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Is Facebook Work From Home Program Legit

  1. Understanding the Facebook Work-at-Home Scams
  2. Differentiating Scams from Legitimate Ways to Make Money on Facebook
  3. Legitimate Ways to Earn Money Through Facebook: Insights from Successful Users
  4. Utilizing Facebook for Marketing and Generating Income
  5. FAQ

Understanding the Facebook Work-at-Home Scams

Is the Facebook work-at-home program legit? Is that real? Can you just hang out on Facebook all day and have money in your face? I'm going to go over it in this video. So, my guess is you've been to a certain number of sites that look like this. I'm going to flash some sites here that tell you that you can earn millions of dollars working at home. You know, working for Facebook or something to that extent, or that Mark Zuckerberg is just handing away money for people to work for Facebook. There's a lot of scams out there, people. And you need to be aware of what's real and what's not. Most of the things you see online... Almost everything that you see online about Facebook working at home with Facebook will be a scam, okay? Will be a scam. And what they don't tell you is that to really make money with Facebook, you need to have at least a million followers on your page. Okay? You need really have at least a million followers to really make a full-time income.

Differentiating Scams from Legitimate Ways to Make Money on Facebook

I'm going to go over exactly how to make money on Facebook in a second here. I'm going to show you on my computer. But first, I want to tell you what is a scam and then we'll get into how you really make money with Facebook. So, I've seen a lot of things say that you can make money posting links on Facebook. And wow! Yes! My business is affiliate marketing. And it is posting links and earning commissions. That is not Facebook paying you money. So, you're not actually working for Facebook if you're posting links on Facebook. That is not Mark Zuckerberg paying you money. Also, if you found some like Facebook work-at-home program through an ad, then it's fake. Because Facebook would never advertise any of their work-at-home programs, okay? That's another thing. They simply do not do. And third off, if you've found some sort of program which is making you pay to get some sort of work-at-home kit to work for Facebook, you know, that is a scam as well. Because Facebook would not make you pay them to work for them. Okay? It's not just how it works.

Legitimate Ways to Earn Money Through Facebook: Insights from Successful Users

So, let's go into what is not a scam. Okay, so first off, to give a little context here, I've made a lot of money using Facebook. But what I do is I buy ads on Facebook. Okay? I've spent millions of dollars. I've actually given Facebook let's say about a million dollars. But I've made back about 3 to 4 million dollars. So, I advertise products on Facebook and I get people to buy them. But that's not Facebook paying you money. And that's not what we're going to talk about here. Okay? We're going to talk about how to actually have Facebook pay you money. Facebook's name is on the checks.

Now, on the screen here, I have one of my acquaintances, Rob Dial. Okay? And his channel is on Facebook is Rob Dial Jr. And what you'll see here is 'I travel the world. I make videos. And I run iTunes motivational podcast. So, he has a few different things going on here. But he makes a good amount of money with Facebook. Because Facebook will pay him to put ads in the videos he produces. And he produces viral videos. Now, what Facebook does is they'll pay him money to put ads in the videos he puts online. So, you see he has a lot of popular videos. This video got 49 million views on Facebook. Now, he has 1.4 million followers on Facebook. And what I kind of advise to you is you were just looking to create a business around getting money from ads that Facebook posts on your videos, a full-time income of $10,000 a month, you'll need to have roughly a million subscribers. Okay? You'll need to have roughly a million followers to make $10,000 per month using Facebook's ad revenue.

Utilizing Facebook for Marketing and Generating Income

Now, in regards to me, you know, what I do. Kind of backing up to that is... What I did to make money is I used Facebook... Facebook connects with over a billion of people. Or maybe it's 2 billion people now all over the world. And I used it to, you know, I paid Facebook to put ads on there. And I used Facebook to target ads. And sell products to specific groups of people. And I just, you know, I got good at marketing which is basically sales. And I would buy their ads and I'd hope that if I spent $100 in advertising on Facebook that I would make $200 dollars back. And that's the business I'm in. And that's actually the average return. It's a 50% margin that most affiliate marketers see. If you want to learn more about how I buy ads on Facebook and use them to get in front of people and sell products to them, you can sign up for my free training which is in the descriptions somewhere. Something like that. So, make sure you like this video if you got something from this. And leave a message in the comments of what you found the most interesting. Or what helped you out the most that... You know, just understanding the most of those things are scams or understanding there are certain ways to kind of make money either with Facebook or utilizing Facebook products. Let me know in the comments. Make sure to subscribe if you'd like more... To see more videos on just how you can make money online. If you'd like to learn how I made this massive stack of cash in front of you, make sure you check out my free training.


Q: Is the Facebook work-at-home program legit?
A: Most of the things you see online about working at home with Facebook will be a scam.
Q: Can you make money posting links on Facebook?
A: Posting links on Facebook to earn commissions is not Facebook paying you money.
Q: How do people actually make money with Facebook?
A: People can make money by having Facebook pay them to put ads in the videos they produce and have millions of followers.
Q: Does Facebook pay individuals to put ads on their videos?
A: Facebook will pay individuals to put ads in the videos they produce if they have a large following and produce popular videos.
Q: What is a legitimate way to earn money using Facebook?
A: A legitimate way is to advertise products on Facebook, target specific groups of people, and utilize Facebook's ad revenue.

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