HomeBlogSMMNEW WAY TO GROW ON INSTAGRAM PART 1 | Instagram growth tips | Tips and tricks for Instagram growth

NEW WAY TO GROW ON INSTAGRAM PART 1 | Instagram growth tips | Tips and tricks for Instagram growth

  1. Evolution of Instagram Growth Strategies
  2. Understanding Audience Reach on Instagram
  3. Leveraging Instagram Explore Page
  4. Optimizing Instagram Reels for Explore Page Exposure
  5. Strategic Use of Instagram Search Function
  6. Collaborative Strategies for Instagram Growth
  7. FAQ

Evolution of Instagram Growth Strategies

So we are all aware of the changes which have come to Instagram recently. And you know what? If you're not, don't worry. I've got so many videos that you can watch. I'll link to one of them up there where I explain it. But with the platform changing so much, we have to also know that the way to grow on the platform is changing with it. Like things are changing, things are revolving, right? So that's what this video (in fact, two videos I'm breaking into two parts because my analytics tells me that you prefer shorter videos) is about. Why not? In these two videos, I'm gonna be breaking down the new way to grow on Instagram. Okay, because things have changed. I've only had this channel for one year, and the tactics and growth strategies I used before are different now. So I want to break them down and make sure that you are fully aware of the new way to grow on Instagram. Okay.

Understanding Audience Reach on Instagram

So, in order for us to grow on any social networking platform, we need to understand how we get in front of our audience, right? That is the essence of any growth strategy or tactic you've ever heard. It's all about how you're gonna get in front of your audience. Previously, the best way to get in front of your audience on Instagram was to use a hashtag. Like any old hashtag. Remember back in the day, people could just use, like, a celebrity's name as a hashtag and get, like, a thousand followers. Wild. So previously, you could just use a hashtag. The other way of getting in front of your audience was to get on the Explore page. And then the final way to get on your audience previously was to get on their notifications tab. So, like, half their photos, and then they'd appear, you know, on their notifications tab. And maybe that's how they see your account. By no means am I saying that these methods never work anymore. I'm just saying that these methods have evolved.

Leveraging Instagram Explore Page

So let's start off by talking about the Explore page, right? The Explore page has been around for a really long time, but there is a new, more updated way to increase your chances of getting on the Explore page. So let's first give an overview of the Explore page for anyone who's not familiar with it already. The Explore page is the area of your Instagram that is dedicated to showing content from people who you don't already follow. The whole purpose of the Explore page is Instagram's way of allowing you to discover new creators and just find something new, right? Which is why if you head to your Explore page and you search for the content, you'll notice that the majority of that content is from people who you don't follow already. Because Instagram is showing you it because they think you'll like it and they want you to find something new.

Optimizing Instagram Reels for Explore Page Exposure

Now a mistake that you might be making when it comes to getting on the Explore page in this day and age is that you might be sleeping on engagement. One thing which you need to know when it comes to the Explore page and the algorithm which powers the Explore page is that one of the signals the algorithm is looking for is how quickly people are engaging with your content. So timeliness is a factor there. The algorithm is looking at how quickly people are engaging with your content. Because if you're getting a lot of engagement within the first, I know, three, four hours or something, that's a really strong signal to that algorithm that that is a really popular post. And that signal is what's going to help you get on the Explore page.

Strategic Use of Instagram Search Function

Search, right? So we give an overview of what search is for whoever doesn't know what search is yet. Instagram search is basically the functionality which allows people to search keywords and find content related to those keywords. So I'll put a screen recording up as well. I always use the same screen recording whenever I'm explaining what search is, but let me get it up so you can see what I mean. So I'm gonna actually type in one of the suggestions that the search bar is telling me. So it just said "latte." I'm gonna type in "latte" and see what comes up. Here we go. So as a result of me typing the keyword "latte," Instagram search has decided that this is the best, most relevant latte content for me to see. It's really making me want a coffee and I don't have any coffee at home, so I really wish I never searched this.

Collaborative Strategies for Instagram Growth

The final thing I'm going to be talking about in this video is all around getting featured on people's home feeds. So you remember at the start of the video, I spoke about how imperative it was for us to think about how we get in front of our audience when we're trying to figure out how to grow, right? And one of the best ways to get in front of our audience is to elbow our way in front of them and to basically get on someone else's profile, which will allow us to appear in front of all of their followers, right? That's how you elbow your way in front of your audience and therefore grow your account.


Q: What is the topic of the first paragraph?
A: Evolution of Instagram Growth Strategies
Q: What is the main focus of the second paragraph?
A: Understanding Audience Reach on Instagram
Q: What is being discussed in the third paragraph?
A: Leveraging Instagram Explore Page
Q: What is the mistake mentioned in the fourth paragraph?
A: Sleeping on engagement when it comes to getting on the Explore page
Q: What is the topic of discussion in the fifth paragraph?
A: Strategic Use of Instagram Search Function
Q: What is the final topic discussed in this content?
A: Collaborative Strategies for Instagram Growth

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