HomeBlogSMMBuild Your Instagram Profile The Right Way - Module 1 - Lesson 2 - Instagram Unlocked

Build Your Instagram Profile The Right Way - Module 1 - Lesson 2 - Instagram Unlocked

  1. Setting up the Perfect Instagram Profile
  2. Optimizing Your Instagram Bio Link
  3. Utilizing Stories for Engagement
  4. Creating Engagement with Call to Actions
  5. Planning Your Content Calendar
  6. Tools to Boost Your Instagram Presence
  7. FAQ

Setting up the Perfect Instagram Profile

Hey, everyone, it's Neil Patel, and today is the second lesson in going from zero to 100,000 Instagram followers, and I'm going to be focusing today's lesson on setting up the perfect Instagram profile. As I mentioned, this is the second lesson and video in this six-week video series that teaches you how to get to 100,000 followers.

Optimizing Your Instagram Bio Link

So let's dive right into your Instagram profile. First, you got to look at the Bio Link. You know, anytime you have a profile, whether it's a personal or a corporation, you can add a link to your website, to your blog, whatever it may be that you really want to end up pushing. You want to make sure you include a link. There's so many people that don't include a link, and I don't get why.

Utilizing Stories for Engagement

One thing to know on Instagram, and this is my favorite source to drive conversions other than the Bio Link, is stories. A story is your own way of, let's say, reality TV. It's quick moments in your life that you're sharing with people. And these stories could either be videos or pictures.

Creating Engagement with Call to Actions

If you're getting all those views from using the hashtags, creating amazing content, you'll also want to use call to actions, so then that way people can get in touch with you, people can buy your products and services. So have a call to action. Directing people what they should do next is super important.

Planning Your Content Calendar

When you're posting on Instagram, you want to be consistent, and that's why I recommend, once you got your theme, that you need to create a content calendar. Content calendar is a great way to have all your content organized, so that way you know when you want to post what.

Tools to Boost Your Instagram Presence

And some tools that'll help you out with everything that I've discussed today is Link.bio, multiple Instagram bio links, right? You can also use Canva. Storyart, which is for story editing and trendy filters. Grum, which helps you with scheduling, and Trello - I love Trello for my own content calendar.


Q: How can I set up the perfect Instagram profile?
A: To set up the perfect Instagram profile, focus on aspects like your bio link, utilizing stories for engagement, creating engagement with call to actions, planning your content calendar, and using tools to boost your Instagram presence. Check out the provided tips for detailed guidance.
Q: What should I include in my Instagram bio link?
A: Your Instagram bio link should direct users to your website, blog, or any other content you want to promote. Make sure to always include a link in your bio to drive traffic to your desired destination.
Q: How can I effectively utilize Instagram stories for engagement?
A: Instagram stories are a great tool for engagement. Treat them like your own reality TV show by sharing quick moments in your life through videos or pictures. Stories can help drive conversions and keep your audience engaged.
Q: Why are call to actions important on Instagram?
A: Call to actions are essential on Instagram to guide your audience on what steps to take next. By including call to actions in your posts, you can encourage people to get in touch with you, buy your products/services, or engage with your content.
Q: How can I plan my Instagram content effectively?
A: To plan your Instagram content effectively, create a content calendar. This calendar will help you stay consistent with your posts, organize your content, and know when to publish each post. Having a content calendar can enhance your overall Instagram strategy.
Q: What tools can I use to boost my Instagram presence?
A: There are several tools you can use to enhance your Instagram presence, including Link.bio for multiple bio links, Canva for design purposes, Storyart for story editing and filters, Grum for scheduling posts, and Trello for managing your content calendar. These tools can streamline your Instagram workflow and help you grow your audience.

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