HomeBlogOthers🚨 EMERGENCY VIDEO 🚨 New Instant Crypto Airdrop | 100% Free $MYRA Confirmed Airdrop #airdropfree

🚨 EMERGENCY VIDEO 🚨 New Instant Crypto Airdrop | 100% Free $MYRA Confirmed Airdrop #airdropfree

  1. Airdrop Participation Steps
  2. Details of MYRA Token Airdrop
  3. Completing Airdrop Tasks
  4. FAQ

Airdrop Participation Steps

So hey guys, welcome back to my channel. Tonight, in today's article the airdrop will be completely 100% free. There is no need to deposit, there is no need for any investment. Everything will be told to you step by step in a free method so watch the video completely till the end in order to learn how to participate in the video or airdrop successfully step by step. And let me just tell you, this airdrop will be ending in just 4 to 3 days so we have very little time. And this airdrop is very simple. It's not like a complicated airdrop or something, but there are some steps. If you miss that, you will not be able to get any rewards. So that's why, first of all, if you are new to my channel, don't forget to subscribe to our channel. Because whenever we upload the video, you will be the first one to be notified after you hit that Bell icon. Okay, so also let me just tell you one more thing. Join our telegram group. The reason is that all the links related to today's airdrop will be provided over here. So now we will start with the airdrop video.

Details of MYRA Token Airdrop

So today's airdrop is coming from this token known as MYRA. So its short form is MYRA. So its current price is 0.3439. It's listed on CoinMarketCap. You can go and check for yourself. And this token is already listed. It is listed in multiple exchanges such as PancakeSwap, G.I.O., 2Bit, CoinTiger, etc. So it is listed in multiple exchanges so no need to worry about that. Next, what you need to do, what I need to tell you is that you can see I'll be giving you a link in our telegram group. So this link will directly take you into the bot. So this bot, before starting today's airdrop video, I want to show you some important steps. So the first thing is that this airdrop pool is managed by this token itself and $100,000 is their token. Okay, $100,000 US worth of token will be shared to every single one of you. And there is a simple thing here. If you just participate in the airdrop for the basic step, you can get $25 for completely free. So $25 worth of tokens you'll be getting easily. So what you need to do is that there's some steps you need to follow. And also let me just tell you, the top 300 people who will be taking part will be given the reward. So first of all, you just need to tap on this start button, the blue button. So once you just tap on start button, it will ask you that you just need to give the solving of the mathematic problem. You just need to answer that. So once you answer that, the next thing is that they have given all the details over here. Okay, so first of all, I'll be giving you some details. So first place guys, who will be getting 3 million Myra tokens. So that is a lot of tokens. So we will not go in deep into that, but we will aim for 50 ranking to 300 ranking. So if we come under that, at least $100 is confirmed for us. $100 worth of token by the current price. It's known as $100. The price may fluctuate. It might go high or it might go down. So based on the current price, it's somewhere around $100. So we will not miss the opportunity.

Completing Airdrop Tasks

So first of all, basically what you need to do is that we will just scroll down. You can see here, there will be so many steps over here you need to follow. So whichever is mandatory you need to do it compulsorily. Whichever is optional, you can ignore it or you can do it. It's up to you people. But the first three tasks given here is mandatory, which means it is very important to do. So I'm clear about it. But I did only these three tasks because I was not into this airdrop because I had no time. So I'll be doing it from one more telegram ID, all the tasks. Okay, so optional, I left it out. I'll be doing it in one more ID. So step by step, you just need to do it. And at the end, what you need to do is that you just need to tap on this submit your details button. So once you just tap on that button, okay. So once you do that, what you need to do is that you just need to submit the details. So first thing, what it'll ask is that it'll ask you for email address. Give your email address. Everyone knows their email address. And then the next thing what will ask is that it will ask you for the Twitter ID. Okay, so Twitter follow. If you had followed them on Twitter, you need to submit your Twitter URL over there. So how they have given, you have to give your own and add your username over there. So that's how you need to do. So Twitter username, you can see I did like this. Twitter.com/myusername. And then after that what you need to do is that you need to give the other task. This is known as Instagram profile link. So I did not do this because it was optional. So I just tapped on skip task over here. So similarly, I skipped a lot of tasks here. You can see I skipped so many steps over here such as YouTube, Medium, Reddit, etc. Because it was optional. I did not take part in that. Then the final thing will come here. Have you joined the Telegram group, optional. So I just tapped on no because I did not join it. So once you do that, you can see it will be showing the final step over here. The final step and the final what do you say the easy method to participate in this is that it will ask you for your BEP-20 address. BEP-20 wallet address. You need to give. Some people are confused regarding that. So BEP-20 wallet starts from 0x. Okay, it will always start from 0x. And whatever the digits are there, it will just carry on in that manner. And remember, you should not use any exchange wallet address. Why you need not to use, let me just tell you. In some exchanges, the withdrawal will be suspended. So first of all, let us go into 2Bit Exchange, which is already listed of this token. So this is the 2Bit Exchange homepage. So I'll just go into the asset section. Once I come into the asset section, I'll just search for Myra token. And you can see that I have come here and I'll just search for Myra. You can see it will show as deposit has been suspended. So that is why some exchanges suspend the deposit due to which we cannot generate the wallet address. Even if we generate the wallet address, if they give us the withdrawal, we might not receive it in the exchange. So that is why you can see some exchanges have deposit suspended such as 2Bit. So what you need to do instead of that is that you need to take the address from Trust Wallet or MetaMask, the BEP20 BNB address. You need to take it and share it over here. You need to just share it somewhat like this. Then the final step will be, please join their group. Just ignore that and then just tap on this complete the airdrop button. So once you do that, all the steps have been completed. Now I'll tell you some rules. Okay, the rules are very simple. There's no need to do KYC. This is a simple rule and one more important notification I want to tell you is that the airdrop will end on November 15th. So it's just two or four days away from the final date and let me just tell you, the distribution will begin in next year. So I know most of you people might be disappointed right now, but trust me, when you get an unexpected reception of any token, you'll be the most happiest because I have gotten so many withdrawals from the previous airdrop like one year ago airdrop, six months ago airdrop. So this will also be a similar case. When you get the reward after like six months, you will be not expecting but suddenly you see a number of tokens in your wallet. It will be so happy. So that is what it is. Now if you want to share this link because the referral is most important. So just tap on this balance button. So once you just tap on balance button, you'll be able to get your own referral link. You can see this is my own referral link. I can refer as many friends as possible. And my referral data will be shown over here as well as it will show how much token I have currently. So 10,000 tokens I currently have. And then after that, all these rules which I've explained earlier to you also. So this is how the entire airdrop works. So I hope this airdrop video or the airdrop board which I showed to you guys was helpful. I hope that was very helpful for you. So in order to appreciate that helpfulness, you can just like this video and share this video as much as possible and let your friends know about these kinds of opportunities. And regarding the multiple IDs, if you have two or three telegram IDs, you can just refer those two or three telegram IDs of your own or your family. You can do that as well. So I think that's all for today's video, guys. I'll be seeing you in the next video. Until


Q: How can I participate in the airdrop mentioned in the video?
A: You need to watch the video completely till the end to learn how to participate step by step. The airdrop is completely free with no need for any deposit or investment.
Q: What are the details of MYRA Token Airdrop?
A: The airdrop is related to MYRA token with a current price of 0.3439. It is listed on multiple exchanges including PancakeSwap, G.I.O., 2Bit, CoinTiger, etc. Participants can get $25 worth of tokens for free by following the provided steps. The top 300 participants will receive rewards.
Q: What tasks do I need to complete for the airdrop?
A: There are mandatory tasks that need to be completed such as solving a mathematical problem, providing email address, Twitter username, and BEP-20 wallet address. Optional tasks like following on social media platforms can also be completed for additional rewards. BEP-20 wallet address should not be from an exchange.

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