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My Instagram Strategy at 0 Followers VS. 290,000 Followers

  1. Neil Patel's Instagram Strategy: From Zero to 290,000 Followers
  2. Content Experimentation and Initial Growth on Instagram
  3. Engagement, Testing, and Partnerships
  4. Live Interviews and Collaborations for Instagram Growth
  5. Expanding Reach with Interview Reciprocation
  6. FAQ

Neil Patel's Instagram Strategy: From Zero to 290,000 Followers

I have a simple strategy to get you 100,000 followers on Instagram. That's right, 100,000 followers. It's so effective, it didn't just help me get 100,000 followers. Heck, it got me even over 200,000 followers. Hey, everyone, I'm Neil Patel and today, I'm going to break down my Instagram strategy that took me from zero to 290,000 followers. (upbeat music)

Content Experimentation and Initial Growth on Instagram

I've been able to grow my Instagram account from, literally, nearly zero followers to over 290,000 followers in just about two years. And I didn't even send out an email blast to my list, saying, "Follow me on Instagram." I just did all the stuff that I'm going to present in this video.

Engagement, Testing, and Partnerships

What I learned is that a few types of content tend to really outperform the others and really drive more followers. So I immediately started doubling down on one type of thing, partnerships. I ignored the rest. Yes, you still need to post content consistently. It needs to be high in quality. But what I really learned was partnerships is what grew my following more than anything else.

Live Interviews and Collaborations for Instagram Growth

Literally, do live partnerships with other people. If you have 50,000 followers or 500 followers, it doesn't matter. When you go live and you tell other people about it, a lot of them will want to go with you because it's just like doing an interview. That's it. That's all I did to really grow my followers. It was the number one strategy.

Expanding Reach with Interview Reciprocation

And as you start growing, you start hitting 15, 20,000-plus followers, then what you do is as you start interviewing people on your channel when you go live, ask them to do the reciprocal, in which ask them to post a story on their profile about your interview. Let me know if you've tried this out, leave a comment. Try it out, seriously, it works. This is all I did to really grow my follower count.


Q: What is Neil Patel's Instagram strategy for gaining followers?
A: Neil Patel shares his strategy to get from zero to 290,000 followers on Instagram through effective content and engagement.
Q: How did Neil Patel experiment with content to grow his Instagram account?
A: Neil Patel emphasized on content experimentation, focusing on what types of content perform best and driving more followers through partnerships.
Q: What did Neil Patel learn about partnerships and Instagram growth?
A: Neil Patel learned that partnerships were a key factor in growing his following more than other content types, alongside the importance of posting high-quality consistent content.
Q: What strategy did Neil Patel suggest for Instagram growth through live interviews and collaborations?
A: Neil Patel recommends doing live partnerships with others, regardless of the follower count, as it serves as a powerful engagement tool similar to an interview.
Q: How does Neil Patel suggest expanding reach on Instagram through interview reciprocation?
A: As followers grow, Neil Patel advises requesting interviewees to reciprocate by posting a story on their profile about the interview, contributing to a boost in follower count.

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