HomeBlogAffiliate MarketingHow To Make Your Ad Creatives Unique | Uniqueization of Photo & Video Ads

How To Make Your Ad Creatives Unique | Uniqueization of Photo & Video Ads

  1. Tools for Making Creatives Unique
  2. Editing Metadata and Removing Traces
  3. Importance of Unique Images for Network Perception
  4. Neural Networks and Their Role in Creatives
  5. Search and Analysis of Creatives
  6. Creating Unique Creatives with Canva
  7. FAQ

Tools for Making Creatives Unique

With the ability to generate creatives, it's also important to be able to make them unique. This skill is necessary in order to skillfully use other Publisher's approaches, as well as to refresh your ads if other pubs notice them, as it increases the chance of BS. The process of unification includes both changing the image itself - either editing or completely remastering it - as well as working with metadata. All this is done so that the Network algorithms determine the files as absolutely new and unique with an untainted reputation.

Editing Metadata and Removing Traces

Metadata is information about the file; one can say it's like documents. They include the title, extension, copyright date of creation, geolocation, and so on. There are many programs and online services that allow you to completely remove and edit metadata. You will find a list of popular ones in the description. Just keep in mind that metadata should be cleaned at the very end after unification as we may leave our own traces while working on creatives.

Importance of Unique Images for Network Perception

As for editing images, here it is necessary to explain such a concept as hash; it's a unique identifier of a file assigned either by the first owner of the file or by the program. Different algorithms can be used for calculation. There is a site in the description where you can generate and compare hashes of different files. So, for the network to perceive it as new and unique, the hash also should become unique. And for this, you need to make images quite unique. And the best way is to do it yourself.

Neural Networks and Their Role in Creatives

I would like to focus on neural networks that can help us in this case. In addition to the well-known Me Journey, we have this list; let's get to know it better: - Photoo Artart offers stylistic processing of existing images, editing, or creating new ones from a text. - Porn Pen will help us in generating creatives of the 18 plus category. Follow the link in the description and explore it yourself. - Synthesia allows you to create videos from a text; more specifically, it generates a talking hat that speaks our text. - Crayon also generates images from a text. - Text While Slaps can provide us with a very high-quality voice-over of our text in English. - 11 Laps also voices our texts but in different languages. - Did makes simple images pronounce our texts, and we can upload our audio file with voice or just type the text. - Riverside will help us pull a text out of the video. - Stable Audio offers us the generation of audio based on textual prompts.

Search and Analysis of Creatives

Before we start editing, let's talk about how to search for creatives. We already had a video about working with spy services on our Channel. There, I showed you how to search in art. Now, let's go through a simple instruction on how to do it in the free Facebook Library. Its interface is much simpler than an Art search. Search can be performed both by keywords and exact phrases. We separate keywords with vertical dashes while exact phrases are enclosed in quotes.

Creating Unique Creatives with Canva

Now, I will show you how to make creatives unique, as well as how to remaster them. We will use the free version of Canva to square pattern, for example, for creative editing. Adjust a little the parameters of the creative, namely temperature, tint, sharpness, etc. Then we search for Textures in the Canva database, choose a suitable one, make the texture a little transparent - it will be enough for the algorithm - then apply a filter like music frame. Done, the unification of this creative is complete. Afterwards, the metadata needs to be cleaned. Depending on the creatives, you can continue to mess with it. The main thing is that this large number of manipulations shouldn't greatly degrade the creative's perception. It's desirable that the perception does not deteriorate. So, remastering the creatives is the best option.


Q: What is the importance of making creatives unique?

A: Making creatives unique is important to skillfully use other Publisher's approaches, refresh ads to increase the chance of success, and ensure the network algorithms recognize the files as new and unique.
Q: How can metadata be edited and traces removed from creatives?

A: Metadata can be edited using various programs and online services. It is recommended to clean metadata at the end of the process to avoid leaving traces while working on creatives.
Q: Why are unique images important for network perception?

A: Unique images are important for network perception as the hash of the image needs to be unique to be recognized as new. Making images unique helps in standing out and avoiding duplication issues.
Q: What role do neural networks play in creatives?

A: Neural networks can assist in tasks such as stylistic processing of images, generating creatives in various categories, creating videos from text, voice-over services, and more. They offer innovative ways to enhance and generate creatives.
Q: How can one search and analyze creatives effectively?

A: Searching and analyzing creatives can be done using spy services or free libraries like the Facebook Library. Specific search strategies using keywords and phrases can help in finding relevant creatives.
Q: How can unique creatives be created using Canva?

A: Unique creatives can be created using Canva by making adjustments to parameters like temperature, tint, and sharpness, applying textures, filters, and remastering the creatives. Cleaning metadata and ensuring minimal degradation of perception are important aspects.

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