HomeBlogAffiliate MarketingEarn Money By Drawing Lines | Available Worldwide

Earn Money By Drawing Lines | Available Worldwide

  1. Introduction to Making Money Drawing Lines
  2. Two Methods to Make Money Drawing Lines
  3. Simple Methods to Make Money Drawing Lines
  4. Unexpected Success in Drawing Lines
  5. Making Money Drawing Lines on Fiverr
  6. Utilizing Clipping Magic for Background Removal
  7. Promoting Background Removal Services on Fiverr
  8. Expanding Opportunities for Earning on Fiverr
  9. Outsourcing Image Work on Mechanical Turk
  10. Maximizing Revenue through Outsourcing

Introduction to Making Money Drawing Lines

Hold on one second. I need to make money drawing lines. How would you like to see some draw money right here? Type in "Draw money" if you're excited to make money.

Two Methods to Make Money Drawing Lines

I'm going to actually show you 2 methods you can make money drawing lines. This sounds hype-ee. This sounds too good to be true. This sounds like a scam but this is real stuff.

Simple Methods to Make Money Drawing Lines

And what's funny is when I got started back in 2012, I met my mentor actually. He's a highly successful guy. And I remember him telling me exactly what to do. He said, "Hey, post up an ad sort of like this on these keywords on Google." I thought the advice he gave me was way too simplistic. I was like, "There's got to be more to it than that."

Unexpected Success in Drawing Lines

And I didn't do it because I thought it couldn't be that easy. And later on though, about 2 months later, I ended up doing it. I ended up actually taking action. I said, "What the hell is..." Somehow he was brought to the top of my mind again. And I did it. And it worked. That allowed me to quit my job. I replaced my $6,000 a month income with a $25,000 a month affiliate commission.

Making Money Drawing Lines on Fiverr

So, in this video, I'll be showing you draw money. Now, the site we're going to be working on here is called Fiverr, okay? Fiverr.com. Fiverr with 2 R's right there. What we're going to look for is we're going to look for remove background images.

Utilizing Clipping Magic for Background Removal

I just dragged and dropped an image onto the thing. And first off, I'm going to wonder "Can anybody guess who this image is?" I'm going to tell you in a second and I'd like you to post in the chat if you got "yes, you got it correct." Or "No, you got it wrong."

Promoting Background Removal Services on Fiverr

You will need to sell one job and then you've made back the money for the software. Then every other job you do of background image removal, you are profiting. And it's pure profit and you make money.

Expanding Opportunities for Earning on Fiverr

But wait, it gets better. Because I'm going to show you how you can get your own jobs doing this. I'm also going to show you another place that you can farm out the work for pennies on the dollar. Even cheaper than $4.

Outsourcing Image Work on Mechanical Turk

The next way you can actually get the work done... Let's say want to get to work somebody else to do the work. Is you can actually go to a site called Mechanical Turk. This is an Amazon site. Amazon Mechanical Turk. It's MTurk.com. Mturk.com. And you can access people who will actually do this for you for a penny or 2 pennies or 5 pennies to remove background images.

Maximizing Revenue through Outsourcing

So, it gets pretty crazy. Now, if you want to learn about more free traffic methods to get traffic to you know, your your Fiverr posts or to whatever, your affiliate links. If you're learning affiliate marketing from me as well. Make sure to check out the playlist free traffic methods.

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