HomeBlogSMMInstagram photos are making a comeback! | How to grow on instagram 2023

Instagram photos are making a comeback! | How to grow on instagram 2023

  1. The Instagram Photo Test: Do Photos Still Work?
  2. Instagram's Evolution: From Photos to Reels
  3. A Photo History of Instagram
  4. Organizing Instagram Content with Later
  5. Analyzing the Test Results: Photos vs. Reels
  6. FAQ

The Instagram Photo Test: Do Photos Still Work?

Do photos still work on Instagram? I am willing to bet that you have asked yourself that question at least once over the past 12 months. Do not lie to me, you have asked yourself that question, right? And if you have, then you're in the right place because I have taken it upon myself to conduct a test on my Instagram Channel where I was only sharing photos, so no reels, no videos, nothing for a short period of time. And in today's video, I'm going to be sharing the results of that test with you so that by the end, we'll be able to answer the question: Do photos still work on Instagram?

Instagram's Evolution: From Photos to Reels

In addition to that though, I'm also going to be sharing my number one social media planning tool, which is later, who are also the sponsors of this video. Shout out later! And I'm gonna be sharing some very important news which has come directly from the head of Instagram which regards photos. So look, if you want to share at least one photo on your Instagram over the next couple of years, you need to watch this entire video. Before we get to it, don't forget to hit the Subscribe button because I upload new content just like this every single week.

A Photo History of Instagram

Okay, so let's do a quick brief history of photos on Instagram. Now, I need to share this information with you because it's going to give you the context that you need ready for when I share the huge news that has come directly from the head of Instagram regarding photos. So, the year is 1956, and the first camera has been invented. Obviously, I'm kidding. I have no idea when the camera was invented, by the way. I just pulled that date from absolutely nowhere. We're not going to go back that far, don't worry. What we are going to say though is that Instagram was launched in 2010, and it was launched as a photo-sharing app, right? No video content, just photos. The first time video was actually introduced to Instagram was through the feature stories...

Organizing Instagram Content with Later

This was the fun part because I didn't really have to capture any new content, I kind of had it all there already. All I really had to do was schedule it all out using later. Now, I mentioned at the start that later is the sponsor of today's video and I just could not, you know when a sponsorship just... just works, this works so well for what I'm talking about...

Analyzing the Test Results: Photos vs. Reels

So what does that tell us? What does this all mean? Well, one of the most important things that I realized as a result of this test is that your photos are primarily shown to your existing audience and you can actually see that when you look at the insights for one of the photos that I shared here. You can see that this photo reached over 8,000 people. However, out of all of the 8,000 people that this photo reached, only around 400 of them were actually non-followers. Everyone else who saw that photo was someone who was in my existing audience. This is very different to how reels work...


Q: Do photos still work on Instagram?
A: Yes, photos still work on Instagram. The results of a test conducted on an Instagram Channel showed that photos are still effective in engaging audiences.
Q: What is the evolution of Instagram from photos to reels?
A: Instagram has evolved from being solely a photo-sharing app to incorporating features like reels. The platform continues to adapt to changing social media trends.
Q: What is the history of photos on Instagram?
A: Instagram was launched in 2010 as a photo-sharing app. It later introduced video content through features like stories. Photos have played a significant role in the platform's growth.
Q: How can Instagram content be organized with Later?
A: Later is a social media planning tool that helps organize Instagram content by scheduling posts. It simplifies the process of managing and sharing content on the platform.
Q: What were the test results comparing photos vs. reels on Instagram?
A: The test results showed that photos primarily reach the existing audience of the user, while reels have the potential to reach a wider audience, including non-followers. Understanding these differences can help in creating effective Instagram content strategies.

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