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Smart Bitcoin Airdrop

  1. Claiming the Smart Bitcoin Airdrop Tutorial
  2. Step-by-Step Guide to Access and Claim the Airdrop
  3. Navigating the Airdrop Process and Network Settings
  4. Completing the Airdrop Claim and Contract Address Addition
  5. Final Steps in Claiming and Adding the Airdrop to Your Wallet
  6. Wrapping Up the Claim Process and Adding the Token to Your List
  7. FAQ

Claiming the Smart Bitcoin Airdrop Tutorial

[Music] Hi guys, and welcome to today's tutorial article. I hope you guys are doing very great. Well, in today's tutorial article, you'll be learning how to claim the Smart Bitcoin airdrop. This airdrop is live, and in this little video, I'll be teaching you how to claim this Smart Bitcoin airdrop. If you are visiting the channel for the first time, please kindly don't forget to check out our videos— the videos we have in our channel. As you can see, we have many videos here in our channel. Also, don't forget to click the subscribe button. After that, remember to also turn on your notification bar so you always receive video notifications anytime we post new videos. Make sure you turn all the notifications so you always receive notifications for all our videos. Also, if you have to join our Telegram group, please kindly follow the link in the description box so you can able to join our Telegram group and always get info on our Telegram channel.

Step-by-Step Guide to Access and Claim the Airdrop

Okay, guys, having said this, now we're going to go straight to the tutorial where I will show you guys how people will claim this airdrop. Kindly stay tuned. Guys, to be part of this airdrop, you must at least have some basic things including your trust wallet, some amount of BNB (that's Binance Smart Chain) and your smartphone. So if you don't have your trust wallet by now, like I always say, please go to the Google Play Store and download and install your trust wallet. So after you might have done this, please kindly login to your trust wallet. Once you log in, you will, maybe by your security setting, will be required to authenticate your login. Once you are logged in, kindly go straight to your "DApps" section, select your "DApps". Once you're in the "DApps" section, now there will be a link in the video description box which is the airdrop link which you are meant to go and copy. But most often times, people find it difficult to copy these address links from the video description.

Navigating the Airdrop Process and Network Settings

So for this reason, I'm going to be posting this address link in both my Facebook page and also in my Telegram group. So kindly join the Telegram group through the link in the video description box. Or if you find it difficult to join the Telegram group, you can also get through the link to my Facebook page where you can also copy the address link. The address link will be posted there together with the contract address of the airdrop. So once you copy this airdrop link, then after copying that, come back to this page in that section and paste this address link if copied. So once you paste it, kindly go ahead and allow the link to load. Okay, here is the address page. You can see the address page. But before we continue here, like I've always told you, always make sure that the network setting is under Smart Chain, not Ethereum. As you can see, this network setting is on the Ethereum network. So make sure you kindly change it to Smart Chain because all the transfers making will be with Smart Chain BNB. So kindly change it to Smart Chain.

Completing the Airdrop Claim and Contract Address Addition

Okay, guys, right here we are under the Smart Chain network. So right now, as you can see, this airdrop has six days more to go and six hours left. Okay, you can look at the info in this. The airdrop will be listed on Hotbit. So you can see some other information: referral bonuses to claim 0.00105 BNB for just a claim of the referral and you have a whole lot 0.0035 BNB if anybody uses your link to buy. So you can actually claim this airdrop and invite your friends to buy or claim the address link in order to make more bonuses. Put BNB and save Bitcoin token. So right now, we are going to go ahead to claim this airdrop. As you can see, this airdrop is going to be by each claim. We're going to get 10 Safe BTC. As you can see it here, you can see Safe BTC here. So now we're going to go ahead and proceed with claiming the airdrop. So we'll kindly select the claim. So right here, we can see that the airdrop is costing 0.99 dollars of BNB. So for you to be able to participate in this airdrop, you must have at least 0.99 of BNB to participate.

Final Steps in Claiming and Adding the Airdrop to Your Wallet

So right now, you are going to go ahead and approve this transaction. So you select approve. Once that approved, they are going to require identification depending on your settings in your trust wallet. For me, it's actually set security for every direction I'm going to make. I'm going to authenticate it with my fingerprint. So depending on your wallet security settings, they may require authentication. So what you did require, you can enter your pin or you put your fingerprint. For me, I'm going to use my fingerprint. So I will kindly authenticate mine. So once I've done this, we've automatically claimed the airdrop. So that's how to claim the airdrop, and that's the first stage of the whole process of getting the token. So right now, the next we're going to do is to add the contract address in our wallet section so we can be able to view the airdrop in our coin list. So right now, we're going to select this bar here by the left, by the right top side of the screen. So once you select it, you're going to see so many icons. You're going to see the home icon, the airdrop icon, the contract icon, the presale, the contact, and the smart swap. So kindly go ahead and select the contract. So once you select the contract icon, you're going to be redirected. So once here, we're already in BSC scan. So what I'm going to do here is that we're going to copy the contract address of this airdrop. Kindly scroll down. [Music] Okay, as you can see here, you can see where the right contract here. So kindly go ahead and click on this "Copy" icon here. So once you click on it, it will automatically copy. So you select "Copy." Once we've copied this, then we're going to go back to our wallets. But if you actually find it difficult accessing the BSC scan, I'm also going to be dropping the contract address in the video description. Or also, I'll also be dropping it in my Telegram group and the Facebook page. So kindly copy it from the place and drive for continue. Please guys, don't forget to subscribe to this channel. And if you like this video, please kindly give it a thumbs up.

Wrapping Up the Claim Process and Adding the Token to Your List

Okay, after copying this, guys, the next thing we do is that we have to go back to our wallet section. Alright, so we'll go back to our wallet, see the wallet section down here. So once you got the wallet section, you will look, you're going to see an icon at the top right of the screen. So once you select it, you're going to scroll down icon on the list. So, right here, going to see an icon that says "Add Custom Token." So you're going to go ahead and choose it. So you choose. Once you choose, you're going to see this face. So kindly go ahead and change the network setting from Ethereum back to Smart Chain, just the same thing we did in the airdrop page. Select Smart Chain. So once you've done this, we're going to paste the contract address we've copied. Paste. So once you select paste, you're going to see the contract address, the name, the symbol. As you can see, the name is Smart Bitcoin, the symbol is SBTC, and the decimal is 18. So please kindly don't alter the decimal. Don't change this mod to any other number except 18. If you put another number, it may still work but the comma be useless. So kindly allow this mod to remain intact. Okay, guys, we have a whooping 10 Safe Bitcoin token. This is exactly how to claim this airdrop. I do hope these steps I've given you are easy and very explanatory. If you have any issues or any problem along the line while trying to claim the airdrop, please don't hesitate in commenting it down in the comment section below, so I can see it and see what way I can help you. Also, if the video helped you, please kindly do give it a thumbs up. And don't forget to share to your friends. Lastly, don't forget to subscribe to our channel so we can grow. And turn on your notification bar so you always receive our notifications. You can also do it to join our Telegram group so you will always get notifications and also to make it easier for you to access our contract addresses, drop links, and some other things and giveaways we do there that you cannot easily access here on YouTube. Thank you for watching this video.


Q: How can I claim the Smart Bitcoin Airdrop?
A: To claim the Smart Bitcoin Airdrop, you need to follow the step-by-step tutorial provided in the tutorial article. It involves using your trust wallet, having some BNB (Binance Smart Chain), and accessing the airdrop link provided.
Q: What are the requirements to participate in the Smart Bitcoin Airdrop?
A: You need to have a trust wallet, some BNB (Binance Smart Chain), and a smartphone to participate in the Smart Bitcoin Airdrop.
Q: How do I navigate the airdrop process and network settings?
A: When navigating the airdrop process, ensure you are on the Smart Chain network, not Ethereum. You may need to post the airdrop link in social media platforms if you have difficulty copying it from the video description.
Q: What are the final steps in claiming the airdrop and adding it to my wallet?
A: The final steps involve approving the transaction, authenticating the transaction with your security settings, and adding the contract address to your wallet to view the airdrop in your coin list.
Q: How do I wrap up the claim process and add the token to my list?
A: To wrap up the claim process, you need to go back to your wallet section, select 'Add Custom Token,' change the network setting to Smart Chain, paste the contract address, ensure the decimal remains at 18, and add the Smart Bitcoin token to your list.

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