  1. Starting Your Own Print-on-Demand: A Lucrative Online Business Idea for 2021
  2. Monetizing Your Instagram Account: A Trending Online Business Idea for 2021
  3. Reselling: A Lucrative Online Business Idea for 2021
  4. Online Learning: An Empowering Online Business Idea for 2021
  5. FAQ

Starting Your Own Print-on-Demand: A Lucrative Online Business Idea for 2021

So I don't want today's video to be super long. I've actually already done a video on um, 10 side hustles that everyone should be thinking about or be considering if they're looking to start a side hustle, which is a lot longer than this one, a lot more detailed. So if you are interested in this type of thing and you're still looking for more ideas after this video, I'll put a link up there. I 100% recommend checking it out. So I'm going to take you through my top four online business ideas for 2021, specifically for 2021. These will probably work in other years too, but I've specifically chosen these four ideas because they're really reflective of the current consumer spending habits, what the world's like at the minute. Obviously, we are still in the middle of a pandemic, so these ideas really reflect the current um, zeitgeist. Is that the right word? God, I'm like flying back to media A-level times. But if that's the right word, then these are what these ideas are really going to represent.

Monetizing Your Instagram Account: A Trending Online Business Idea for 2021

The second one is monetizing your Instagram account. And making a bit of assumption here and just assuming that you have an Instagram account because so many people do. But you might not, in which case you could create one. Um, but you know, I've made a video on this before, which is where I talk about how I turned my Instagram account into a side hustle, and I actually exposed how much money I made from it this year. It was a small account. I've started monetizing it with just 3,000 followers. But you don't even need 3,000 followers to start that process. You could do it with even less. And there's a bunch of different ways that you can do it. You can do it through affiliate marketing, which is basically where you recommend products, and if certain people buy your products via the link you've shared, you earn a commission back. You could do it through getting paid collaborations with brands, which is definitely the most lucrative form of turning it into your side hustle. I'm actually doing a digital guide on how you can get brands to collaborate with you and pay you the big bucks, which will be coming out shortly. And head to the link in the description if you want to register for pre-sales. If you're not into the whole influencing, taking photos of you and your food type thing, there's other niches. I just said the niche that I do, and then, don't worry, there's also other pages that you could create where you don't even need to show your face. There are such things as theme pages. I said 'theme' then, theme, theme pages with the 'th'. You've probably come across them before, but you probably didn't realize that they're actually a business. And what theme pages are, are basically, um, Instagram accounts which are dedicated towards a specific niche. I'll take fashion, for example, because there's so many of those, but they've built up a huge communication, they've built up a huge community of people who are interested in fashion, for example, who all follow their page. And what they basically do is repost other people's content. So they don't need to create any of their own content. All they need to do is figure out which content is going to be well received by their audience and share it and repost it. How these pages make money is that they can charge brands for features or shoutouts on their pages. I've paid for shoutouts on theme pages before for my brands, and they've been very successful, almost, if not more successful than some of the influencer collaborations I've done. So that's another way that you can make money from Instagram.

Reselling: A Lucrative Online Business Idea for 2021

The third idea is reselling. I've spoken about reselling in a few of my other videos before, and because it is such a good hustle. But especially for 2021 because I was actually talking to my friend the other day who loves a good boot sale. That's, she goes to boot sales. And I think in America they're like, are they garage sales or garage, garage. Why do I know how to say garret? Boot sales in England. And she actually goes to boot sales all the time because she likes to try and find really cool vintage old-school pieces, right? And that's where she finds them. And she made a really good point that they don't exist anymore because, you know, people don't like to be around people because we don't want to catch COVID. So everyone's indoors all the time, which means that the way in which people are actually selling their items is different. It's changed and it's very much gone online. So what that could mean for you is that you might have friends and family who have amazing items which they're trying to get rid of, which they normally do boot sales to get rid of, but they can't at the minute. And they might be willing to give them to you to sell on eBay or another kind of marketplace like that. And the other side of reselling is also, this is quite a lucrative side, is spotting trends for items which are going to be really difficult to purchase. For example, the brand new PlayStation and signing up to back in stock alert programs. If you've not seen these before, I'll link to some in my description. But basically, what they do is alert you when certain products are back in stock, so that you can be one of the first people to purchase them.

Online Learning: An Empowering Online Business Idea for 2021

My final one, which is my favorite one and which is one which I'm going to be doing in 2021, I'm already in the process of planning it, is online learning. And by that, I don't mean just take part in online learning, which I actually do massively recommend as well, but by that I mean actually creating your own online program. So whether that's you starting an online course or it's what I'm doing, which is creating a digital guide for a topic that I know a lot of information about. And I think the key thing about this is it can first of all seem incredibly overwhelming because it requires a lot of work, but also it could be really off-putting for a lot of people who don't feel like they have an area of expertise that they can teach people in. And I'm here to tell you that's not true. We all have something that we can share with others, which is of value. It's just figuring out what that is. While you should be an expert in this field, that doesn't mean an expert doesn't mean someone who has been teaching in this field for several years, who's a university professor. That's not what expert means. It means someone who's dedicated a lot of time to learning about a specific area and can therefore have the authority to share that information. And while that might sound like, 'Oh, I've got to go do a course or something,' you might already know this information. You might have already spent a lot of time in this field. Think about your... Like, if you have a full-time job, think about what your full-time job is because for a lot of people out there, you would have been working in a full-time job for five, ten years, but then you'll still sit here and think, 'I don't have an area of expertise that I can teach.' Of course you do because you've been working in a specific area. You've been putting in 10 years into a specific field. So you've accumulated so much useful information. Obviously, nothing confidential. Like, you know, not that type of information. But you've accumulated loads of skills that you can share with people. And mine, for example, is business and marketing. And so the guide that I'm working on at the minute is all about Instagram, how you can use your Instagram to earn money and by getting paid promotions. The reason why I feel like I have the authority to speak in that space is because one, I've done it and do it at the minute with an Instagram page. Also, I've hired influencers for huge brands during my full-time job. I've also hired influencers for my own personal brands that I run, my boutiques that I run. And so therefore, I have a lot of information on that topic and I've got a lot of information that I can share.


Q: What are some lucrative online business ideas for 2021?
A: Some lucrative online business ideas for 2021 include starting your own print-on-demand business, monetizing your Instagram account, reselling items online, and creating online learning programs.
Q: How can I start a print-on-demand business?
A: To start a print-on-demand business, you can create unique designs for products such as t-shirts, mugs, or phone cases, then partner with a print-on-demand service that will handle printing, packaging, and shipping when orders come in.
Q: What are the ways to monetize an Instagram account?
A: You can monetize an Instagram account through affiliate marketing, paid collaborations with brands, creating theme pages dedicated to specific niches, and offering shoutouts or features to brands on your page.
Q: How can I start reselling items online?
A: You can start reselling items online by sourcing products from friends, family, or second-hand markets, then listing them on platforms like eBay. You can also spot trends and sign up for back-in-stock alerts for high-demand products.
Q: How can I create an online learning program?
A: To create an online learning program, you need to identify a topic you have expertise in, develop course content or guides, choose a platform to host your program, market it to your target audience, and deliver quality education materials.

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