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New Exchange USDT Airdrop - New Crypto Instant Loot Claim | Kucoin Crypto Loot #crypto

  1. Participating in the CO Coin Exchange Airdrop
  2. Completing the CO Coin Airdrop Task and Verification Process
  3. FAQ

Participating in the CO Coin Exchange Airdrop

So hey guys, welcome back to my channel Nitron. In today's article, the Airdrop is coming from the Co Coin exchange and you can earn up to $5 of USDT into your account, into your Co Coin ID. So if anyone does not know what C coin is, let me just tell you. C coin is an exchange in the cryptocurrency which is in the sixth rank in the coin market cap. So, it means it is one of the biggest exchanges in the cryptocurrency, top six in ranking, which means that this is going to be a genuine airdrop and it's going to be legit. So, how do we participate in this airdrop and what are the steps? Everything is going to be easy and step by step. So, watch this video completely until the end, because the steps are going to be a little bit lengthy. So that is the reason, but the reward is 100 confirmed. First of all, let me just tell you, if you are new to my channel, don't forget to subscribe to our channel. We are very close to 30,000 subscribers. Just do that quickly and like our video. We are aiming for 150 likes for today's video. So, I know you guys will do that. First of all, what I'm going to do is that I'm going to give you the link to this Telegram group. So, join this Telegram group. The link is provided in the description of the video to join this group. Here you'll be getting two links. The first link will lead straight away into the CoCoin registration page. So, first of all, I want to tell you that even if you have an account in CoCoin, you need to make a new account over here. So, I know many of you might already be in CoCoin. Just make one more new account here and remember to use your email address as a signup process. And give the password and invitation code, it's important and mandatory because this invitation code is not mine. This invitation code is from the CoCoin team itself. So, using this invitation code, we will be eligible to earn up to $5 of USDT in our wallet or in our CoCoin ID. So, just use that invitation code. It will be automatically there, so no need to worry. Then just tap on Create Account. Once you tap on that Sign Up button, you'll be getting an OTP in your mail ID. So, just check that and input over here. Once it is done, then it will ask you to do somewhat this way. Verify Now something is shown here. So, just tap on Verify Now button. So, once you just tap on Verify Now button, it will ask you to do the KYC. So, this is going to be the first task which we need to do. So, there are three types of KYC: KYC 1, KYC 2, and KYC 3. You need to complete all these three KYC. It's going to be a simple process and it's all going to be a very easy process. So, first of all, I'll just tap on Verify button. All these steps are important, so you have to give any of the card here. So, if you have an ID card, just select ID card. But before that, select your country. Sometimes the country might be different. Okay, so once you select your country, choose any card. So, I'll be just selecting this one. And then once you do that, just tap on Continue. Then you have to enter the first name and last name, which is given in your driving license or ID card, whatever it is. Then you have to give that number which is in the ID card. Then just tap on Continue. Then it will ask you to start verification. Somewhat a button will come. Just tap on the start button. So once you just tap on that start button, you need to just submit all the ID card front photo and back photo and upload your selfie. All that thing will happen and you can see your verification will be under process.

Completing the CO Coin Airdrop Task and Verification Process

The next thing what we need to do is that we need to download the CoCoin application. Remember whichever the CoCoin application or CoCoin app you're downloading from Google Play Store, the device you're using right now, it shouldn't have been downloaded earlier. Okay, but still if you have downloaded earlier, it's on your risk. Because majorly they will detect that it is having multiple IDs or somewhat that way. So you can do it at your own risk. But if it is the first time you're installing the application, then it is good to go. You have no problem. So once it is installed, then you need to open the application. So you can see the application is installed. I'll just open this application. So it might take some time to load. So once this app is installed, the first thing what you need to do is that we just need to tap on that log in button. Okay, so I'll just close this thing and then I'll just go into the log in button. Okay, I'll just tap on log in here. So once I do that, I need to enter my email ID, whichever I have done that, and then I need to enter the password and log in successfully. So once you log in over here, you can see you just need to tap on profile button and you can see if you are verified or not. You have to just check. So I am verified. So now you just need to tap on that verified button. So once you just tap on that verified button, you can see which level KYC you are in right now. So you can see I'm in the level KYC and all the KYC has been verified. Now, what I need to do is that all the KYC has been verified, we need to make a small deposit over here. Okay, so there is a small deposit of just 10 TRX. So 10 TRX is very low. It is less than $1. So what we need to do over here is that we'll just go into asset section. So once you come into the asset section, we'll just tap deposit button and then we will select any coin here. So I'll just select it as TRX here. I'll just tap on TRX. Let me just select over here and then TRC20 and then I'll just copy the address from this particular exchange and then I'll open my trust wallet. So as low as what you say $10, you can just come here. 10 TRX you need to just deposit. So 10 TRX, I'm pretty sure that almost everyone has it. So I'll be just going into one more wallet where I actually have the 10 TRX. So let me just check over here. As you can see, I have 10 TRX here. So I'll just tap on send button. I'll paste the address and then I'll just select. I'll just write it as 11. So just to be safe, I'll just write it as 11 here. In the amount I'll just write it as 11. And then I'll just tap on send button and then it will be done quickly. So I'll just tap on confirm now and you can see I need to enter the pin or the password to confirm this transaction for TRX. And then the TRX deposit will be done successfully. You can say, you can just check over here and it will take a maximum of one minute and in order to check if the deposit has come or not, you can see here. We will just tap on this button. I'll just tap on this history button here. If you just go into history button, our transaction will be appearing over here and then our TRX will be loading into this CO coin. So as you guys can see, I received 11 TRX within just a few seconds. And once you receive this 11 TRX or 10 TRX, whatever you deposit, now what you need to do is that you need to come back and you can see we need to check where is it. So it is right now in the funding account. So from funding, we need to transfer it into trading account. So I'll just tap on transfer. And then I'll just select as TRX coin and from funding to trading and then TRX coin max. I'll just do it as max and then confirm. So once you do that, now we will go into trade section. So once you come into the trade section, we will just tap on BTC USDT here and then we will just select TRX over here and TRX USDT. Now we will buy and sell one time. Okay, so I'll just tap on Market. Okay, I'll just tap on Understand button. I'll just switch it into the market. What I'm going to do is that so we don't have USD to buy. So first of all, we will just tap on sell button. So 100% sell TRX and you can see we just need to set a password here. So once your trading password is set, just need to tap on this 100% and then just tap on sell TRX and it will ask you to enter that password. And once you do that, you can see order placed and successful. Now, similarly, we will just do this buy TRX and you can see we need to just do this. So once it is done, our steps are done, all the task is done. Now what we need to do next is that we just need to tap on or open the Chrome browser open the new tab. And then I'll be giving you one more link. Just paste that link in your Google Chrome browser. And you can see it is a CO coin and our Nitron campaign. So the prize is written over here, what is the prize. So first of all, you just need to create a new account. You have all done that. You can see here, you have to create or complete a trade. We have also done that. We have also done the KYC. Everything is done. So now, for top five users who will do that, okay, so the first top five users who will deposit more, they will be getting $5 USDT. And then remaining users, let it be 1,000 users or 10,000 users, unlimited amount of members. Whoever is coming after number five, everyone will receive $3 USDT as a confirm. Now, what we need to do is that, so first of all, in order to fill the form, we just need to tap on this Enter your CO coin ID. So we will go back into the CO coin application and then go into home section and then just select over here in the profile section. Copy this UI ID and then paste here in this particular space. So once you do that, it asks for the trade history screenshot. So now what we are going to do is that we will just go into the trade section, that is the trade section, we will go and then there's something here known as history. We, this button, you can see on the screen. So we will just tap on that button and then we will just go into order history. And you can see we will just take the screenshot of this. So once you take the screenshot of this, then we will come here into form, Google form and then paste that here. So once you upload the screenshot, it will take some time to upload and then after that, you just need to tap on submit button. So let me just tell you, once you just submit over here, I want to tell you when it will be credited. So $3 USDT or $5 USDT, whatever you'll be getting, you'll be getting at the end of the month. We still have like somewhere around 29 to 28 days left. So what we are going to do right now is that you can create as many IDs as possible. You can do unlimited IDs. Remember to use the KYC of some other people. And remember to use their mobile phone because if you use your mobile phone multiple times, you will have less chances. So now I'll just tap on submit button and then my form will be submitted over here and my participation is completed. So this was the entire process of how you can join this CO coin airdrop. And I know it needs some amount of fees, but you will be getting that fees because if you qualify or if you are eligible and if you do all the tasks without cheating or without skipping it, then you will be getting this 100 sure. So now that's what I want to tell you. Just go and do it immediately. And I'll be meeting you in the next video, guys. Until then, take.


Q: What is the CO Coin Exchange Airdrop about?
A: The CO Coin Exchange Airdrop is an opportunity to earn up to $5 USDT by following certain steps on the Co Coin exchange platform.
Q: How can someone participate in the CO Coin Airdrop?
A: To participate in the CO Coin Airdrop, individuals need to create a new account on the Co Coin platform, complete the KYC verification process, make a small deposit, and perform a trade within the platform. Detailed steps are provided in the CO Coin Exchange Airdrop guide.

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