GPTZero Share

Effortlessly share GPTZero Essential、Premium、Professional accounts.

Make your GPTZero Essential、Premium、Professional accounts shareable, allowing multiple users to access GPTZero simultaneously across devices without exposing account credentials and passwords. Start your group buy business with popular tools like GPTZero Essential、Premium、Professional, and more! Enjoy cheaper GPTZero accounts.


About GPTZero account



GPTZero is the leading AI detection tool, designed to preserve the authenticity of human-generated content. Incorporating the latest advancements in AI detection research, GPTZero identifies ChatGPT, GPT-4, Google-Gemini, LLaMa, and other emerging AI models. Trusted by over 100 media outlets, it can scan up to 50,000 characters in seconds, efficiently checking for AI plagiarism and ensuring the integrity of your work. With GPTZero, you can stay ahead in the evolving landscape of AI technology.


1. Go to https://ehunt.ai/user/login.

2. Click 'Sign Up' to register a new account.

3. Enter your email address and create a password to set up your account. Alternatively, you can register and log in using your Google, Microsoft, or Apple account.

4. Complete account verification to finalize your Esty Hunt account registration.



Account typeCostExplain
Essential$14.99 USD/monthGet more words for basic AI detection. Includes 150,000 words per month, basic AI scanning, AI vocabulary checks, and a Chrome extension. Features multi-file upload support, making it ideal for individual users focused on essential AI detection tasks.
Premium$23.99 USD/monthThe most popular plan, providing access to all premium features. Includes 300,000 words per month, advanced AI scanning, AI vocabulary checks, plagiarism detection, and writing feedback. Offers everything from the Essential plan with additional tools for in-depth content analysis.
Professional$45.99 USD/monthDesigned for teams and enterprises, this plan includes 500,000 words per month with overage support for up to 10,000,000 words. Provides all Premium features, team collaboration capabilities, and military-grade security, making it perfect for large-scale operations.

Usage restrictions

1. All GPTZero purchases are non-refundable. Subscriptions can be canceled at any time through your account, with cancellations taking effect at the end of the current billing period.

2. The Site may only be used for purposes explicitly approved by GPTZero. Commercial use outside of endorsed activities is prohibited.

3. Users must not retrieve or compile data from the Site to create collections, databases, or directories without written permission from GPTZero.

4. Circumventing or interfering with the Site’s security features or restrictions is strictly prohibited.

5. Misusing support services, submitting false abuse reports, or using information from the Site to harass others is not allowed.

6. Unauthorized automated use of the Site, including scripts, bots, or data mining tools, is prohibited.

7. Uploading or transmitting harmful material such as viruses, Trojan horses, or spam that disrupts the Site’s functionality is not permitted.

8. Impersonating other users, transmitting spyware, or attempting to bypass security measures on the Site is forbidden.

9. Users may not copy, adapt, reverse-engineer, or interfere with the Site’s software or proprietary code.

10. Selling or transferring user profiles, or using the Site for unsolicited advertising or competing with GPTZero, is prohibited.

How to share GPTZero accounts?

Step 01

Download and install DICloak software to start your account sharing journey.


Step 02

In DICloak, create a dedicated environment for your GPTZero account and open it, then log in to your GPTZero account


Step 03

Create DICloak member accounts and passwords, and assign them usable environment permissions


Step 04

Members must download the DICloak software and log in to the DICloak account you created


Step 05

Members can automatically log in to their GPTZero account and use it normally without entering their account password when opening the environment


Use DICloak to start your GPTZero account sharing journey

GPTZero Account Sharing FAQs


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