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So hey guys, welcome back to my channel Nitron. In today's article, we will be talking regarding to the tab swap mining application. So tab swap is Once Upon a Time it was a competitor of hamster combat in terms of users in terms of popularity. People were really crazy about tab Swap and as well as they were crazy about hamster combat and after not coin hamster combat and tap swap were the only two Bots which were ruling the entire mining ecosystem in the T blockchain. Now in today's video, we will be explaining you and we'll be talking regarding to the future of TAPS Swap. And as you guys have seen in the thumbnail withdrawal and listing of the binance how true is it because I've already made a video on that two or 3 days back but today there is some little more clarification on this topic. So that's why I want you to watch this video completely till the end because the scenario is getting a little bit serious over here and people are thinking that the listing of binance could really happen. So what is my opinion? I'll be talking based on the facts based on the proof which you can see on the screen. And also let me just tell you if you are new into my channel, don't forget to subscribe to our Channel. Our channel is getting closer towards 1 million subscriber. Just tap on the Subscribe button and now let's get started with today's video.
The first thing is that if you do not know what is Taps up, I'll remind you this is the bot over here. All you have to do is that you have to just tap and tap over here. Basically, this opens in the telegram application and also there are multiple tasks you have to do. If you ask me am I doing this let me just tell you my opinion. I've completely abandoned this particular mining bot. I'm not using it nowadays because there were too many complications. Number one complication was that first and foremost they told that they are powered by Solana. Solana is supporting them. Then later on Solana had told that they are not supporting them. Then they shifted to powered by community and then the later on they are told that the dge will happen many months back and they did not do that. So there are a lot of complication and a lot of complication made me believe that I should not mining Taps up in the future. But currently there are situation there are news there are some articles which are being published regarding to the listing on the binance and also there is an official tweet by the binance web3 Twitter handle regarding to the tab Swap and their collaboration. So what is the scenario so we will directly go into that tweet.
So you can see over here this tweet which is made by binance web3. If you do not know who is that, you can see this is an official account. They have 2.4 million followers. They've told over here in this tweet that join our weekly campaign to explore the D applications on the ton ecosystem and they are introducing the airdrop with tab Swap and they are giving 50,000 worth of ton coin for everyone. So this tweet is official. It is not fake or something like that. A lot of people think that this is a fake tweet or something. This is an official tweet and this airdrop is also an official. So how can you participate in this particular airdrop? If you want to take part in this airdrop, it is very simple. All you need to have is the binance exchange. So inside the exchange, there is something known as web 3 wallet. You have to go over there and it's a simple task. If you want the video, just write in the comment section tab Swap and I'll be making a separate video for that because it's a different procedure. It's not related to the telegram. It's not related to the mining. It's a different procedure. If you want that video, just comment down Taps up, I'll be making the video for that and that is an official airdrop. I'm not saying that that airdrop is F.
Now, the question comes is that a lot of people think by this tweet from this tweet people are thinking that the tab swap is going to list in the binance. So is it really going to happen? What are the proof for that? So number one thing what people take as a reference is this one, this article published on the coin market cap. So in this article, you can see has published this article tab set to launch their token on binance on November 30th. And you can see this is the entire article you can read more about this and they've also told that the opening price the listing price of tap shop is approximately 0.04 and on what basis this price has been given there is no explanation for that how much conversion ratio is considered and how the withdrawal is going to take place all that answers all that explanation is not happening over here it's completely missing they have just told overshar that the listing price will be so much and also they have told that this move will be pivotal for the future game of T block and EOS system all that simple explanation is provided but in terms of technical aspect in terms of the basic understanding of the token listing there is no much explanation over here. So according to me this tweet this particular article could be fake because anyone can publish an article over here because this article is published by such a person which is known as as the decentralized dog even if you want to be one of the article publisher in coin market cap it is a very simple process all you have to do is that you have to create an account as a article publisher or as an article editor so you can also publish an article similarly somewhat like this. So I don't think this news could be real. I don't think this news is 100% legit. In my understanding and in my case I think that this news could be 80% of fake news. And why am I thinking that it could be 20% true the remaining 20% why do I think it could not be fake I'll be telling you one by one.
So the number one thing is that this tweet which we saw right now from the binance web3 why am I thinking that it could not be fake the remaining 20% is because whenever the binance web3 makes a collaboration with anyone they had made a collaboration with the hamster combat as well and you have seen the listing of hamster happening very soon and also they had made a collaboration with the dogs coin as well and after a few days we have seen a listing of dogs coin inside the binance exchange. So there could be a possibility but there is no guarantee that 100% it will be listing on the binance exchange and moreover there is one more thing which is making me think whether is it going to really list on binance or not.
My answer is very simple if you have mined tab swap whatever the tokens you might be having I suggest that let it be however it is don't try to deactivate your account how much of efforts you have put don't try to delete the bot don't try to block that bot so that you'll be losing all your efforts over here because we don't know in future any of the company or this company or the existing tap swap team could be having a positive intention and they could be making an official listing in binance as well. So in that scenario we should not be in such a situation where we do not have access to Taps up so that's why I'm saying do not delete your Bot or do not block your Bot because there could be some situation which could be profitable for us and also you can see in this particular tweet which have which they have tweeted recently so they have told over here that they are going to announce an upcoming launch of their new web3 game designed for tap to earn community so maybe they are bringing with one more tap to earn game and also they have told over here you can compete basically you can play play that game and earn rewards using the tabs token so tabs is basically their token name like how Bitcoin is known as BTC similarly tap swap token is known as Taps. So they will be launching a game and where people can earn Taps token as well so basically that's the TW they had made so that gives us the idea that Taps up is set to stay after the launch as well so my opinion is very simple I'm not going to play further whatever the balance I've made so far I'm going to keep it as it is I'm not going to touch until the list in because I don't want to feel that I have wasted my time even after knowing that I'm not confident so it's all based on how you understand different people have different mentality so whatever your mentality is just follow your instinct and that's what I want to tell you in every video that only listen to your understanding do not blindly trust any YouTubers because everyone has different views everyone has different perspectives because not everyone thinks the same so yeah that is it for today's video guys like and share this video as much as possible and I'll be meeting you in the.
Q: What is Taps Swap Mining Application?
A: Taps Swap was a popular competitor of hamster combat in the world of mining, ruling the T blockchain. There are rumors of a possible listing on Binance.
Q: What are the recent developments with Taps Swap Bot?
A: The Taps Swap mining bot faced complications and controversies, leading many users to abandon it. However, recent news of a collaboration with Binance has stirred interest.
Q: What was the official tweet by Binance Web3 regarding Tap Swap airdrop?
A: Binance Web3 announced an airdrop collaboration with Tap Swap, offering 50,000 worth of ton coin to participants. The airdrop requires having a Binance account with a Web3 wallet.
Q: Are rumors of Taps Swap listing on Binance true?
A: Rumors of Taps Swap listing on Binance have circulated, with references to an article on CoinMarketCap. However, the credibility of this news is uncertain.
Q: Is there a possible collaboration between Taps Swap and Binance?
A: Potential collaboration between Taps Swap and Binance has been suggested, following similar partnerships with other tokens. However, no official confirmation has been provided.
Q: What are the future plans and recommendations for Taps Swap users?
A: Users are advised to hold onto their Taps tokens and not deactivate their accounts, as there may be future developments that could be beneficial. Taps Swap is also expected to launch a new web3 game for the tap to earn community.