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New TON Airdrop - Connect Your Ton Wallet & Claim Free Bump Tokens

  1. Introduction to Bump Airdrop on T0 Network
  2. Exploring the Bump Airdrop Features
  3. Earning Bump Tokens and Connecting Wallets
  4. Additional Ways to Earn in Bump Airdrop
  5. Maximizing Bump Airdrop Rewards
  6. Engaging with the Bump Airdrop Community
  7. Completing Tasks for Bump Token Rewards
  8. Daily Rewards and Token Earning Strategies
  9. Engaging in Bump Airdrop Tasks and Promotions
  10. Preparing for Bump Airdrop Gaming and Voucher Opportunities
  11. Exploring Additional Bump Airdrop Features
  12. Connecting Wallet to Bump Airdrop Platform
  13. Task Completion and Token Reward Claiming
  14. FAQ

Introduction to Bump Airdrop on T0 Network

Hey, what's up guys? Welcome back to my channel Crypto Zone. I'm glad you're joining us in today's article. So guys, in today's video, we'll be talking about a Tone-based airdrop known as the market-making profit trust purchase, also known as the Bump Airdrop. It's also a TH-based airdrop that is also planned to be based on the T0 network. And in this video, I'll be showing you guys how to go ahead and use the T Bo to be able to end the bump toon.

Exploring the Bump Airdrop Features

I want you guys to go ahead and explore Twitter page right here to be able to see the post they've made and also some important things that made here with excited news. We're excited to announce our official launch on the Tone app with incredible features. Our app is designed to impress dive and explore everything we have in store. Stay tuned for more updates. So over here is the homepage or the interface on the telegram board. So I'll leave the link in the description of this video for you to go ahead and explore it. I'll also leave the link on my telegram group and as a pin comment right in this video.

Earning Bump Tokens and Connecting Wallets

So once you click on the link, you're going to go ahead and launch the boop. And once you launch the board, the page is going to look exactly like is the interface is similar to the interface of other airdrops like the bloom and other airdrops that you've participated in recently. So right here, guys, to be able to end the bump airdrop, you need to go ahead and tap on this center right here to be able to end a token, and the tokens you end will appear right here. So for instance, if you just go ahead and click on it, it's going to keep increasing your tabs and the number of Bump tokens you earn right here. This is the number of AutoFS, autofarm numbers you get right here. And also, this is the number of tokens you'll be able to earn per hour right here. You can also be able to buy a boost that will help you increase the amount of tokens you earn right here, but then, this will require some things for you to use and buy right here.

Additional Ways to Earn in Bump Airdrop

So for you to be able to buy, you will need right here to use about 4 million to buy time two of what you earn. You need about 30 million to be able to * three. And lastly, you need about 200 million to be able to ear Time 5 of what you ear on each tab. So that's it about the Bump airdrop. But let's not jump into that. Is the homepage like I told you. The primary way to end is to tap on this but right here, and you'll be able to end consecutively as much as you tap right here. Then let me explain some features right here that will help you to end continuously.

Maximizing Bump Airdrop Rewards

And also, in this video, I will also show you guys how to go ahead and connect your wallet right into the Bump mining platform. So right here, you can see right here, this is a farming page where you'll be able to farm right here, which is basically the homepage. We are right here, you just farm right here, basically.

Engaging with the Bump Airdrop Community

The next page right here is the friend page where you can be able to use and invite your friend. You can see right here invite friends and in and then you'll be able to in up to 10% of every person you invite right here. You can also be able to see your ratings right here, and if you want to invite your friends, you click right here to be able to end the link.

Completing Tasks for Bump Token Rewards

So if you click here, it's going to bring this page for you and all you need to do is just to go ahead and click on copy link right here or send Telegram to be able to send the link to your friends on Telegram. So that is it, and once you're able to get your friends and start the Friends start for me, you'll be able to get your incentives right here. And all you need to do is just go ahead and click on claim reward, and then your set will be added right into your main balance. Now the other ways you can be able to bump tokens right here and the way is known as the task right here. There are a lot of tasks that you'll be able to and right.

Daily Rewards and Token Earning Strategies

So first of all, you'll be able to earn up to 100,000 bump tokens if you link your T wallet, and I'm going to show you how you can be able to do that, how you can be able to link your T keeper right in this video to be able to up to 100 million bump tokens. And that way you can also be able to subscribe to their group right, subscribe to group MM Pro Group on Telegram and be able to earn up to 10 million. And then you subscribe to the channel of the on Telegram able to up to 10 million and so on and so forth. We have other ones, subscribe to MM Pro Trust on Telegram, follow them on Twitter, right, follow MM Pro on Twitter right here, and you can also be able to follow them or if you follow T on Twitter.

Engaging in Bump Airdrop Tasks and Promotions

So you'll be able to also earn about 50 million, and then if you follow the Sone on Twitter you to also up to 50 million. And then, um if you see all these task right here, if complete them, you'll be able to earn up to 5050 million for each ones right here. So they also have the daily right here since you do daily - click on daily - and you see that for every you log in, you can be able to claim a reward right here. This is the one I've just claimed right now. So you can see right here it's claimed and if I should go back to my homepage, you will see that I've been able to earn up to 400 BM tokens right here.

Preparing for Bump Airdrop Gaming and Voucher Opportunities

You can see right this is 400,000 BM tokens I just end right now. Remember we're in the T section, and I just claimed it for my daily reward so the second day I'll be able to come right here and earn up to 500,000 BM tokens for the third day I up 7,000 BM tokens and this will continue so on and so forth and so the CLE is going to repeat itself day in and day out so make sure not to miss a day otherwise you will miss getting some mob tokens for yourself. So and that one right here is uh let me quickly go back, and right here we have the games you can see right here space Point arcades the flying asteroids are no obstacle to collecting all the M Pro points for you this coming soon so you'll be able to play this game very soon once it launches right here. I will let you guys know on my telegram.

Exploring Additional Bump Airdrop Features

So lastly guys, you can be able to also explore the vouch section right here. The I to launch you can see right here coming soon where you'll be able to buy vouchers that will help you to a bump tokens for yourself and also give you outstanding opportunities right in the future. For instance, you guys know that when not coin vouch came out, people that bought notco vou got a Bonus after the token launch so this is also going to be an opportunity for you to go ahead and make yourself stand out.

Connecting Wallet to Bump Airdrop Platform

So right now guys before I end the video, I told you guys that I'm going to show you guys how you can be able to connect your T keeper wallet right in this video. So right here you can see right here this icon right here. If you click on it, it's going to bring this page for you connect your wallet, open Wallet in telegram or select your wallet to connect. So they have options right here, they have an option of you connecting your telegram wallet right here; they have options of T keeper; they have options of you copying the link and connecting it. So right, I'll just go ahead and connect my T keeper right now. So I click on T keeper and then I'll go ahead and click on yes, and it's going to bring me back to this page right here. And I'll just go ahead and click on connect, and then I'll just proceed to add my password and right now guys, my wallet is connected you can see done, and right here you can see my wallet is automatically connected right here and guys it's as simple as that.

Task Completion and Token Reward Claiming

So right now, guys, I've been able to connect my wallet and I'll just go over to the task page right now and click on this task right and you can see check complete task click on check and they should be able to credit me with my 100 million bomb tokens right. Okay that have not been done but I just wait you can see right here task not completed so I just wait a bit and go ahead and try it out cuz you can see right here the task address is already connected right here so I just go ahead and wait a bit and check it out and automatically my 100 million bump tokens will be added to my account. So guys that's just the basic way to use the bump airdrop or the bump bot to a bomb tokens for yourself go ahead and perform all the tasks right here and you'll be able to bump tokens for yourself you can choose to connect your telegram wallet or to collect your T keeper wallet or in wall for choice but telegram wallet and T keeper wallet are the recommended wallet for the bump airdrop so do to ask any question any question in the comment section and I'll be to back to you do to follow on Twitter and also follow the AM Community to be able to also keep yourself updated about the things going on in the pump Community thanks for watching guys and until next time guys please do have a he.


Q: What is the Bump Airdrop on T0 Network?
A: The Bump Airdrop is a Tone-based airdrop on the T0 network that involves market-making profit trust purchase and earning Bump tokens.
Q: How can I earn Bump tokens and connect my wallet?
A: You can earn Bump tokens by tapping on the center button to earn tokens, buying boosts to increase token earnings, and connecting your wallet through options like T keeper or telegram wallet.
Q: What are the additional ways to earn in the Bump Airdrop?
A: You can earn more Bump tokens by completing tasks like inviting friends, claiming rewards, and engaging in promotions on social media platforms like Twitter.
Q: How can I maximize Bump Airdrop rewards?
A: You can maximize rewards by completing tasks, engaging with the community, claiming daily rewards, linking your T wallet, and participating in airdrop features like gaming and vouchers.
Q: How can I connect my wallet to the Bump Airdrop platform?
A: You can connect your wallet by selecting the wallet option, opening the wallet in telegram, or copying the link to connect. Connecting the wallet is essential to earn and claim tokens.

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