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NotCoin Voucher Selling Method - NotCoin Mining LISTING | How to Withdraw NotCoin - $NOT Voucher

  1. NCoin Mining Update and Voucher Conversion Process
  2. NCoin Pre-Market Vouchers and Token Exchange Procedure
  3. The Introduction of .coin Mining Project and Airdrop Details
  4. .coin Mining Project Interface and Gaming Feature
  5. FAQ

NCoin Mining Update and Voucher Conversion Process

So hey guys, welcome back to my channel. Today's article is about the NCoin mining update. Alright, the NCoin mining has, however, come to an end, but there is an update regarding the vouchers, which people have uploaded and they have made as an NFT. A lot of people have not yet sold their VES. That means whatever the offer they have been put over there may be for $100 or $150, no one has bought it from them yet. So now the question comes is very clear that NCoin mining is listing on April 20th, which is 4/20 over here. So 4 is April and 20 is the date. So before the listing, there are plenty of questions. People are asking me how can they convert the voucher back into the NCoin, okay? How is that possible? And a lot of you guys were concerned regarding that because NCoin was not giving any update regarding to that issue as well. But today in this video, I have a small update to the people. And along with that, in this video, I'll be sharing a new mining project, which is very, very similar to NCoin. Their name is also similar to the NCoin. So which is that project and we can be able to get a much, much greater profit in that project as well. So make sure you watch the video completely till the end. Before starting the video, if you are new to my channel, don't forget to subscribe to our channel. We are getting closer towards 55,000 subscribers. Just tap on that subscribe button. Alright, so now we will get started with today's video.

NCoin Pre-Market Vouchers and Token Exchange Procedure

The update is very simple. So in this group, which is known as Trade NCoin, this group is an affiliate group of NCoin. So if you ask me what is an affiliate group, it's nothing but a subgroup. Let's say that for an example, India is a country. Okay, inside the India, there are many states like Karnataka. There are states like Tamil Nadu. There are states like Delhi. So similar like that, we have the NCoin groups as well. So the main group of NCoin is known as the NCoin official community, and this is the subgroup under the NCoin known as Trade NCoin. And there are plenty of groups similar to this as well based on different topics. So the meaning is that the news which I'm going to show you is the official news. It's not something like out of nowhere news. So that's why I explained you all that procedure about this group. Alright, so what is the update? You can see over here NCoin pre-market vouchers, and you can see they have clearly written over here, "Okay, what have they written?" That $14 million of volume has been generated through that VES. That means $14 million worth of VES has been bought and sold in this span of time. Now the question comes, is that how to exchange that back to the NCoin tokens? They clearly written over here that holders will be able to send VOR to smart contract, and then after the token generation event to get NCoin tokens back. So I'll be explaining you how this procedure works. Even though they will be launching a detailed process for that, I'm just going to give you a hint. The hint, why am I giving you this hint? Because some of you guys will be relieved after seeing that. So let's say that I'll just open any of the smart contract. So how are we going to do that? So for that, we will be opening Chrome browser, and then I'll just go into one of the smart contracts such as we have EttScan blockchain. So we will go over there. So similarly, they will be TA blockchain. So this is just an example I'm showing you. This is not an accurate step. I'm just giving you an idea how the process will be during the smart contract execution. Alright, so let's say that we will take any of the transaction from here. Alright, so we will take this transaction for an example. So in future, when we want to convert our voucher token, the NFT which we have converted into voucher, in future, if you want to convert it back to NCoin, we have to come here in a similar page like this. Not exactly this page. I'm telling you again and again, this is just an example how it's going to be done. So once you come over here, there will be something known as the smart contract. Alright, so there will be something known as logs, etc. So over here, we have to do some kind of what do you say, we have to write some of the commands. In the future, when they execute and when they give us the notification on how exactly it is done. So the process will be easy, but it will be looking difficult for new users. As you go on doing, when they drop an update, it will be easy for you. Okay, the news is very simple and the idea is very simple. You don't need to be worried if your voucher is still over there in their marketplace or something like that. Okay, don't worry about that because they have clearly told over here that you can convert those vouchers back into the NCoin. So this was the update regarding the NCoin mining voucher. Now let us just move forward to the new mining application, which is very similar to the NCoin. The token name is .coin. Instead of NCoin, we have a new project known as .coin. So let's just talk about that.

The Introduction of .coin Mining Project and Airdrop Details

This is the project over here. Everything starts from .coin. So you can see over here, they have almost around 173,000 followers, which is a very small number. If you just go and look in the NCoin mining community or NCoin mining official website or official Twitter handle, they have 1.6 million. But this project has 10x lower than that. Alright, the idea is very simple that we are very, very early over here, like how we were early on NCoin. Similarly, this is the scenario over here. So now what is the procedure to join this particular airdrop? Okay, I'll be giving you the link and this airdrop exactly works in the Telegram application as well. So first of all, I'll be giving you this link. Just tap on that start button. So once you just tap on start button, the bot will show somewhat like this. Now we have to come into this button. Let's go button and then we will tap on start again. And you can see it will be looking somewhat like this. Every single information and every single interface is exactly similar to the NCoin. You can see over here. So this is how it's going to be.

.coin Mining Project Interface and Gaming Feature

First of all, what is the interface? You guys know it very well. It's very, very similar to the NCoin. I don't need to explain anything much because everything is clear over here. Like earning part and boost part over here, as well as friends part. The new thing which is innovated, the new thing which is introduced into this particular bee is this one, Game X2. So basically they are having like a gambling sort of thing over here. So what do you need to do? Alright, let's say that whatever the tokens you have, for an example, I have 289,000 tokens, I can double it based on the gambling. So if I just try to gamble, it will either become zero or it will either become multiplied by two. So nothing in between. So how can you do that? It's very simple. Just tap on that Game X2 button and you can see if I just want to double it for the video's sake, I'm going to just tap on the double button. So I'll just try to tap on this double and you can basically adjust how much you want to use as a balance. So I'll just use it full of the balance and let's just try to do that. So I'll just tap on double and you can see over here. Yeah, I did a double of what my tokens. I got lucky and I got my tokens double. And let's say that if you want to invite your friends, it's similar. Just tap on that Friends button and then you can invite your friends over here. So basically, this is how the game is going to work and you can join my clan. I'll be just creating my clan over here and you can see already a lot of big players have already captured this particular mining project. So I'll be dropping my clan or my group link so you can join that as well because you know, in NCoin, we have almost crossed like 20,000 members in our group. So that was a very great achievement, that was a great response. So let's try to cross 30,000 in this particular mining project and let's see how can we get great profits in this as well. So yeah, I think that is it for today's video. Like and share this video as much as possible and I'll be meeting you in the next video until then.


Q: How can I convert my NCoin mining vouchers back into NCoin tokens?
A: You will be able to send VOR to a smart contract, and then after the token generation event, you can get NCoin tokens back.
Q: What is the process to join the airdrop for the new mining project .coin?
A: You can join the airdrop by following the provided link and interacting with the Telegram bot.
Q: What is the new gaming feature introduced in the .coin mining project?
A: The new gaming feature is called Game X2, where you can gamble to double your tokens in the mining project.

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