$2,814 N4 and next one is $26,600 so these are the some of the proofs from Arham airdrop one which people like you and me have made without investing any single money. So if you're thinking why I'm showing it now, let me tell you guys if you have missed the Arkham airdrop 1, I have brought you the airdrop number two from. So let us join this airdrop for completely free and let us get profited in the upcoming few days. So this is a completely free airdrop and this is the Arham part two airdrop. So this is coming directly from the Arham itself. Let me tell you guys why there is a high possibility of a come part two airdrop in this video and also I'll be sharing you the steps how you can follow this and how you can be eligible for this airdrop. It's going to be a very, very interesting video. Along with the proofs, I'll be also providing you the steps how you can join this airdrop for completely free.
The possibilities of this airdrop giving the part two version of their airdrop is very, very much because this airdrop, known as Arham, has just released 3% of their total airdrop community or the total airdrop allocation. So let me just show you the proofs. So guys, if you come to the medium, a person known as Tom Roacher has also given this message that Arcom has just given away only 3% of the airdrop community, but the token airdrop allocation is 37%. So you can just imagine almost 34% of the token in airdrop has yet to be released. So this is why it's going to be a huge airdrop in the airdrop 2. It will be more than what you have seen in the airdrop one. So we won't be missing out on our opportunity to claim that. So it's going to be a very easy airdrop and a very easy process will be shown in this video so that you can complete and you can be eligible for this Arcom airdrop 2. So watch the video till the end without skipping any single part. I'll be explaining you each and every part which you should be doing. And at the end of the video, you will be somehow eligible for the outcome part 2. So don't miss it.
We'll be moving on. I'll be opening my mobile screen and I'll be explaining you each and every process there. So guys, before starting up the video, if you haven't subscribed to our channel yet, do subscribe and hit the bell icon. And also, don't forget to join our Telegram channel to get all the links which are related to this video. You can get the Telegram channel link in the description of this video. Once you click on that, you'll be redirected to our Telegram channel. And also, guys, if you haven't joined the previous giveaways which we have made after surpassing 1K subscribers, so you can wait for the new airdrop, I mean the giveaway, which will be coming up after we cross up 24.5K. So share it with your friends and family and let them also join the community here. We bring out cryptocurrency-related videos every day where you can earn using your mobile phone for completely free. So moving on, first of all, you need to have your KWI browser with you. Once you open the KWI browser, the link of the particular platform from Arcam will be given to you in the Telegram channel. So guys, previously I have also made a video regarding this and many people have watched it. So if you haven't watched it, I'll be sharing you the link in the description so where you can know how to create your account for this Arcam website or Arcam platform. Very simple, you have to sign up with your name, email address. The link also I'll be providing for that. After you join it, so if you have joined, the link will be there. You can watch that video and after you complete watching that video, you can come back to this video where you will be known how to join their airdrop process too. So first of all, you need to go to the setting option. Here you can see setting option. I have marked up here. So once you press on the setting option, you can see your name, username everything is shown here. So this we have done previously. So username is there and display name email is also there. And here you need to get verified first of all. So how to get verified? You will be able to click on this blue link here and this will open a Google form and here you need to be verified. So apply to get verified on Arcam platform. So this is a must step to join their arcom part two. So arcom verified account. So here as you can see, if you have a company or if you have a YouTube community or a Telegram community, you should be choosing company or organization. If you have a company, if you have YouTube or Telegram, any other community, you can press on community or DAO. Or if you are individual, that means you don't have any of those. So many of our viewers don't have all these. Just press on this individual button. I have YouTube and Telegram community. I'll be pressing on community here. And then you need to enter your first and last name. And then you need to enter your entity profile name. So entity profile name, if you don't have, you can skip it. And this is the link to your website or profile. You can provide your own Twitter account, profiling. I'll be just showing you. Then entity domain, that is email address. You should be providing here. And this is the Twitter or Telegram link where they can contact us directly. I'll be giving that also. Then again, your email and official email with which your Arham account is signed up. So for example, if you use some particular email for signing up Arcom website, same email you should be providing it here. And after filling all that details, you should be pressing on submit. So if you don't know how you can copy your Twitter profile link, let me just show you. So guys, once you open your Twitter handle, just press on the logo button here. Just go to the profile section. And three buttons, as you can see at the top, you should be clicking on three button here. And after that, press on share here. And here you'll be getting your Twitter profile link. Just copy it from here and you should be pasting it in the Google form. So once you completed all that, you should be getting this verified account and you'll be getting the mail to your official email account. That you have been verified. So this is the step number one you should be doing in the Arham airdrop to receive the potential of the airdrop number two. So after complete that, you can see the option of Oracle here. So this is the option you need to go to here. And once you go here, you just need to paste any address here. For example, if you have your MetaMask wallet address, just copy that and you need to paste here. This is why you need to interact to all of their features. So this can be the possibility to join their airdrop. As you can see, once I pasted my address, whatever balance I'm having, it shows here. And this one you have to try it here. So these are the simple process you have to do and this can be the possible way which you will be getting entry to the airdrop number two. So after this, once you complete this process, also you can come here daily, just check any address here, so that it keeps on your activity in this platform high. So it makes the platform users well known here that you are coming here daily. And this can also be a possible way where they can choose you to the airdrop number two. So next thing after you do that, just go to the dashboard here. And once you go to the dashboard, you can create a new dashboard here. So I have created previously in the previous video also. So those who haven't created here, you can easily create it. It's very easy. Once you come here, just press on new dashboard. And once you press on new dashboard, here as you can see, my one dashboard is also created. So press on new dashboard and it will be showing you some of the platforms here. You can choose any of the platforms. And after you choose that, it will be selecting you as a new dashboard here. It will be creating a new dashboard for you. You'll be shown this plus button here. Just press on this plus button and once you press on the plus button, you can see many of the features showing up here. So you can just click on any of those and choose a token. They'll be asking you to choose a token. You can search any token name here. And once you search the token name, you just need to press on add. So I have searched Aram itself and just press on save. And it will be creating a dashboard here. So these features you should be utilizing here. So these are the possible ways where you can get their tokens for completely free in the Aram part two. So never miss this. These are the possible process possibilities of getting their Arcom to. Also, you can, if you want to invite, you can also invite. Just press on the invite button. And here you can invite almost 10 people are there. So if you give me your email address, I'll be giving you the direct referral link to your email address. You can just comment on. So this will be having some of the additional benefits. And also you'll be getting your own link. You can share it with your family and friends and ask them to join this Arham Airdrop. So if you want to know about the process number one, which we have discussed in the previous video, you can watch this video, Arham Second Airdrop New Update. The link of that will be in the description. So after watching this, if you watch that, every step's possible steps you will be completed to be eligible for the Airdrop number two. So that's all for today, guys. Hope you guys have understood the video. Thanks for.
Q: What is the Arham Airdrop Part Two about?
A: The Arham Airdrop Part Two is a free airdrop opportunity where participants can receive Arham tokens without investing any money. It is the continuation of the Arham Airdrop Part One.
Q: What are the possibilities of the Arham Airdrop Part Two?
A: The Arham Airdrop Part Two is anticipated to be significant as only 3% of the total airdrop community allocation has been released so far, indicating that there is still a substantial amount of tokens to be distributed.
Q: What is the step-by-step guide to joining the Arham Airdrop Part Two?
A: To join the Arham Airdrop Part Two, participants need to follow specific steps such as verifying their account, interacting with the Arham platform features, creating a dashboard, and potentially inviting others to join the airdrop.