HomeBlogOthersOverWallet KYC Method for All Country | OverWallet KYC Solution Full Guide (VERY IMPORTANT)

OverWallet KYC Method for All Country | OverWallet KYC Solution Full Guide (VERY IMPORTANT)

  1. [Music]
  2. Over Wallet Application Update
  3. Joining the Telegram Group
  4. The Process for Eligible Countries
  5. NFT Minting for Ineligible Countries
  6. 'Get Nethers NFT Now' Process
  7. Minting NFT for Airdrop Eligibility
  8. Solution for Unaffordable NFT Minting
  9. Final Thoughts and Future Updates
  10. FAQ


So hey guys, welcome back to my channel! Tonight, in today's article, I have come up with a big major issue which everyone is facing around the world. That is the over wallet Cil protection and the over wallet preparation for the main it and a lot of things. A lot of users are complaining that they cannot do it and their country has been restricted. A lot of people are saying that they do not know how to do that over wallet. What do you say, a KYC verification or connecting some exchanges? I'll be making sure that all the answers will be given in this video. Even if you're facing that your country is not eligible, there is an alternate way as well. And even if you feel that you cannot do, there is some error coming to you. I'll make sure that all the error is solved in this video.

Over Wallet Application Update

So make sure you join this. You subscribe to our channel if you are new over here. Make sure you subscribe to our channel. Just tap on that subscribe button and hit the like button because all the likes which you give us, it gives us the motivation. So I have done the deep research over here. It just took me like 2 or 3 days for this kind of information to get solved. And after that, once I contacted their over wallet team and I've got some couple of answers over here. So I'll be making sure that I'll put up in front of you every single thing. Because there will be multiple links, there will be multiple applications you have to install.

Joining the Telegram Group

Okay, so for that, you have to join this telegram group. Because in this telegram group, I'll be giving all the links whichever is necessary. So joining link is given in the description. Okay, there are so many fake groups from our, our name that is Nighton Crypto. So don't join any fake groups. Only join the telegram group which is given in the video description. Alright, so once you join this telegram group. So first of all, what you have to do is that the first thing, what you have to do is that you have to update your over wallet application. Okay, you have to update from the play store or app store or whatever the device you're using. So once you update the over protocol and once you open the app, it will be looking like this.

The Process for Eligible Countries

So once you select India, I'll just tap on confirm. And then what I'm I'm going to do is that I'm just going to scroll down. And you can see, you need to link a Flipster account. So if you just tap on the open Flipster, it will not work. So for that, what you have to do is that I'm going to give you one more link. Okay, in that link, you can register in Flipster exchange. Flipster is a crypto exchange actually. So you have to, what do you say, sign up over there and create an account. I'll be giving you the link for this, what do you say, application.

NFT Minting for Ineligible Countries

So you can see that there is 'Get Nethers NFT Now.' So why is this showing? So this is for people who are not eligible, whose country is not eligible. So what to do for them? OK, it's a simple solution. There is, what do you say, there is an article over here in their Twitter account. So what is that article? It's simple. So this article is simple. So what does it say? Who is eligible for the airdrop? So if you just go and read that article, it clearly shows over here, the three people who will be eligible.

'Get Nethers NFT Now' Process

So why is this showing? So this is for people who are not eligible, whose country is not eligible. So what to do for them? OK, it's a simple solution. There is, what do you say, there is an article over here in their Twitter account. So what is that article? It's simple. So this article is simple. So what does it say? Who is eligible for the airdrop? So if you just go and read that article, it clearly shows over here, the three people who will be eligible.

Minting NFT for Airdrop Eligibility

So first of all, I'll just tell you, OK, what you have to do is that you can see, 0.051 into 3,800 is 193 of that NFT worth price. Now let's talk about what you have to do. So then, I'll be giving you one more link where you have to mint the NFT. OK, so NFT minting is an easy part. OK, you, I'll, I'll be just giving this link to you in the Telegram group. Just paste it in the KV browser and then this ship will come in front of you guys. You have to just tap on that ship.

Solution for Unaffordable NFT Minting

So first of all, you have to just tap on the next button. So once you just tap on the next button, it will be showing like this. OK, then you'll just tap on 'I agree terms and condition.' So once you just tap on that button, you have to just tap on 'Next.' And once you just tap on 'Next,' it will connect your wallet. So you have to tap on this 'Connect' button. OK, you have to connect your wallet which you have imported. And then it will say that, 'Switch Network to Arbit from Mainnet.' And then just tap on the 'Switch Network' button. So once you just switch the network, then you have to just tap on 'Next.' So once you just tap them 'Next,' then it comes for you to pay the 0.05 ETH.

Final Thoughts and Future Updates

So this was a simple solution. So now talking about the people who do not afford this amount of money, what to do? OK, what is the solution for people who cannot afford this amount of money? So this, the solution is very simple. As I mentioned, there is seven more days left for the cyber protection. What do you say, the connecting flip-flop account and etc. So there is seven days left more. So what you can do is simple. You can just simply wait till they bring the update or I think you have missed the rally. OK, so it's not in my hand, it's not in your hands to decide the terms and conditions of the project.


Q: What is the major issue discussed in the article titled 'Music'?
A: The major issue discussed is about over wallet protection and preparation, particularly in countries where users are facing restrictions and challenges in completing tasks like KYC verification or connecting to exchanges.
Q: How long did it take to gather information for the 'Over Wallet Application Update'?
A: It took about 2 or 3 days to gather information for the Over Wallet Application Update after conducting deep research.
Q: What is the recommendation given for joining the Telegram group in the 'Joining the Telegram Group' section?
A: The recommendation is to join the Telegram group mentioned in the video description and avoid joining any fake groups, as only the official Telegram group is authentic.
Q: What is the process for eligible countries mentioned in the article?
A: For eligible countries, the process involves updating the over wallet application, selecting the country, and linking a Flipster account as part of the necessary steps.
Q: How is 'NFT Minting for Ineligible Countries' addressed in the content?
A: For ineligible countries, a solution involving obtaining Nethers NFT through an article on Twitter is provided as an alternative.
Q: What is the purpose of the process titled ''Get Nethers NFT Now' Process'?
A: The process is specifically for people in ineligible countries who are unable to participate in certain activities and provides a solution for them.
Q: How is the process of 'Minting NFT for Airdrop Eligibility' explained?
A: The process involves calculating the NFT value, followed by minting the NFT through a provided link in the Telegram group.
Q: What is the solution suggested for those who find NFT minting unaffordable?
A: The solution involves agreeing to terms and conditions, switching the network to Arbit from Mainnet, and paying the required amount to mint the NFT.
Q: What advice is given for individuals who cannot afford the NFT minting cost in the 'Final Thoughts and Future Updates' section?
A: The advice is to wait for future updates or project changes if unable to afford the current costs, as there may be adjustments or updates in the future.

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