HomeBlogSMMHow much money I make on instagram with 3k followers - get PAID brand deals - small influencer tips

How much money I make on instagram with 3k followers - get PAID brand deals - small influencer tips

  1. Building Orange Collective on Instagram
  2. The Birth of Orange Collective Brand
  3. Earning from Brand Collaborations through Tribe
  4. Maximizing Earnings Beyond Influencer Marketplaces
  5. Strategies for Working with Agencies and Brands Directly
  6. Lessons Learned: Navigating Relationships and Revenue
  7. Financial Success with Orange Collective Journey
  8. FAQ

Building Orange Collective on Instagram

But when I found out how much more money you could make this way, I was like, "What, what?" Hi, welcome back to my channel! And for those of you who don't know me, my name is Jade. I am a full-time marketer and I'm also a side hustle addict. And why I say that is because I have four side hustles. I have two online boutiques and one Instagram account, which I'm gonna be talking about today. And I have this lovely channel, We Side Hustle, which is a YouTube channel, website, and Instagram. So let's just get straight into what today's video is gonna be about...

The Birth of Orange Collective Brand

Okay, so let's start with a bit of background on Orange Collective. When I say the name, people can't usually figure out what it is. Basically, Orange Collective is an Instagram account that myself and my boyfriend started. It was after we got back from a trip to Rio. Honestly, best holiday I've ever had in my entire life. It's not been then go-like an incredible, incredible place. But we basically just got back from a trip from Rio, and we realized that when we travel, we take loads of loads of content, and we normally have quite a backlog of like photos and stuff that we don't post on our personal Instagrams...

Earning from Brand Collaborations through Tribe

The first thing I want to talk about is our brand collaborations, because that is the primary source of income for that channel, right? And basically, the main platform that we started to use was a company called Tribe. And I've got a link in my bio if you want to check it out. The reason why we Tribe was actually because we went to an industry evening where they were talking about the benefits of using the platform. But they were talking about it from a brand's perspective...

Maximizing Earnings Beyond Influencer Marketplaces

So how much can you actually earn from using apps like Tribe? The good and bad thing about apps like Tribe is that they make it really clear how much you should be charging per post. And when we first started out and we kind of saw these figures, we were like, "Okay, fine. We were just happy to be making anything from my Instagram, especially because it was so small." And I'll put a clip of what their website says on the screen, but I'm just looking at the numbers now as well on my laptop, and it basically says...

Strategies for Working with Agencies and Brands Directly

So the way that you'd be making more money through Instagram collaborations is when you are working directly with an agency or a brand as opposed to an influencer marketplace, which is what Tribe is, right? And when I say agencies, agencies are basically the middleman between the brand and the influencer. So the reason why you make a lot more money when you're working with agencies or brands is because the nature of the brief and what they're requiring from you is often quite different...

Lessons Learned: Navigating Relationships and Revenue

Another thing which is worth noting when you start to work with agencies, it's really important that you build a good relationship with those agencies. Because those agencies usually work with multiple brands. It's not just one, right? So if they've recruited you for one brand, and then their other brand has a similar brief and they need a similar type of influencer, and they love the work that you did with them before, you would be front of mind, and they're going to be like, "Oh, I've got a great person for you. Don't worry." Right? On the flip side, a bit of a story...

Financial Success with Orange Collective Journey

As promised, I said that I would conclude it by telling you how much we originally set out to make per month for my Instagram this year, and how much money we actually made. And we set out at the beginning, and we were like, "Okay, we want to make 75 pounds a month because we were really small. We knew that we were going to be charging like 50 to 100 pounds per post, and we just felt like that basically meant that we should be charging, we should be trying to get one brand collaboration per month...


Q: How did the Orange Collective on Instagram start?
A: The Orange Collective on Instagram started after the creators, Jade and her boyfriend, returned from a trip to Rio and realized they had a backlog of content from their travels.
Q: What is the primary source of income for Orange Collective?
A: The primary source of income for Orange Collective is brand collaborations, with Tribe being the main platform used for this purpose.
Q: How can one maximize earnings beyond influencer marketplaces like Tribe?
A: One can maximize earnings by working directly with agencies or brands instead of using influencer marketplaces like Tribe.
Q: What is the importance of building relationships with agencies in the influencer marketing industry?
A: Building relationships with agencies is crucial as they work with multiple brands, and a good relationship can lead to more opportunities for collaborations.
Q: What were the initial financial goals of Orange Collective on Instagram and did they achieve them?
A: The initial financial goal was to make 75 pounds per month, aiming for one brand collaboration per month. The actual earnings and the journey towards financial success are documented in their channel.

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