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Hey, what's up guys, welcome back to my channel. This crypto zone. I'm glad you're joining us in today's video. In today's video, guys, I'm going to be introducing you to some websites where I'm able to earn some Bitcoin and USD for free. Also, I'm going to be showing you guys how to claim some airdrops that you can claim to your wallet instantly. Also completely for free. So, have to stick around, guys. And also, for those of you who participated in the draw for our last giveaway, the winners have been announced on our Telegram group. So, you can go ahead and check to see if you're among the winners. And also, if you're new to our Channel, please do go ahead and hit the Subscribe button right here. And don't forget to also for all our videos so that anytime I post new videos, YouTube will always notify you. You can also go ahead and check out other videos we have right on our Channel, and also watch them, give them a thumbs up, and also join our Telegram whose link is in the description. That way, guys, you won't miss out on any of our updates and infos.
So, like I said earlier before now, I talked about some airdrops in my recent video I made a couple of days ago. I told you guys that some airdrops are ongoing on the G.O. and that you can be able to participate completely for free on them and win some free tokens for yourself. For example, I talked about the Wall Street M over here. This is the airdrop, and I told you guys that you can be able to get this airdrop completely for free. So, over here, you can see that this airdrop has succeeded, and you can see I participated. I can see right here, "Thanks for your participation," and I was able to get up to 31.1 of the token. And if I go right here in my account, you can see that this is the Wall Street Me token, and I have 31 of it, and it is worth around $1.2. So, if I go back also to the airdrop page, I will also go back, and you can see that I also participated in another airdrop known as the Cyber Arena token, which is the "C" token. So, if I also open it up, you can see that I was also able to get some of the tokens right into my account, completely for free. You can see right here, and you can see the tokens quite got was around 338. So, over here in my account, if I check out the "C" token, you can see that currently they've credited about 69 of the token right into my account, and you can see the watch right here. So, all these tokens I am getting completely for free. So, right now, if you've missed these ones, you can still be able to join the upcoming ones which are coming up very soon in a number of days, maybe around one or two days. Like I said, these airdrops are completely free. You don't need to spend any money to join in them. So, the one that is up next to start is known as The Phantom of Kill, and you can see right here, you can be able to join it in the next two days. All you need to do is just come right and click on "Claim Free Airdrop." So, you are free to join the airdrop, and like I said, they are completely for free.
So, right now, guys, about the website where I make free Bitcoin. One of the first websites where I make free Bitcoin, first of all, is the V set. I told you guys that you can be able to earn free Bitcoin from this website. You, not only Bitcoin, you can be able to make some other cryptocurrencies, but since we're talking about Bitcoin today, you can be able to make free Bitcoin right on this website. So, there are a couple of cryptocurrencies you can make right from this site. The first one is the Bitcoin, the Litecoin, the TRX, Solana, Doge, Shiba, and Paper 2. So, I've made a couple of videos where I was able to withdraw millions of Paper 2 right from this site, and you can see the payment was very, very instant. Assume I want to withdraw Paper 2 right now, you can see that I'll just instantly switch it over to Paper 2, and you can see that I have around 1.14 million worth of Paper 2 to withdraw. But then, if I want to withdraw it as Bitcoin, I'll just go and select Bitcoin, and you can see I have around 0.293 Bitcoin to withdraw. And to do that, all I need to do is to go ahead and put in my withdrawal addresses right here. And like I said, withdrawal right here need you to use either FET Pay or your CC wallet. In my previous video, I used my CC wallet to withdraw because I withdrew Paper 2. So, if you're withdrawing Paper 2 or Shibe, you use CC wallet. But if you're withdrawing Bitcoin, you have to use your FET Pay wallet. So, all you need to do is just go ahead and put in your FET Pay email right here and go ahead and withdraw your Bitcoin. So, if you go down, you see my withdrawal history, some past withdrawals I made, you can see it is approved and it is also approved. But the thing is, currently there are a lot of persons using this website and it takes a lot of time for them to process payment. So, it's going to take sometimes more than 20 hours, so it's going to stem up to 24 hours for you to get your payment straight into your account. So, if you want to earn free money, this is one of the websites where you can be able to earn free Bitcoin if you don't have any money to pay at all. The next website where I earned money, where I recently earned up to $65 worth of Bitcoin, is ATOC. You can be able to make money right here on the TO platform because this is a USDT and Bitcoin trading website. So, you can see right here, this is Bitcoin USD. So, if you want to earn some money for free and also if you have some money to invest, you can also use this Bitcoin website. Just yesterday, I was able to earn some money right here. If I go over to my trade, you can see right here, my account is showing my $7, which is what I withdrew recently. So, if you go over right here, guys, you can see, I check out my wallet and you, if I go back to my withdraw and check out my history, so you can see right here that I already completed a withdrawal of $68 right into my account, and then I paid some charge, and $65 was credited right into my account. You can see the screenshot right by your side. So, this payment was made yesterday, being the 5th of October. So, it's as simple as that. Like I said, this is a Bitcoin to the website, and if you don't have money to use in this website, you can be able to earn free money by going ahead to use their affiliate option to earn money. So, by using the affiliate option, all you need to do is just to give people your affiliate link to use, and you'll be able to earn refer commissions right on this website. Also, if you are new to the site and you're making your first deposit, you can be able to earn up to 10% deposit bonus if you're a first time. So, that's how you can be able to earn free money right on this website known as TO. Like I said, it's a Bitcoin any website where you'll earn in Bitcoin, and you can be able to withdraw it in form of USD. So, that's all about this site that you can be able to make some free money. I also left some websites right on my Telegram where you can be able to earn some free US shopping malls, what you have to be careful with investments because they might close any time. So, it is at your discretion to choose whether you invest with them or not. But then, this particular V-SET is a completely free website where you can be able to in Bitcoin. And also lastly, guys, don't forget to go ahead and participate in this ongoing airdrops right here on GEO. It is completely free. Like I said, it is completely free. You don't need to invest anything. There are like three more airdrops that are currently upcoming: The Phantom of K, the Tazos domain, and the L7 decks. You can do it. Go ahead and participate in them and be able to earn some completely free tokens for yourself. And it's as easy as that. So, thanks for watching, guys. If you have any questions, do to ask in the comment section, and I'll be glad to give back to you. And also, don't forget to give this video a thumbs up if it helped you. And until [Music]
Q: What is the video titled 'Introduction to Airdrops and Giveaways' about?
A: The video introduces websites where the creator earns Bitcoin and USD for free and provides information on how to claim airdrops instantly.
Q: How can one participate in airdrops?
A: You can participate in airdrops for free by joining ongoing airdrops like the Wall Street Me and Cyber Arena token. The process involves claiming the airdrops to receive free tokens.
Q: How can someone earn free Bitcoin?
A: There are websites like V set and ATOC where individuals can earn free Bitcoin. The process usually involves completing tasks or referring others to earn cryptocurrency.