HomeBlogAffiliate Marketing10 Side Hustles You Can Start In 2024 ($10k/month or more!)

10 Side Hustles You Can Start In 2024 ($10k/month or more!)

  1. 10 Side Hustles to Improve Your Income
  2. YouTube Script Writing as a Lucrative Side Hustle
  3. Video Editing as a Lucrative Side Hustle
  4. Graphic Designing as a Lucrative Side Hustle
  5. Starting a Social Media Marketing Agency as a Side Hustle
  6. TikTok Theme Pages and Coaching as Profitable Side Hustles
  7. eBay Flipping and Website Designing as Lucrative Side Hustles
  8. Website Designing Using AI as a Lucrative Side Hustle
  9. Sales as a Lucrative Side Hustle
  10. Making Money with Google Maps as a Lucrative Side Hustle
  11. FAQ

10 Side Hustles to Improve Your Income

Look, there's never been a more important time to improve your income than now. And there are so many ways that you can make money online these days. Now, to help you do that, I've put together a list of 10 things that you can do - side hustles that you can do with just a Wi-Fi connection and a laptop. Now, I'm not saying these things are going to make you a millionaire, but these things can certainly provide a full-time income, or they can provide just a few thousand extra dollars per month. Now, if one or two of these ideas don't appeal to you, keep watching because I've got 10 of them. I'm almost positive that at least one of them in this video is going to appeal to you.

YouTube Script Writing as a Lucrative Side Hustle

The first side hustle that I want to talk about is being a YouTube script writer. So let's say you're very intrigued about an idea or a topic or something like that, but you don't feel like you maybe have the personality to actually be on YouTube and have a YouTube channel yourself. You might not know this, but YouTube channel owners are always looking for people that can write scripts to help them save time when they're producing YouTube videos. So that means they'll actually hire you to write out what they should say in their YouTube video. If you think about it, it's the same thing like in the music industry - some of the biggest names out there actually have people writing their songs for them once they get to a certain level. You can make a lot of money writing scripts for YouTubers and you can get AI to help you write it. Let's just say you wanted to write a YouTube script about supplements and nutrition. You can actually ask Chat GPT to write you a YouTube script and here's what you can say: "Write me a YouTube script for a 7-minute YouTube video on the topic of best supplements to help you sleep." Literally within minutes, Chat GPT is going to write a YouTube script for you including timestamps and everything you would need to deliver it to a YouTuber. And they can literally read this thing on camera when they're producing a YouTube video. The way that you find YouTubers that are looking for this is you go on a site called YT Jobs. This is a site where popular YouTubers go to try to find people to help them with their YouTube channel. So on here we have YouTube editors, we have YouTube script writers, we have thumbnail creators. This could become a full-time income because there's a huge demand for this right now.

Video Editing as a Lucrative Side Hustle

Video editing is a second side hustle that you can do. It's absolutely blowing up right now. There are many new creators that can get out there - they have the personality, they can do the filming, but they need someone to edit the video to make it ready to publish on YouTube. You can easily make anywhere between $2,000 a month to even $10,000 a month once you get going on this. You might say, "Oh, I don't know anything about video editing." My own two kids actually taught themselves video editing when they were teenagers, and they created YouTube videos and YouTube ads that got millions of views and generated millions of dollars online as teenagers. If you have a computer with some simple video editing software, you can start with that. There are online tutorials that can teach you how to do it, and in the end, you'll realize it's actually not that difficult to get good at it if you're willing to put in the work and learn.

Graphic Designing as a Lucrative Side Hustle

The third side hustle is a graphic designer. If you're someone that has a good eye for design, you can do this. You can go on sites like Upwork and click here on "Find Work." There are people on Upwork that are posting looking for someone to do graphic design for them. There are also thousands of businesses out there that are trying to get on social media - they're trying to get on Facebook, they're trying to get on Twitter to promote their businesses, but they don't have the graphic design skills to create any kind of visual graphics to post. Here's a video of my daughter when she was only 17. I'm actually driving her to a sales meeting with her third client, and what did she do? Graphic design.

Starting a Social Media Marketing Agency as a Side Hustle

The fourth side hustle is a marketing agency, and I'm not talking about just any marketing agency. I'm talking about a marketing agency where you focus on doing social media. You would be surprised how many businesses out there are trying to promote themselves on social media and just don't know how to do it. A lot of them don't even have a Facebook account. You can go into a site like D7 Lead Finder that I'm showing right here, and it will actually show you which businesses have different things. So as I scroll down, I can see this one here - all Bas Solar Construction, they don't have an Instagram account. Neither does Accidental Power. These ones down here are Aurora Solar they don't have Facebook pages. It's very simple to create a Facebook page, to create an Instagram page for these businesses. You can use Canva to spice them up, make them look good with some cool graphics, and you hardly have to know anything about graphic design or marketing to set up these social media accounts for small businesses.

TikTok Theme Pages and Coaching as Profitable Side Hustles

The next side hustle is TikTok theme pages. TikTok is absolutely blowing up right now. Build your own audience surrounding any kind of topic that you know about. If you're passionate about a topic, if you know a lot about it - it might be a hobby that you spent a lot of time on and you really know a lot about - believe me, there is an audience for you on TikTok. TikTok can even pay you for the views that are on your TikTok videos. While we're talking about the idea of something that you're passionate about, something else that you can do is be a coach. If you have a passion like nutrition or bodybuilding or even just a hobby that you spent a lot of time on and you know a lot about, do a Google search for the word of that hobby - let's say it's nutrition for example - and then the word coach. Just look at how many people are offering coaching on that hobby or topic that you're really passionate about. You're going to be surprised at what they charge and what they're offering. You might even look and say, "Wow, I could do this too." And if you don't feel that confident about it, just start with a low cost like $20 an hour or something like that. While you get confident, before you know it, you're going to be charging a lot more, and you're going to be a lot more confident offering coaching services.

eBay Flipping and Website Designing as Lucrative Side Hustles

Next up is eBay flipping - which is Gary V's favorite thing to talk about. It's real quick in the flip life - that's how it can happen, it can change real quick. This is super good if you got a lot of things around your house that you could sell on eBay. You can even go to garage sales and get things for a great deal and then turn around and sell them on eBay. The key here is taking really good photos. It will make your items look a lot better than anyone else selling them. You'd be surprised at how well you can do selling things on eBay. Another trick for selling things on eBay is going into eBay and let's say you found an item at a garage sale that was a record player. Go up here on the right and you click on "Advanced," and then down here you check this little box called "sold items." What it's going to bring up is people that have actually sold record players, for example, and how much they sold them for. Let's say you found a very specific record player at a garage sale and you're wondering how much to sell it for. You can literally search for that exact thing on eBay and chances are someone has already sold it in the past, and you can see how much it went for.

Website Designing Using AI as a Lucrative Side Hustle

The next one is website designer, and this is actually personally how I got started with my online business. I actually learned - I taught myself web design. You could just do a simple search for web design software. I didn't know anything about web design when I started. I literally taught myself in a couple of weeks how to do it. I created a website for a non-existent business, so I just invented - I think it was a lawn care business. I just went out there and I told clients, "Hey, here's a website I've designed," and based on that one site I got a client that provided me with over $100,000 worth of work doing web design and internet marketing. Nowadays, you can create websites even easier with AI, like this website right here, Durable. Can create a website for you for a small business. All you do is type in a few prompts and it creates the whole site for you.

Sales as a Lucrative Side Hustle

The next one is sales. Doing sales from your home on Zoom or on the phone is a career that is blowing up right now. This is where you get hired by someone who has maybe a coaching program or they have some kind of a high-ticket product, and you get on Zoom and you talk to people about it, you close the deal, and then you get a commission. I actually personally have a sales team where I hire people to do this myself, so I know this is a huge money maker for a lot of people. A lot of companies even provide you with the leads, so they'll fill up your calendar with people to talk to all day about their product, and everyone that you can convince to buy the product, you get a commission off of that sale.

Making Money with Google Maps as a Lucrative Side Hustle

Last but not least is my personal favorite - making money with Google Maps. To do this side hustle, you go to Google Maps and up here in the upper left you click on these three lines and you click "add a missing place." What you're going to do here is you're going to put - so since we're talking about plumber, I'm just going to put in a place name and then category, I'm going to choose plumber. I'm not going to fill out the whole thing for you, but you basically go through and fill out all of the steps in this form. Google Maps will lead you through the whole process, and in the end what's going to happen is Google is going to create for you a little pin on the map. When someone searches for plumber, and you will be right here - say it's Bob's Plumber - it will show up right here in this list when someone searches for plumber. People will click right here and call the phone number that you put in there. You might say, "Well, I'm not a plumber." What you do then is you turn around and refer that business out to an actual plumber for a fee. I have a ton of students that are doing this day in and day out. One of my kids does this, and this is a business that can be set up completely on autopilot because the calls you set up the calls to be routed automatically through to the small business. Let's say it's a plumber, and every time someone calls the number here, it goes straight through to the plumber. At the end of the month, you tally up all the calls that you sent and you charge the plumber for them. These can go for between $20 and $30 per call, or you can even do a commission deal where you say for every job that the plumber does you want to get 10 or 15% of it. It's a great income model, and I actually have a free class in the link in the description of this video. If you click on that, we go in a lot more depth into this specific business model, but this business model can make you more than maybe any of the other ones that I talked about today, and the nice thing about it is it's 100% on autopilot once you set up the calls. You set up the calls to be routed and everything happens on autopilot. In fact, my daughter has one that she set up when she was only 13. Now she's 18, it's been running on autopilot for years, and she hardly does anything. All she does is send an invoice to her client for how much, how many calls she sent during that period of time. But again, even if you don't want to do the Google Maps thing, you could pick one of the other side hustles that I covered in this video, make yourself a great side income or even turn it into a gig.


Q: What are some side hustles to improve income?
A: Some side hustles to improve income include YouTube script writing, video editing, graphic designing, starting a social media marketing agency, TikTok theme pages coaching, eBay flipping, website designing, sales, and making money with Google Maps.
Q: How can I make money by writing YouTube scripts?
A: By being a YouTube script writer, you can help YouTube channel owners by writing scripts for their videos, saving them time in video production. Platforms like YT Jobs can help you find opportunities to write scripts for YouTubers.
Q: Is video editing a lucrative side hustle?
A: Yes, video editing is a lucrative side hustle with a high demand. Beginners can start with simple video editing software and online tutorials to learn the necessary skills.
Q: How can I start a graphic designing side hustle?
A: To start a graphic designing side hustle, you can offer your services on platforms like Upwork or approach businesses that require graphic design for their social media posts.
Q: What is a social media marketing agency side hustle?
A: Starting a social media marketing agency as a side hustle involves helping businesses promote themselves on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Tools like D7 Lead Finder can help identify businesses in need of social media presence.
Q: What are TikTok theme pages and coaching as side hustles?
A: TikTok theme pages involve building an audience around a specific topic on TikTok. Coaching, on the other hand, allows you to offer your expertise in areas like nutrition, bodybuilding, or hobbies to those seeking guidance.
Q: How does eBay flipping work as a side hustle?
A: eBay flipping involves buying items at a low cost and reselling them on eBay for a profit. Conducting research on sold items can help determine pricing strategies for successful flips.
Q: Can AI be used for website designing as a side hustle?
A: AI can be utilized for website designing, making it easier for beginners to create websites. Platforms like Durable can assist in generating websites for small businesses through prompt inputs.
Q: How can I make money with Google Maps as a side hustle?
A: Making money with Google Maps involves adding missing places to the map and referring businesses for a fee. By setting up calls to be automatically routed to the business, you can earn income from each call or negotiate commission deals.

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