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Red Dead Redemption 2 - 5600G ft. 16GB Ram (Vega 7)

  1. Strategy Briefing
  2. Preparation and Recognition
  3. Train Robbery Execution
  4. FAQ

Strategy Briefing

[Music] Gentlemen, listen up, all of you. According to the information so kindly provided to us by the odris, the train will be coming north from Big Valley. We're going to pick it off after it crosses the border into the Grizzlies. There's a ra spot there that should give us good vantage. Charles, you'll keep lookout for any outriders. How’s that hand, by the way? I'll be fine. Good. I'll take the driver and engineer, then run point. Lenny and Javier, you two, take the front cars, deal with any guards. Arthur and Micah, you head straight for the back, that's what we're after, Mr. Cornwall's Private Car. You and me, Morgan, great. Have you got a problem with that? Not if you keep your head for once. You worry about yourself, huh? Enough. After Bill blows the tracks, we're going to need to move fast.

Preparation and Recognition

See, this is what I call a crew: Mell, Charles, Smith, Arthur, Morgan, Javier. And what about young Lenny here, always the first man on his horse? Just happy he's back at him. Dutch, you sure you're ready for this kid? Of course, I'm ready. Just stay calm, keep your eyes sharp, that goes for all of you. No mistakes, not again. So, we do this, then we go back to Blackwater.

Train Robbery Execution

How many times are you going to ask the same question, Micah? That's a lot of damn money to leave sitting for too long. It would be crazy to go back there now. The place will be swarming with Pinkertons. We go back when I say we go back, and that's the end of it. The money's safe, you'll just have to trust me. And if the odris are right, there'll be a stack of railroad bonds on this train. Good money once we work out how to cash them. Now, everyone shut up and get your mind on the job at hand. Come on, there's a water tower, hold up here on ridge. Is Bill there? Yeah, you want to? Whoa. How you getting on? Yeah, I'm okay, you sure? Of course, can I help a little? All right, go ahead and set up the Detonator by those rocks over there. Okay, sure, now just unspool the wire and then attach it to said detonator. Okay, hey, this is good, all right, that should do it. You head back up to the here. What's going on? He says all fine, we'll soon find oh, everything okay? I thank so okay, cover your faces, train should be [Music] minute here we go here we [Music]. Pull me up, help, I'm slipping. I've got you, now stop, yell Offa, help me. Yeah, you're okay, now let's go, sow this thing down, where's Javier, he fell, the others will get him, you and me, big man. [Music] Come on, we need to stop this train, there's another guard up ahead, you him, I'll go, you cover me, okay, we'd best get up. [Music] There, oh we got C me who's got a shot on them, how the oh should we move up, you all right? Yeah, I'm good, what is him, how you doing there, I'm okay, you got him, I ain't got a clear shot, I'm going up, we have to stop this [Music].


Q: What is the Strategy Briefing about?
A: The Strategy Briefing involves a plan to rob a train coming north from Big Valley after it crosses the border into the Grizzlies.
Q: Who is involved in the Preparation and Recognition phase?
A: The crew involved in the Preparation and Recognition phase includes Mell, Charles, Smith, Arthur, Morgan, and Javier.
Q: What happens during the Train Robbery Execution?
A: During the Train Robbery Execution, the gang sets up a detonator, covers their faces, and tries to stop the train to steal money and railroad bonds.

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