HomeBlogSMMWatch this before you pick your niche! | Picking a niche | Content creator tips | How to niche down

Watch this before you pick your niche! | Picking a niche | Content creator tips | How to niche down

  1. The Importance of Niching Down on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok
  2. The Impacts of Niching Down on Growth and Brand Partnerships
  3. The Dangers and Alternatives to Niching Down
  4. Non-Niching Approach and Focusing on Personality
  5. FAQ

The Importance of Niching Down on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok

So before we dive into the good stuff, I do want to flag that I have a whole master class specifically on how to pick a niche, what's right for you, also how to pivot your niche and make sure that you don't lose too many followers or too much engagement or too many subscribers when you do so. It is available to members of the Creators Club, which is my membership club. As soon as you join the Creators Club, you get instant access to that masterclass in addition to loads of other masterclasses all about hashtags, YouTube search, so much stuff. So, I will put a link in the description in case you're interested in joining.

The Impacts of Niching Down on Growth and Brand Partnerships

The number one reason why most people will tell you to niche down is because niching down is going to help you grow, and this is still very much the case in 2022. Now, the reason why niching down helps you grow is because when you niche down and create content about one very specific thing, you end up being known for that thing. So, it really helps you when it comes to word of mouth; suddenly everyone knows you as the fashion sustainability influencer, suddenly everyone knows you as the business coach who specializes in new and cool marketing theories. I don't know, whatever your niche is. If you niche down, the more specific you get, the easier it is for you to benefit from word of mouth, the easier it is for you to become known for that specific thing. In addition to that, when it comes to the different social networking channels you're on, the more refined your niche and the more consistent you are when it comes to creating content about that niche, the easier it is for these platforms to understand what your content is about.

The Dangers and Alternatives to Niching Down

Okay, so let's talk about the dangers of niching down, because I feel like I'm trying to be unbiased throughout this video. I mean, I guess I kind of am, but I feel like I'm still coming across as probably quite biased. There are some dangers to niching down, and if this is a reflection of the change in opinion on niching down which has come recently, right? So previously, people would say niche down because that's the only way for you to grow and it's going to help you with brand partnerships, etc., etc. However, as a result of niching down too much, a lot of creators are now making a bit of a pivot, and they've actually come out and said that they really regret putting themselves in such a confined box or space when it came to the content that they could create.

Non-Niching Approach and Focusing on Personality

So, what to do if you don't want to niche down at all? What are the alternatives to niching down? Maybe you've watched this video and you've thought, okay, I don't want to niche down. I'm willing to deal with all the repercussions that Jayde has discussed just so that I don't have to niche myself down and put myself in a box. And I totally respect that decision. The biggest tip I can give you if you decide not to niche down is to focus on your personality.


Q: What is the importance of niching down on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok?
A: Niching down helps you grow and become known for a specific topic, making it easier for word of mouth and platform algorithms to understand your content.
Q: Is there a masterclass available on how to pick a niche and pivot if needed?
A: Yes, there is a masterclass available on how to pick a niche and pivot, specifically for members of the Creators Club.
Q: What are the impacts of niching down on growth and brand partnerships?
A: Niching down can help you grow by establishing you as an authority in a specific area, making it easier for others to refer to you and understand your content.
Q: Are there dangers associated with niching down?
A: Some creators have regretted niching down too much as it can limit the type of content they can create and may make them feel confined.
Q: What is the non-niching approach and how can focusing on personality be an alternative?
A: If you choose not to niche down, focusing on your personality can be a way to connect with your audience and differentiate yourself without confining yourself to a specific niche.

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