HomeBlogAffiliate MarketingHow To Farm Facebook Accounts Correctly | Step-by-step Guide to Farming Facebook Accounts

How To Farm Facebook Accounts Correctly | Step-by-step Guide to Farming Facebook Accounts

  1. Understanding the Importance of Account Farming in Affiliate Marketing
  2. Types of Accounts and the Significance of Trust Accounts in Social Networks
  3. Varieties of Accounts Available for Purchase in the Market
  4. Tips and Strategies for Successful Account Farming on Social Platforms
  5. Step-by-Step Guide to the Farming Process for Facebook Advertising
  6. FAQ

Understanding the Importance of Account Farming in Affiliate Marketing

Hi everyone, I'm Roman, and you're on the Dr. Cash channel. Here, we are with another video from Affiliate Marketing Academy by Dr. Cash. In this section, we're gonna talk about what account farming is, why it is needed, and how to farm correctly. You can find all other videos from Affiliate Marketing Academy here, as well as by following links in the description. Also, there, you'll find links to our group and affiliate marketing chat in Telegram. Enter, subscribe, more fun.

Types of Accounts and the Significance of Trust Accounts in Social Networks

[Music] Farming or warming up is the procedure of creating quality accounts in social networks. A quality account is the one that is perceived by social network algorithms as an account of a real person. Well, if Facebook will consider our accounts real, then it will trust them. These are some pros: it will be easier for us to undergo moderation. That's why they are called trust accounts. Instead of manually checking ads, we will most likely only have to deal with, but using cloaking. Next, we will be able to attach more ad campaigns to one business manager. Spend will increase, meaning the budget for advertising campaigns for a particular account. New accounts are limited to five dollars, trust accounts to several hundred dollars, and these accounts live longer. A system needs more time to recognize a violator in a trust account. It can take weeks. Such accounts can't live forever as Facebook ad fraud protection is constantly updated. The Social Network analyzes the actions performed by users, identifies similar scenarios, and blocks affiliate marketing accounts. But if you farm for a long time and with high quality, the system can't even forgive small violations for some time. Depending on time and quality of farming, accounts are divided into types.

Varieties of Accounts Available for Purchase in the Market

Most people buy accounts from individuals or stores. Here are the types you can find in their catalog: Soft Edges: These are accounts created automatically with the help of special software. They have no real owner. They can be clean or with some information. From these, they really depend on, but all the same, it's the most accessible and cheapest type of accounts. Initially, the trust and life expectancy of them is minimal, and the longer they exist before selling, the higher the probability of deletion. So you need to farm it. Soft edges are used purely for work purposes: advertising, spam, etc. Fresh Veggies: These are accounts created manually or demagically, but the time between registration and sale is minimal, meaning someone created them for us and we have to reform them. Trend Accounts: These are fraudulently obtained accounts that were used by a real person, and there is even a linked card. In some cases, these include brutes hacked by password cracking or if the owner leaked the password and locks.

Tips and Strategies for Successful Account Farming on Social Platforms

A Rental Account: These are accounts of real people who voluntarily gave access to them, either for money or in a friendly way. Meaning, this includes accounts of family, friends, acquaintances, and those who responded to an Instagram ad, for example. Trust and cost in this case is maximum. Accounts That Best Ad Ban: These are accounts that were verified after the advertising ban and therefore have more trust than a normal farms account. Not all farms best ad ban, therefore this type is more expensive than a normal account. And of course, King Accounts: These are qualitatively farmed trust accounts where the probability of winning is minimal. As a rule, they have farmed fan page connected, VM, and past ed ban. Up to 5 software edges are usually connected to the Kings, which allows you to manage advertising campaigns from one account, again reducing the risk of getting banned. We talk about how to check purchased accounts in this video.

Step-by-Step Guide to the Farming Process for Facebook Advertising

Before describing the farming process, it should be emphasized that there is no single template that will always work with equal success in affiliate marketing. Facebook's security system is always on the move and analyzes user behavior, identifying patterns and similar patterns. Old patterns stop working; you have to come up with something new. So farming implies learning and testing. So the first step is registration. But if it were as simple as it sounds, by the time we click the register button, we should have already prepared the absent anti-detect browser for each account with the Geo account settings.


Q: What is account farming in affiliate marketing?

A: Account farming is the process of creating quality accounts in social networks that are perceived by the platform algorithms as real person accounts, hence gaining trust. Trust accounts are easier to undergo moderation and can have larger advertising budgets.
Q: Why are trust accounts important in social networks?

A: Trust accounts in social networks are crucial as they are perceived as real by the platform algorithms, making it easier to get through moderation processes and allowing for larger advertising budgets. They are more durable and have a higher chance of not being banned immediately.
Q: What are the different types of accounts available for purchase in the market?

A: The types of accounts available for purchase include Soft Edges (automatically created accounts), Fresh Veggies (manually created accounts), and Trend Accounts (fraudulently obtained accounts). Each type has its own characteristics and uses.
Q: What are some tips and strategies for successful account farming on social platforms?

A: Some tips for successful account farming include renting accounts from real people, using accounts that have best ad ban verification, and utilizing 'King Accounts' that are high-quality farmed trust accounts with minimal risk of banning.
Q: Can you provide a step-by-step guide to the farming process for Facebook advertising?

A: The farming process for Facebook advertising involves steps like registration, using anti-detect browsers, and adapting to changing security systems. There is no single template as successful farming requires learning, testing, and adapting to new patterns.

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