HomeBlogOthers1k Telegram Stars = $10.88 - Claim Free Unlimited Telegram Stars With Major Airdrop

1k Telegram Stars = $10.88 - Claim Free Unlimited Telegram Stars With Major Airdrop

  1. Introduction to Earning Telegram Stars
  2. Getting Started with Major Stars
  3. Earning Major Stars through Activities
  4. Strategies for Using Telegram Stars
  5. Engaging with Major Tokens Features
  6. Earning Major Tokens
  7. Spin Feature for Major Tokens
  8. Tasks for Earning Major Stars
  9. FAQ

Introduction to Earning Telegram Stars

Hey, what's up guys? Welcome back to my channel, this crypto zone. I'm glad you joined us in today's article. So guys, recently I made a video where I showed you guys how you can be able to buy telegram stars using the fragment. I show you guys how to do this using the tone keeper. So in this video, I'll be showing you how you can be able to potentially earn free telegram stars using a project currently ongoing known as the major. So this project was launched by telegram themselves, and this will help you earn telegram stars in the form of major stars.

Getting Started with Major Stars

So in this video, I'll be showing you everything you need to know about the measure and how you can be able to tap into the measure stars right here. And also the potentials that are involved with the measure and everything you need to know about the project. So over here, I will leave the link for you on this video. You can find the link also on my telegram group, so go ahead and use the link to get started.

Earning Major Stars through Activities

So once you click on the link, it's going to bring you over to the page. Your homepage is going to look exactly like this. It's going to show you this! You need to go ahead and claim the daily bonus that are involved once you log into the app. And also, you need to go ahead and join the major telegram channel. After that, go ahead and verify the task and you are good to go.

Strategies for Using Telegram Stars

So now like I said, the link for you to sign up is on the description and like I said, over here is my balance right here. So you can see your transaction. You will be able to convert your ratings to measure tokens later. So this is my ratings right here, and from what I'm seeing right here, you can be able to boost your rank right here.

Engaging with Major Tokens Features

So now we're not boosting anything so far. We'll be getting free ones for now. So now how do you earn major tokens right here or how do you earn the major which is the stars right here? There are many ways to earn right here. Over here in the end feature, you can be able to see that there are a lot of options to earn right here, but we'll be coming to that later.

Earning Major Tokens

So right now we have about 19 seconds left for it to finish. So like I said, you have to hold continuously for it to count. So if you're able to remove your hand from holding the stars automatically it's going to stop. So you have to until it elapses. So we have just 4 seconds to go, and we are done. And right now we are done with this, and you can see right here I can able to go ahead and claim my balance right here.

Spin Feature for Major Tokens

Now you can see right here hold the coin to make it grow. The longer you hold, the more coins you earn. Release to collect your reward. Play every 8 hours. So I have to wait for the next 8 hours to come back right here to be able to go ahead and hold my coins to 1 major token.

So the next thing right here is the spin. So you can see right here Spin to Win guaranteed prizes. You have a free spin every 8 hours.

Tasks for Earning Major Stars

Now let's go over to the Earn Center. So over here is the Earn Center. There are a lot of tasks right here for you to do to be able to earn stars right here. And of course, before now I've showed you how you can be able to actually buy using Fragment. So the video is also linked on this video, you can go ahead to watch it if you are looking for how to buy stars and also how to sell telegram Stars you can actually convert your stars right to T coin and use your money anytime you want.


Q: What is the Major Stars project about?
A: The Major Stars project is a project launched by Telegram that allows users to earn Telegram stars in the form of Major stars.
Q: How can users get started with Major Stars?
A: Users can get started by clicking on the provided link and joining the Major Telegram channel to begin claiming daily bonuses and verifying tasks.
Q: What are the strategies for using Telegram Stars?
A: Users can boost their rank by converting their ratings to Major tokens and engage with various features to earn Major stars.
Q: How can users earn Major Tokens through activities?
A: Users can claim daily bonuses, join the Major Telegram channel, and verify tasks to earn Major stars through various activities.
Q: What is the Spin feature for Major Tokens?
A: The Spin feature allows users to earn guaranteed prizes by spinning every 8 hours and holding coins to earn more rewards.
Q: What tasks are available for earning Major Stars?
A: Users can visit the Earn Center to find a variety of tasks that can be completed to earn Major stars, including buying, selling, and converting Telegram stars.

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