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NotCoin Mining: Hidden FREE Tricks to increase your Balance in Notcoin Free Crypto Telegram Mining

  1. Introduction to NotCoin Mining Application
  2. Updates and Listing Details of NotCoin
  3. Strategies and Tips for NotCoin Mining
  4. FAQ

Introduction to NotCoin Mining Application

So hey guys, welcome back to my channel Nitron. In today's article, we are going to talk about a new mining application. Even though many people know about this, it is about the NotCoin mining platform. Okay, although you know from the thumbnail and the title. So in today's video, I'm going to talk about that particular mining application and I'm going to show you whether it is real and what can we expect from this NotCoin mining application. There will be several updates as well. At the end of the video, I'm going to show you how you can increase your tokens. Okay, how you can make your tokens more than 10x, 20x, 30x, 100x in the next few weeks before it gets launched. Okay, everything will be clear to you in an easy manner. So watch the video completely till the end. And if you are new to my channel, don't forget to just tap on that subscribe button which is there on the screen. And then like this video because you guys give us the like which is so good. And it gives us so much happiness and it gives us so much appreciation that you guys are supporting us. So, like this video.

Updates and Listing Details of NotCoin

And now, we will start with today's video. And one small notification for all of you that join our Telegram group. So this is the Telegram group. The link is given in the description. So just tap on that link and you can join this particular group. The reason is that you will be needing this group because we'll be sharing all the links over here and all the other updates. So, first of all, we will go directly into the screen and I'll be explaining you on the screen what you can expect and what is the update and what should you keep in mind. So, first of all, we will go to their Twitter platform. Right now, they have 520,000 followers. Okay, 520,000 followers is a very, very big amount of followers and it's a very big number. So now, you can see over here, they have just tweeted today, '20 million people have just joined.' So, 20 million people have just joined within 26 days. 20 million people in 26 days. It's a very big achievement. And you can see also over here, '20% of Telegram premium subscribers have also joined.' That means this project has a future. This project has potential. And moreover, I'll be just telling you about their listing. Okay, if you just go into this particular tweet they have tweeted over here below this itself. Okay, you can see over here not will be minted in a few weeks. That means the coin will be launched in a few days. There will not be any pre-sale. There will not be any sort of unnecessary things which will be taking a lot of time. They are directly into the point. They are directly into the particular issue. They don't want to waste your time. So that's why they are going directly into the matter. So what is the matter that they are going to be listed in a few weeks? Okay, and most importantly, remember this basic thing because many people forget this. Okay, how will you be rewarded? It is based on the balances which will be primarily from your league or your friends and from your activity. So this sentence is the important sentence for all the things which are going to do from now on.

Strategies and Tips for NotCoin Mining

First of all, I'll be giving you the link to join the NotCoin mining application and that will be straight away leading you into the Telegram platform. And then once you have this, what you have to do next? It's simple. So once you come into this particular board, the next thing you're going to do is very simple. Next thing you're going to do is very simple. It's just that you'll be getting over here and you'll be having a start button over here. So then it will show you you have joined such and such. And then you have to just start from start earn more. And then once you start mining, it will look somewhat like this. I'll just show you. So the particular platform will be somewhat like this. Before even just starting to mine, I'm just giving you what do you say a big secret tip, which many people ignore to do. That is just close this and come to this particular page where you have to, you can solve this thing. And there's something known as menu. If you just go into the menu section, you can see over here, there is something known as show stats about your squad. So if you just tap on that particular command, you'll be given a stat. So this is my squad, Nitron Crypto. So many users over here, they don't even have a squad. So how to join a squad? So it will be giving you this message actually. So it will be giving you this particular message, which I'll be showing you, which it gave me earlier. You can see it is saying that you are not in any squad. If you have not joined my squad, so what do you need to do? You just need to input the link. So where do you get the link? I'll be giving you the link in my Telegram group. So basically you can just copy that link and paste it over here in this chat and you will be joining my squad. So why do you need to join my squad? Okay, so my squad, which is Nitron Crypto, it has almost about 7,000 members in this. Okay, that is a very big amount. And what do you get out of joining this? So I'll be showing you what do you get. So basically, we will come into the mining dashboard where we have to mine. So currently, Nitron Crypto has mined more than 4.7 billion tokens of NotCoin. And you can see over here, this is a very big amount. And if you can see over here in the ranking, so if you just come into the ranking section, so we are in the Platinum League. Okay, so the next league is directly the Diamond League, which is the final league over here. So how can we qualify to Diamond League? We just need 5 billion tokens to be mined from all of our users, which is very near. I think it's like 300 million more token, and then we will be qualifying for the next particular league, which is Platinum Diamond. So once we come in the Diamond, I am expecting 99.9% that whoever is in the Diamond League, they'll be given a bonus amount or a drop when the listing and the launching will be done. Any squad, you can see there are so many squads in Diamond League. Any squad. And out of all the squads, they'll be giving some of the percentage for these people, these particular users. So this is just my thinking, because if that doesn't happen, then what's the use of making different leagues over here? All right, so this is the first thing. Then we will just talk about your personal mining balances. So right now you might be thinking, how did I get this much of mining balances? Yeah, so well, what did I do is very simple. So first of all, what I did is I applied some automation method. So you might be thinking, this is some technical stuff. I don't know how to do. No, it's not that. Automation means you are making this bot work automatically. So how does that happen? You just need to go into this particular boost section. You can see the rocket button. You just need to go there in the boost section. And then there are some known as these things, okay? There are so many bots over here, the one thing is auto-tab bot. Okay, that you need to buy. So that will not be already there with you. You need to give some amount of balance and then make it happen. Why you need to give? Because auto-tab bot, what it will do is that whenever you're not mining, whenever you're offline, whenever it's recharging over here, it will automatically make the balance collection over here. And once you come back live, you'll be able to collect whatever this bot has collected. Okay, so that is the one advantage. Now, what you need to keep in mind is that try to increase this thing. Okay, ignore this recharging speed. It is not that important. What is important is energy limit and multi-tab. So I'll just first talk about energy limit. Why do you need this? So energy limit is nothing but the limit which you can get over here. Right now, I have 8,000 limit. Many of you might be having 1,000 or 2,000, which is very, very, very low. If you want to go higher. Okay, you might be thinking it's a waste of money. It will eat up my money just by spending. Yeah, yeah, definitely you have to invest if you want to get a return. Okay, just by keeping 10 rupees in your pocket, you won't be a millionaire. You need to invest it back. You need to make it more and you need to buy the resources in order to grow your particular balance, right? So that's how it works. So try to invest as much as possible in energy limit and multi-tab. And then you will be given free of full energy button. Okay, right now you can see I have just half of my energy. And if I just tap and tap and tap over here, my balances will get reduced over here in this particular bar. So I need to wait some time. So instead of waiting, I can just utilize this full energy boost three times a day. Okay, so that's what you can get out of this full energy button. And you can see now it has been made full. So similarly goes for boost, okay, the turbo one. So in turbo, you'll be given a free rocket which you can use for double and triple your balance over here. Now rocket will come over here in the screen. You can see the rocket will come over here and you can see now I need to tap and tap using this turbo method can be able to mine as much coins as possible. So this is the one way of making your balances higher. So now let us say that you don't have any balance to invest. What do you do next? So there are three methods to earn the balances. You just need to go into the earn section. So if you go into the earn section, you will be given some amount of task here to do. So what is that task? It's a simple task. So first task, we have all done the task. So if you join my squad, you'll be given 200,000 balance. And if you qualify to a particular league, Platinum league or any league, you'll be given the task. I mean, you'll be given rewards as for that. And then there are other things as well. Follow NotCon in Telegram and follow their community in Telegram. You'll be given 100,000 balances for that as well. Now, there are some other things. Okay, can see Telegram users name which has come over here. So if you go into some particular task over here, you need to pay a money over here. Okay, such as, you need to invest something, but I don't recommend you to do that because that's not right to do. Because we are here for free income over here. So that is the thing. Then there are other tasks as well. You need to participate in the particular platform or you need to just join the platform. You can do this thing and you'll be able to get some tokens over here. And most importantly, many of the people ignore this when in boarding over here, you'll be given free stuff over here, free amount of tokens over here. So this is the hidden tips and tricks which you can keep in mind to make your balance as much as possible. Now you might say that, I'll also make my particular, what do you say, dashboard as cool as yours. So how do you do that? So I recommend you not to change your wallpaper because it's just a waste of money. I thought there is something like, there's some reward for that. There's no reward for that. It's just a waste of money, buying a skin or something. Don't go for that. Let it be however it is, whichever is the basic one. Let it be in the basic. Okay, so that's the thing. And I think I have covered every single thing over here. And yeah, yeah, most importantly, just invite your friends. So if you have two or three Telegram IDs, just invite yourself with your own referral link and try to join any particular squad. I'm not telling you to join only my squad. Whichever squad you feel comfortable, whichever squad you feel like you have to join, you can join any squad. That's up to you, people. So yeah, basically that's all for today's video. I think that's it. And I think I'll be seeing you in the next video. Keep mining. And this is 100% free income. Don't ignore this. And I'll be meeting you in the next video. Until.


Q: What is the topic of the first article?
A: The first article is about an introduction to the NotCoin mining application.
Q: What are some key details mentioned in the Updates and Listing Details of NotCoin article?
A: Key details include the number of Twitter followers, the announcement of 20 million new members, information about the upcoming coin launch, and how rewards are based on user activity and balances.
Q: What strategies and tips are provided for NotCoin mining in the third article?
A: The strategies and tips include joining a squad, participating in tasks to earn rewards, increasing energy limits and multi-tabs, using automation methods, and utilizing boost options like full energy and turbo for mining balance.

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