HomeBlogAffiliate MarketingDo This For 20 Minutes Per Day and Make $750 - $10k Per Month

Do This For 20 Minutes Per Day and Make $750 - $10k Per Month

  1. Unlocking Passive Income in 20 Minutes a Day
  2. Step by Step Guide for Building Your Online Business
  3. Establishing Your Online Presence
  4. Building a Strong Online Presence with a Free Website
  5. Leveraging Google Maps for Business Success
  6. Monetizing Your Efforts and Enjoying Residual Income
  7. Harnessing the Power of Automation and Passive Income
  8. Optimizing and Scaling Your Business

Unlocking Passive Income in 20 Minutes a Day

I'm going to show you a technique that takes only 20 minutes per day, and you can expand it up to between $750 per month, even up to $10,000 per month, and even more. Here's a few deposits from this technique that I received after I was spending over 8 hours per day on this and really blowing it up huge. But you don't need to spend 8 hours per day on this to even make a full-time income with it. These simple steps can be completed by almost anyone as long as you have a computer and an internet connection and 20 minutes per day to spare. The thing is, after you spend that initial 20 minutes per day doing the setup, then it actually runs on autopilot. It continues to pay you whether you are working or not.

Step by Step Guide for Building Your Online Business

I know it sounds too good to be true, but watch this whole video and let me explain, and you're going to see how it works. It's going to be immediately clear how this thing runs on autopilot, and I'm going to show you the whole thing right now, start to finish. Now I'm going to give you these steps, and these steps are going to be completed in 20-minute increments. For the first day, you're going to spend 20 minutes, and in that 20 minutes, you're going to pick a niche. In order for this to work, you have to pick a niche that is like a local Services Niche, so think about like Roofing or like electrician or something like that, a local Services Niche. This is really important. There are some specific steps to picking this Niche, and I want you to use some special software that I have in order to pick the niche, and to get that software, it's 100% free.

Establishing Your Online Presence

Now the next day, you're going to spend 20 minutes setting up a phone number. And it's going to be 100% free. All you have to do is go to Google Voice, which you can go to voice.google.com to get it, and you just click on this button right here for personal use and set up the phone number. It's really simple to do. And you're also going to, in these 20 minutes on the second day, you're going to pick a business name. So, whatever the niche that you picked, it needs to be related to that business. So, let's say you picked Roofing, then you would create a business name called something like Bob's Roofing or We Do It Right Roofing, whatever it is.

Building a Strong Online Presence with a Free Website

Now on the third day, you're going to spend 20 minutes setting up a free website. And the way that you do that is you go to Google and you're going to do a search for free template mod monster. And then you want to click on the link that comes up here, free design templates, template monster. And that's how you're going to get the free website. And if you need instructions on how to do that, I have a whole YouTube video on how to do it.

Leveraging Google Maps for Business Success

Okay, now Step four, on the fourth day, you're going to spend 20 minutes registering on Google Maps. And the way that you do that is you go to Google Maps and up here in the upper left, you're going to click on those three lines, and then you're going to click here, add a missing place. And what you're going to do here is right here in place name, you're going to type in the business name that you invented. So Bob's Roofing or We Do It Right Roofing or whatever it is. Don't worry if you know how to do this service or not, we're going to get to that in a second.

Monetizing Your Efforts and Enjoying Residual Income

Now on day five, you're going to spend 20 minutes verifying this thing on Google Maps. And the way you do that is you actually just click on this link claim this business to actually verify it. And when you verify it, Google's going to take you through some steps to verify it. And that's going to make that go live on Google Maps. And what's going to happen is, let's say, for example, I set one up called We Do It Right Roofing. After I do the verification step, We Do It Right Roofing is going to become another pin on the map right here so that if people call for roofing Services, they're actually going to call my free phone number.

Harnessing the Power of Automation and Passive Income

In Step six, you're going to go back to that free software that you downloaded in step one. You remember way back in step one, you went to my website and you downloaded some free software. You're going to go back to that software. Do a search for your Niche. What you want to do is you want to look at column five and column 12 in the software. And I'm not going to tell you what those columns are right now. I don't want you to get distracted because you actually have to do the first five steps first.

Optimizing and Scaling Your Business

Step seven, we actually aren't going to do any work. We're going to take a Sabbath day. We're just going to take a break and rest from it. Now on day eight, what you're going to do is you're going to spend 20 minutes repeating step six. And what I want you to do is you're going to take step step six and you're going to repeat that over and over and over, 20 minutes per day until that free phone number that you set up starts to ring.

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