrance
  4. Enriching Your Life Through New Hobbies
  5. Empowering Yourself Through Setting Boundaries
  6. The Impact of Body Language on Attractiveness
  7. Kindness and Politeness as Attractive Qualities
  8. Staying Calm and Composed Amidst Chaos
  9. The Allure of Positivity and Optimism
  10. The Influence of Positive Communication on Relationships
  11. FAQ

The Real Glow Up: Building Character Over Aesthetics

I feel like I've watched hundreds of thousands of articles on Tech talk Instagram and YouTube that will teach you how to glow up, and my main belief of it is that they all focus on how to grow up physically, which I understand everyone wants to learn. How to be more attractive, but today I wanted to do something a little bit different. What actually sparked it was that I watched a video recently where, no shades of the girl I'm not gonna tag or anything, but she dedicated an entire video to like a glow up, and all she did was like some Botox. She did her nails, she did her hair, and stuff like that, and it really had me thinking about how as a society we really heavily focus on the aesthetic side of things instead of actually building ourselves up and our character. A lot of these glow up hacks that you watch on the internet are very, very temporary because if you think about it, getting fillers, they'll dissolve over time, if you do your nails, they'll probably chip, if you dye your hair, the color will fade. So why not focus on things that you can improve that will actually last you a lifetime? I'm sure we can all collectively agree that no matter how good looking you are as a man or a woman, if you're acting, you think people will not want to be around you or date you. And believe it or not, some of the most attractive traits are actually not even physical. You could be quote unquote unattractive in terms of societal standards and still rank significantly higher on the scale by simply fixing some of the traits that I'm about to mention in today's video.

The Power of Words and Communication Skills

So without wasting any time, let's get into how you can actually grow up without having to change your appearance. Starting with fact number one is to just be true to your word. If you say you're going to do something, do it. Your word is your bond. People appreciate reliability and knowing that they can count on you. If you say you're going to be somewhere at 8 am, make sure that you're there at 8 am or even earlier. Don't pull up at 8:35 with an excuse like 'oh I missed the bus, it's not my fault.' Because realistically, you should have left contingency time. And that's another part of being honest, owning up to your mistakes. People will understand and they'll respect you more if you just say, you know what, my bad, I should have woken up way earlier instead of blaming outside circumstances. Just be honest and accept that you could have done something to prevent you being late. Because let's be real, lying your way out of situations is literally just a sign of weakness. It just shows that you're scared of how people will react to the truth. Just be punctual, be honest, admit when you've messed up. At the end of the day, we're all human and people actually admire you for just being honest in times where most people would struggle. Being honest and true to your word are not only attractive qualities, but they're essential in building meaningful connections.

The Irresistible Allure of Personal Fragrance

At number two, we have leveling up your speech. The way you speak says a lot about you. If you improve your speech, you'll come across as intelligent and respectable, and people actually pause to hear what you have to say. One easy way that you can do it is by removing filler words from your sentences. Words like like, literally, um. Those filler words show that you're uncertain about what you're saying, and that gives off a lack of confidence. Now as we all know, being confident is one of the absolute biggest traits of being an attractive person. Some advice that I can give you to level up your grammar, which definitely helped me, is to read a lot of books and listen to a lot of podcasts, in particular ones that you would find challenging or that have bigger words. Because slowly you'll understand how these words work in sentences and you'll start using them yourself. But yeah, moving into the next tip, which is something that I definitely believe will take you up like an extra five or ten points on the scale, and that is finding your scent.

Enriching Your Life Through New Hobbies

Now, smelling good in a subtle way will genuinely have people wanting to be around you way more. It's scientifically proven that smelling good will spark up positive emotions in people, which leaves a good impression and ultimately boosts your attractiveness. And I don't want to hear none of you in the comments talking about some, 'oh I don't want to spend hundreds on fancy perfumes and stuff' because that's not what I'm talking about. Find your smell and stack it into a routine. So for me, I really like vanilla, cinnamon, just very sweet smells. I'm not a huge fan of like floral, fruity smells. So all of my skincare is like vanilla or cinnamon-based, keeping that same undertone will have that smell lasting way longer on your skin. So me personally, I use everything in the same range, so like my soap, my body lotion, exfoliant, deodorant, everything is vanilla-based. Sometimes I literally skip the perfume part because I am quite sensitive to smells. But the main aim of the game here is to just smell clean, and plus, it's because it shows that you have personal hygiene and that shows that you take care of yourself, which again translates to you being an attractive person. A huge note is to not overdo the scents and like douse yourself in perfume because this could literally work against you.

Empowering Yourself Through Setting Boundaries

Moving into hack number four, which is picking up new hobbies. Now picking up new hobbies like listening, hiking, playing new instruments, pottery, it shows that you have interests outside of your daily routine. It shows people that you're actively on a journey of personal growth and development, which is insanely attractive to most people. It shows that you're a well-rounded individual and it gives you a lot more to talk about and have in common with people. This ultimately makes you more memorable and interesting, which again, amps up your attractiveness. So this is your sign to join that club or that class or even that online course that you've been looking at. It's going to benefit you in multiple ways.

The Impact of Body Language on Attractiveness

Hack number five is to fix your body language. Your body language speaks volumes. You making yourself small and having bad posture, biting your nails, not looking people in the eye, it shows that you're shy, insecure, or that you just generally lack confidence. And as tough as it is to hear, a lot of us can agree that those are not necessarily the most attractive traits. You want to look assertive and confident, even if that's not necessarily how you're feeling on the day. So straighten your back, open up your body, and just don't make yourself look small. This also benefits you in multiple ways because it's again been scientifically proven that changing your mannerisms to that of a confident person will actually have you feeling better.

Kindness and Politeness as Attractive Qualities

Moving on, I know a lot of you are going to catch some strays with this hack, but set your boundaries and stick with them. Do not say yes to things that you do not believe in or that you don't want to do. People might not necessarily like the answer, but they will have to respect you for it. It shows that you have self-respect and a strong sense of identity and that you're not going to just sway your morals or beliefs for other people's convenience. This shows people that you're confident and assertive and that you're not afraid to establish your own needs in a relationship or a friendship. Being a people pleaser is not cute. As much as you don't want to hurt other people's feelings, it just shows that you don't run your own morals or your own time. You can be a people's person but also put yourself first when it's needed. Learning how to tell people no is going to just change your life completely in every sense.

Staying Calm and Composed Amidst Chaos

At number seven, we have something that's genuinely very simple but you'd be surprised how many people lack this, and that's to just be polite and kind. Being kind and polite is one of the biggest traits in building and maintaining long-lasting healthy relationships. This shows that you're emotionally mature and willing to invest in the well-being of others. It's literally as simple as letting people speak and not interrupting them, asking questions and showing a genuine interest in other people's lives. Just the basics like the please and thank yous, that creates an environment that people want to be a part of and you exude positive energy, which is literally a magnet of attractiveness. It pays to be kind in every way, I promise you.

The Allure of Positivity and Optimism

At eight, we have composure. Having the ability to remain composed and calm and collected in times where most people wouldn't is a huge trait of attractiveness. Because it shows that you have your emotions under control, and most importantly, it's just a huge life skill that I think everyone needs to develop. Being able to keep a level head when things spiral out of control shows that you have critical thinking skills, and shows that you can make rational decisions regardless of the circumstances. This makes everyone around you feel calmer and safer in your presence, which again boosts up your attractiveness. One way that I personally recommend that you implement this is to try meditating. Now I know this sounds quite cliche, a lot of people don't believe in it, but even if it's only five minutes a day, it's literally training you to take control over your mind and your thoughts and over time it will become natural to you. So when you find yourself in these difficult circumstances, you're able to think clearly.

The Influence of Positive Communication on Relationships

At number nine, which is last but definitely not least, we have positive speaking. You don't want to be that person that only speaks negatively of other people or situations. You want to be that person that offers solutions and inspires and makes people feel good. Trust me when I say this, life isn't easy for anyone, even the most positive and happy person that you know experiences a lot behind the scenes. That's a part of the human experience. But what we do have control over is how we respond to those things. Speaking positively shows that you're optimistic and have a positive outlook on life, and that's contagious because people are naturally drawn to places where they feel inspired or where they feel uplifted. But yeah, without making this video too long, those are my nine tips to becoming more attractive without actually changing your appearance.


Q: What is the focus of the article titled 'The Real Glow Up: Building Character Over Aesthetics'?
A: The article focuses on the idea that society heavily emphasizes physical appearance for a glow up, but it suggests focusing on building character traits that last longer.
Q: What is the importance of being true to your word according to the article 'The Power of Words and Communication Skills'?
A: Being true to your word is essential as it shows reliability, builds trust, and demonstrates integrity, which are attractive qualities.
Q: How does improving speech and communication skills contribute to attractiveness according to 'The Irresistible Allure of Personal Fragrance'?
A: Improving speech and communication skills can make you come across as intelligent, respectable, and confident, thus enhancing your attractiveness.
Q: What role does personal fragrance play in boosting attractiveness as mentioned in 'Enriching Your Life Through New Hobbies'?
A: Having a pleasant personal scent can spark positive emotions in others, leave a good impression, and indicate good personal hygiene, all contributing to attractiveness.
Q: How does picking up new hobbies affect attractiveness as discussed in 'Empowering Yourself Through Setting Boundaries'?
A: Engaging in new hobbies shows a journey of personal growth, makes you more interesting and memorable, and demonstrates being a well-rounded individual, thus enhancing attractiveness.
Q: How does body language impact attractiveness according to 'The Impact of Body Language on Attractiveness'?
A: Improving body language to appear more confident and assertive can boost attractiveness as it conveys self-assurance and positive traits.
Q: What is the key aspect of setting boundaries in relation to attractiveness as mentioned in 'Kindness and Politeness as Attractive Qualities'?
A: Setting boundaries shows self-respect, a strong sense of identity, and the ability to prioritize one's needs, which in turn enhances attractiveness.
Q: How does being polite and kind contribute to attractiveness according to 'Staying Calm and Composed Amidst Chaos'?
A: Being polite and kind demonstrates emotional maturity, shows willingness to invest in others' well-being, and exudes positive energy, making one more attractive.
Q: Why is composure considered an attractive trait as mentioned in 'The Allure of Positivity and Optimism'?
A: Maintaining composure in challenging situations signifies emotional control, critical thinking skills, and the ability to make rational decisions, all of which enhance attractiveness.
Q: What role does positive speaking play in relationships and attractiveness according to 'The Influence of Positive Communication on Relationships'?
A: Positive speaking shows optimism, inspires, and uplifts others, creating a positive environment and making one more attractive.

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