HomeBlogOthers$7,000 PROFITS - WhiteBit Airdrop Full Guide | Completely Free Testnet Airdrop #testnetairdrop

$7,000 PROFITS - WhiteBit Airdrop Full Guide | Completely Free Testnet Airdrop #testnetairdrop

  1. Music
  2. Subscription and Engagement
  3. Details of the Airdrop
  4. Token Deployment and Interaction
  5. FAQ


So hey guys, welcome back to my channel Nitron. In today's article, this article is going to be the most important article because the rewards are going to be 100% confirmed, and it is going to be guaranteed. So every single step, if you are watching this video, is going to be the most important steps because if you miss any single step, then you are losing the potential of up to 17,000 USDT of rewards. So, $7,000 USDT. We can make an easy opportunity of this testnet airdrop. And how to do and what to do, I'll be telling you at the entire process of the video. Every single step, I'll be telling you how to sign up, how to take the steps, and how to perform the task, and what are the important information you need to keep in mind. So everything will be told to you step by step. So watch this video completely till the end. I know this video might go up to 15 to 20 minutes. So just if you're busy right now, just make sure that you save this video and watch it later.

Subscription and Engagement

We will start with today's video. And if you're new into my channel, make sure you hit that subscribe button. The subscribe button is there for you to subscribe. And also, if you're already my subscriber, make sure you like this video because every single like you do in this video will give us the good motivation. So, now we will start with today's airdrop. And also, let me just tell you guys, you just need to join our Telegram group because all the links will be provided over here. There are going to be more than four links for today's airdrop. So, you need to join this Telegram group. The link is given in the video description.

Details of the Airdrop

First of all, we will come into today's airdrop. So, which is the airdrop? So, airdrop is coming from the WhiteBit exchange. So, don't think that this is a new exchange. It is already an old exchange. If you can go into the Twitter handle, you can see they have more than 115,000 followers and they have the golden tick from Twitter, which tells that it's an official organization. So, that means this is a legit company. From one side. And one more thing is that their token is already listed. It's not like the token they're listing new. The already token which is listed, they are going to do an airdrop of it. So, which is listed. You can see the WBT token, which is listed on CoinMarketCap. The current price is $5.29. So, if you want to see where is it listed, in which market you can see it's listed in Gate.io, Mexi Global, and WhiteBit exchange itself, and Hobi Global. These are the big and top exchanges which is listed on. So now we will tell why is it guaranteed? What is the reason I'm telling you? So, you can see over here. They are clearly written over here. The retro drop conditions are here. The retro drop literally means that the tokens which they are doing the airdrop. So, this token, this WBT token is already listed in many exchanges. So, they are doing the airdrop of it. So, that is known as retro drop. So, I hope that doubt is clear. And you can see to celebrate the upcoming mainnet release reward, active WBT to fans. So, they have clearly mentioned over here that the reward will be given to people who are actively active in their ecosystem. So, how to be active? So, that is the main intention of today's video. And also, you can see over here, there are multiple steps. I'll be telling you, step by step. So, don't worry. So, all the steps we are going to do mostly in the K browser. So, first of all, we will open the K browser. So, once you open the K browser, it will be something like this. Then, what I'm going to do over here is that, I'm going to give you the first link. So, open that link. So, as you can see, this will be the first link. So, for what we have to do over here is that first of all, we will just tap on the sign up button. So, once you just tap on sign up button, we have to give our email ID and password, and I agree to terms and condition. And if you have, if you want to put the referral code, I'll also be giving the referral code. You can easily get that. So, we will just do, enter this, and we will just log in into the application. So, first of all, it will ask you to do the two-factor authentication. So, we will just do as a continue thing, because two-factor authentication is important. So, it will ask, 'Do you have an authenticator app?' We will just tap on 'Yes.' Then we will be getting, what do you say, a code? So, this code, we have to just copy this. So, we will just type on 'Copy' and open our Google Authenticator, and then we will just tap on 'Plus' button and enter 'Setup Key,' and then we will write over here 'WhiteBit Exchange.' And then, what we have to do over here is that we will paste that key. So, we will just tap on 'Add' button. So, once you add that button, you can see the authenticator has been saved. So, we will just copy this, the new code which is generating from here. So, once you copy it, we will just paste it over here. So, once we paste it, we will just tap on 'Connect' button. So, once we do that, that step is done. So, the next step is very important. We have to come into this profile section. And once you come into the profile section, there is a 'Confirm Identity' button. So, we will just tap on 'Confirm Identity,' then we have to select the country. We'll just tap on 'India' if you are from India. If you are from Africa, if you're from Nigeria, or anywhere else, you just need to select your country. Then tap on 'Start' button. So, once you tap on 'Start' button, you have to give your name. Whatever the details you have to give. And complete your KYC. So, once you verify or do the KYC, it will be something like this. As checking. So, let me just tell you. It will take 24 hours. So, once your KYC is verified, remember this. So, your KYC needs to be verified. And after that, the next step is that you have to tap on this three line on the screen. So, once you tap on three line on the screen, there are so many options in front of you. So, there's one more option in front of your screen. That is WBT Boost. So, we'll just tap on WBT Boost. And then there's WB Soul ecosystem. We will just tap on that WB Soul ecosystem. Then it will ask to create my soul. We will just tap on create my soul. And then we have to connect our wallet. So, we will just tap on connect web3 wallet. And it will ask what you're connecting. We will just tap on MetaMask because we are in KV browser. Then we will connect our MetaMask. So, once you connect the wallet, it will be something like this. Now what we have to do over here is that we have to tap on I agree terms and condition. And then we have to tap on create my WBT. So, as you can see it says as KYC is not approved. So, I have to do this step only after the KYC is approved. So, this is the one step. This is the first step to do. So, do this only after the KYC is verified. So, the next step you can do without KYC is verified. So, you can do after 24 hours this first step. So, I have told this at the beginning. So, now we will move forward to the other step which you can do without KYC is verified. So, for that what we need to do over here is that we will just tap on new tab. So, second thing what we have to do over here is that I'll be giving you the second link which is of ZIL application or website. You can say. So, we will open this ZIL. So, once you open the ZIL, it will be something like this. You can see first of all we have to connect the wallet by tapping on this and then we have to tap on this accept. So, once you tap on accept invitation, then we have to do some tasks over here.

Token Deployment and Interaction

So, the task is going to be very easy. So, these are the tasks as you can see. It's going to be very, very easy task. It's not like a difficult task or anything. It's very easy task such as connecting wallet, following them on Discord, following them on Twitter, and retweeting. Everything is over here. You can see over here, follow CEO on Twitter and follow such, such page on Twitter. Everything is going to be easy. Don't think it's going to be tough. So, once you do the second task also, it's going to be very easy. We will move forward to the third and most important part of the video. So, the third and most important part of the video is that we will open the new tab and then we will go into the MetaMask. So, once you open the MetaMask, it will be something like this. So, the MetaMask is opening. So, what we will do over here is that we will just tap on this button in the MetaMask. So, once you tap on this button, there is ADD Network button. So, once you tap on ADD Network button, it will be loading. And we will just tap on this add Network manually button. So, once you just do that, I'll be giving you all information, network name, RPC URL, chain ID, everything. I'll be giving you in my Telegram group. Just copy and paste it one by one. And then just tap on the save button because your new network will be added. So, once you add the network, then it will ask you to switch to that network. So, we will just go into that network. So, once we are in this network, we have to have some tokens. As you can see, we have zero tokens now. So, we will take some free tokens, that is faucet tokens. So, for that, we need to open the new tab. And then I'll be giving you the faucet link, and we will open that. So, as you can see, this will be the link. So, what we have to do over here is that we have to enter the address. So, the address we will take from our MetaMask. We will just copy this address from here. Once you copy this address, we will just easily paste over here. So, once you paste, then we will just tap on the claim button. So, once you tap on claim button, it will ask us to prove that we are not robot. So, we will just tap on I'm not robot. And then the tokens will be credited into our account. You can see the transaction hash. Everything we have got. So, now if you want to claim again and again, you can do that easily, I hope. So, we will just do on claim button. Let's see if that happens. You can see only 24 hours we can claim only once. So, no problem, we have got enough tokens. So, you can see over here, we have got one WBT token. So, what exactly are we going to do in today's task? So, the task is going to be very easy. It's simple as we have to transfer the token every day. Or you can say that it's better to do it every day. So, every day we have to transfer five times. So, who do we transfer to? So, we have to transfer five times to five different IDs. So, every day we have to transfer into five different people. Because sometimes you can coincide or sometimes you can match the same wallet address. But not every time you can do or send to same wallet address. So, for that, I have found a perfect solution. So, what we are going to do over here is that in today's video, everyone is going to comment down their address. So, whatever address they have, just comment down in the comment section. Because each one of the subscriber can look into each other's wallet address. And they can send some amount of WBT. So, for example, for now, what I'm going to do over here is that I'm going to just take some random address. So, this is just a random address. Don't do that. I'm just doing it for the sake of the video. So, I'm going to open the Trust Wallet application and I'll take any Ethereum address. So, this is strictly not allowed. I'm just doing it for the video purposes because this transaction might fail. So, we will just tap on send button. And we will. Suppose you have to take any address from my comment section in YouTube. Just copy that using Google Lens and paste it over here. So, once you paste it, it will be something like this. And now it will ask you to enter the balance. Now, some people will gamble their points or tokens. So, what they have to do over here is that they have to give a very small amount of token. You can see you have to write 0.30 and again three zeros. So, totally six zeros. And then give one. So, once you do that, you can see it will be something like this. Or else, you can just settle with 0.50 ZNT. And once you do that, you can see it will be having a very low gas. So, we will just tap on send button and next button. And we will easily tap on confirm. So, this is how you make the transaction. So, I did to one wallet ID. So, you have to do five times every day for five different IDs. If you do it weekly, it is also fine. But the more you do every day, the higher the chances you have to get the token. As you know that this token is already listed. So, this was the third task. Now, we will go into the fourth task of today's video. So, the fourth task is nothing but the deployment. So, how to deploy everything, I'll be telling you. Don't worry at all. So, first of all, we will. I'll be giving you the last link in our Telegram group. So, copy that final link. So, once you copy that final link, paste it over here in KV browser itself. So, once you paste it, it will be something like this. So, deploying is very easy. I hope many people know what is deployment. So, what we are going to do, we have to first of all change the name and token of symbol. So, I'll just write anything. So, let me just think of something name. So, I'll just write Nitron itself. And I'll be giving the symbol name as NTG. So, once I do that, then it will ask us to give the permit. I'll just give 1,000. And then minable, burnable. And I'll just give two options. You can give anything. And then once you have done all these things, we will just zoom out. And then there is something option known as open in remix button. So, we will just tap on open in remix button. So, once you just tap on that button, the new website will open in your KV browser. So, it will load. So, it might take one minute or two minutes. So, just be patient with that. So, remix website will load. And after that, the steps is going to be a little bit tricky. So, you have to focus completely in this video. So, you can see. It will be something like this. So, you can see. It will be something like this. So, first of all, there is a blue button which is running over here. Compile contract blue button, you can see. So, we have to just tap on that compile contract blue button. So, once it runs over here, then there will be a green tick appearing. You can see. The green tick was not there. Now it appeared. So, what we are going to do after that is that we will just tap on the Ethereum button. Ethereum, what do you say, logo over here below the green tick button. So, we will just tap on that Ethereum logo. So, let me just do that. So, once you tap on that Ethereum logo, now it will ask something like this. Now, there is something known as environment. So, we will just tap on environment option. And then we will just select as injected provider MetaMask. So, we will just select injected provider MetaMask. And after that, there is a button known as deploy. So, once you just tap on the deploy button, the... some coding will run over here in the screen. And also, along with that, we will get request in MetaMask. So, you can see the request has appeared. So, we will just tap on MetaMask and then approve the deployment. So, once we do the deployment, we will just tap on confirm button and what do you say? The gas fee will be cut over here. So, you can see the contract deployment, it has been done. And the deployment is successful. So, if you go back into that website, you can see the deploy has been made successful and this transaction hash, we can find over here. So, same process what we have to do over here is that we can repeat again and again. We can make multiple coins. So, try to do three tokens deployment every day. Because the more you do, the higher the chances of winning or getting the more tokens in this airdrop. Because the tokens is announced as guaranteed airdrop. So, we will not miss this opportunity. So, that's all for today's video guys. I think I explained everything for you people in a simple and easy language. So, make sure that you like this video and share this video with your friends as much as possible. Because this airdrop is going to be a good profit airdrop. So, don't miss this chance and I'll be seeing you in the next video. Until then, take care.


Q: What is the airdrop mentioned in the article?
A: The airdrop mentioned in the article is provided by the WhiteBit exchange in collaboration with their WBT token.
Q: What are the steps involved in participating in the airdrop?
A: The steps include signing up on WhiteBit exchange, completing KYC verification, joining the WB Soul ecosystem, connecting your wallet, claiming faucet tokens, and deploying a token using Remix.
Q: How many tokens are required to be transferred daily in the airdrop process?
A: It is recommended to transfer the token five times a day to five different wallet IDs in order to maximize the chances of receiving rewards.
Q: What is the purpose of transferring tokens multiple times in the airdrop process?
A: By transferring tokens multiple times to different wallet IDs, participants increase their activity level within the ecosystem, thus enhancing their chances of receiving rewards.

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