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5 Habits Keeping You Poor

  1. Breaking Out of Your Comfort Zone to Achieve Financial Success
  2. Limiting Alcohol Consumption for Financial Success
  3. Focus on Financial Success, Not Chasing Multiple Women
  4. Creating a Budget for Financial Success
  5. Limiting Screen Time for Financial Success

Breaking Out of Your Comfort Zone to Achieve Financial Success

Now, the first habit that you need to quit in order to get rich is probably best illustrated in a story from the life of Jim Carrey. Now, you probably know him as a successful actor and comedian these days. But did you know that he said that his father was one of the funniest guys that he had ever met and that his father probably could have been just as successful as he did? But instead, his father, instead of pushing out of his comfort zone, chose a safe job as an accountant instead, and he never pursued a career in comedy or used any of his gifts in that way. The ironic thing is his father actually lost that safe job, and they ended up in extreme poverty, and the whole family had to work as janitors in a school just to make ends meet. After that, Jim Carrey still tried to launch his career as a comedian, but his first efforts were met with failure, including being booed off stage during his first performance. But he kept pushing through and did not give up until he hit success. And even after experiencing success in comedy roles, he still continued to push himself out of his comfort zone into more serious roles. And you can see in his career him pushing himself out of his comfort zone and expanding and growing again and again. Now, I want you to imagine if he would have stayed a janitor just like his dad was and never pushed out of his comfort zone, and never pushed past his fears. And this brings us to the first habit that you need to quit in order to get rich: getting out of your comfort zone.

Limiting Alcohol Consumption for Financial Success

Now, let's get to the second habit that you have to quit if you ever want to get rich. And I want to start by asking you a question. I want you to think about the last weekend that you spent partying, going from bar to bar or club to club. How much did you spend? How much energy and time did you spend getting ready for that partying weekend? And then, how much time did you spend recovering from it? This brings us to one of the major habits that I believe everyone needs to really get a handle on if they ever want to get rich, and that is limiting alcohol consumption. Now, before you click away, I'm not talking about having a drink or a beer here and there with a meal. I'm talking about how much money you spend and waste just buying drinks at clubs and bars. You can easily blow $40, $50, $100, even $150 in one night. Not only have you spent all that money, but you wake up the next morning lacking the clarity and focus that you need to move yourself forward in your goals. We all know of people that would have been much more successful if it hadn't been for their alcohol problem.

Focus on Financial Success, Not Chasing Multiple Women

Now let's hit number three. This one I'm talking about because the majority of my audience here is male. So, I'm talking directly to you guys. There's a particular activity that you spend a lot of time and money on that is going to kill your pursuit of financial success. Some statistics show that men spend an average of 90 minutes per day on this, and even more on weekends. And I know what you're thinking. I'm not talking about wasting your life on some seedy back corner of the internet, although that probably needs to go too. But I'm talking about how much time, money, and energy you spend in the pursuit of multiple women. Women appreciate men that have ambition, politeness, even a guy who can take the lead. And women are going to lose interest in you if they look deeper and they realize that you lack the drive and ambition to really support them and to succeed financially.

Creating a Budget for Financial Success

All right, so if you've made it this far in the video, this shows that you do really have a commitment to your financial success. And this habit that I'm about to tell you might be even harder than the other ones, but it was one of the keys to my success in my online business. You see, when I got started in the early 2000s in an online business, I had very little money coming in, but I needed time to build my online business. So, what we did was we budgeted very carefully so we could actually live on what I could bring in from working only 20 hours per week. And then, that left me the other 20 hours in the work week to spend building my online business, even though it wasn't bringing in very much money at first. And eventually, that online business grew to the point where it was supporting us all by itself. But the key here is that we had a careful plan for how we spent our money, namely we had a budget.

Limiting Screen Time for Financial Success

Now we get to my last habit that you need to break if you ever want to get rich. And I saved this one for last because it might be one of the most unpopular ones. But before I tell you what it is, I want to ask you a couple of questions. Do you fall asleep looking at your phone? Do you use your phone as an alarm, for example? The first thing that you see when you wake up, is it the light of the screen on your phone? And then between those times, how much time do you spend on screens every day? I'm going to tell you a secret: if you want to achieve financial success, you have to limit your screen time.

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