HomeBlogOthersNEW FREE OverWallet Crypto Mining [100% VERIFIED] Instant Claim & Withdrawal (2024) | Over Protocol

NEW FREE OverWallet Crypto Mining [100% VERIFIED] Instant Claim & Withdrawal (2024) | Over Protocol

  1. AMA Session Updates and Importance of Referrals
  2. Daily Quiz Answers and Discord Server
  3. FAQ

AMA Session Updates and Importance of Referrals

So hey guys, welcome back to my channel nighton. In today's article, we are going to talk about the Over Protocol and Over Wallet. You have seen this application, I know. Most of you guys will have this. 99% of my subscribers do have this because this is a new mining project. I mean, not new, but it is one of the top mining projects which is in the cryptocurrency industry right now. So today, we'll be talking about how we can claim the token and the withdrawal. What is the news regarding withdrawal? How to withdraw? What will be the price and all the single updates whichever is given, I'll be telling you. But before that, I'll be telling you yesterday, there was an AMA session which has been conducted by their CEO or the owner of this particular project. And he has given a lot of updates in that AMA session. So what are those updates? It is regarding withdrawal, it is regarding KYC, it is regarding the listing of price. Many things are there over there. So in this video, if you are new, if you are already mining, or if you are a new user, this video is going to be very, very important for both of the users. Okay, watch the video completely, completely till the end. So first of all, if you are new into my channel, don't forget to subscribe to our channel. We are super, super close to 33,000 subscribers. Just hit that subscribe button and also if you are, what do you say, just like this video because we need 200 likes as usual. You just need to, guys, like this video. So first of all, in my Telegram group, I regularly, I have made the video regarding Over Protocol. You can see Over Protocol video. I keep on giving the updates, like daily answers, daily quiz answer. I kept on doing that. And we have kept on telling you that you need to, and every single day. But still we are seeing some people ignoring this. But if you are looking for ignoring this, don't forget what profits we have generated yesterday from the Republic application. You have joined the Republic mining application. And from that, we have got a good withdrawal. Some people even made a withdrawal of $150 from our subscriber. So this is not just one time. So $150, they'll be earning monthly wise. So similarly, we will be able to earn from Over Protocol. So Over Protocol, I'll be telling you, if you are new into this particular project, just install this project and insert my referral code and start to mine every day. And once you come over here in the mission section, you'll be able to get daily quiz over here and you will be getting the answers. I'll be telling you how to get the answers at the end of the video. And also if you come into the reward section, it will show you which position you are in. So it is saying I'm in the top five position. And this is what it is showing. Now we'll come into the first thing over here. So whatever the referral you are going to make, okay, so first of all, we will talk about referrals. We will talk about withdrawals later on. So first of all, talking about referrals, you can see over here I have 68 what? You say cards left over here, okay? I did not claim it. I thought what's the use of it? It is of no use. I used to think like that. I used to think it is of no use. You can see over here I have collected all these things at once. I used to think like that at the beginning. Now once I went through their AMA session, when I went through their meeting and I understood this card has a lot of benefits over here, we need to collect it. We don't need to skip it. So we will straight away go into their, what do you say? The summary of that meeting. You can see there was a meeting, online meeting day before yesterday, not yesterday, but day before yesterday, Jan 4th. People were given 2,000 points for free. Okay? So these points which you are claiming every day, this will be worth of something. It won't go to waste. There is a meaning to it. You can see they have clearly given over here the first thing is that the first and foremost thing is that they have had 43,000 participants in the test net. But not many people could participate because they need to have a laptop, etc. Okay? So now we will go into the first question and answer which was conducted over here. You can see over here, there is one question, yeah, there's a question over here. So over points in the Over Wallet will be converted to over tokens, okay? The message is clear. Whatever the points we are claiming every single day through quiz answers through daily claiming through staking, etc., we will be able to convert it into the tokens. And the ratio is not confirmed. Don't think that it will be one is to one, r according to me. I think this is just my thinking. Maybe if you have 100 tokens, 100 points, maybe if you have 100 points, it will be considered as one token. Okay? One token it will be considered. This is just my prediction because I can see this is happening over here. And the next thing which I want to tell over here is that what could be the price? So mark my words over here, guys. The pricing of one Over Wallet during the listing will be at least $2.5. One token will be at least $2.5. We don't know the ratio yet. Is it a one-to-ten ratio or one-to-hundred ratio? We don't know anything about the points and over tokens. But I know one thing for sure, it can be at least of $2.5. This is according to my research and according to my study based on the project because they have told they have nearly one billion of supply in the token. So in that consideration, I can see that happening. And moreover, if you go to their Twitter page, if you just open their Twitter and if you just search over there regarding the Over Wallet, just search over here, Over Protocol. You can see over here, they are already having like a golden tick mark and the followers. If you go into the followers list, many official exchanges, official crypto projects, they are already following this project. And also, let me just tell you, their listing is highly likely to be happening on Bybit. We have a Bybit exchange and we have one more exchange, OKEx. I can see this happening in these two exchanges for sure without any doubt because of my research. Now we will come into the next thing. We have understood about withdrawal. We have understood about the pricing. Now there is an important stuff. You might be thinking, OK, this is enough for me. I'll not be opening the app from now. You might be thinking and not touching the app. If you do that, there is a warning for you. What is that warning? You can see what are the plans for referrals and KYC. You can see referrals will be converted to over tokens into one is to one ratio. So whatever the referrals you have, let us say how much referral I have, I don't know about that. Let me check where is it written. Yeah, I have somewhere around 426 referrals. So that means I'll be getting 426 tokens directly in one is to one ratio because in this sentence it is telling that referrals will be converted to over tokens. So this is the important thing. Don't ignore these cards. Okay, the more cards you earn, the more numbers will increase over here. You can see it is now 426. I'll just try to claim one card over here. You can see it will become 427. It will be becoming right now. You can see I'll be just collecting this card. Yeah, it is collected. And now if I come over here, you can see now it's 427. So that's why I'm telling you don't ignore that card. And regarding the KYC, you can see over 5 million people have joined this app. And they are conducting a KYC in collaboration with Partners. Okay, that means they might be collaborating with any other application. But KYC is important. Without KYC, if you miss any single KYC, let's say that you have forgot about this app. Then one day you wake up and you understand that KYC is over. No more KYC application is found. Then that means all the tokens and all the hard works which you have done, it's all going to waste. You are not going to get anything out of it. So this was the entire AMA session and the meeting data which I collected from their website. And I plan to explain to you because if you just randomly read this thing without any experience in crypto, you might be getting confused and you might not be understanding. And moreover, people over here are not that good in understanding the English. They just know to read the English. So that's why I'm trying to help them and make them understand over here. Okay? So this was the entire session.

Daily Quiz Answers and Discord Server

Now coming into the important part like how to get the daily quiz answer. So for that, you need to join their Discord server. Okay? Discord server. I'll be giving you the link. And once you go into the Discord server, come into the server section and then you will be able to go into, I mean, I'll be giving you the joining link. So join that server. I think my Discord is hanging over here. Yeah, it is hanging. I'll just close it and reopen this. Yeah. Once you come into the Discord server of Over Protocol, then you have to scroll down a little bit and you can see there will be one channel known as Over Wallet Quiz. Over Wallet Quiz. There will be a channel over there and daily question and answer, it will be shown over here. I think it will be somewhere here. Give me a second. Yeah. In this channel, Over Wallet Quiz, if you ask anyone, they'll be giving you answer. You can see this guy is answering the answer for today's quiz is such and such answer. So in this way, you can able to get the daily answer from here. Okay. So I'm telling you because sometimes, not sometimes, many times, I forget to update in my channel regarding the daily answer because we are, it's so difficult to catch off so many projects and so many videos we make on the daily basis. So we are getting a little bit difficult. So we are giving you the tips and tricks to how you can make sure that you can find out the answers by yourself. So I think that's all for today's video. Like and share this video as much as possible. And I'll be seeing you in the next video. Until then.


Q: What updates were provided during the AMA session for Over Protocol?
A: Updates regarding withdrawals, KYC, listing price, and more were discussed during the AMA session.
Q: How can one claim tokens and make withdrawals in the Over Protocol project?
A: To claim tokens and make withdrawals, one needs to participate in mining activities, daily quizzes, staking, and referrals. The process of converting points to tokens and the expected listing price were also explained.
Q: What is the importance of referrals and KYC in the Over Protocol project?
A: Referrals play a crucial role as they will be converted to Over tokens in a 1:1 ratio. KYC is essential to validate user identity and must be completed to ensure that earned tokens and rewards are not lost.
Q: Where can one find daily quiz answers for the Over Protocol project?
A: Daily quiz answers can be found on the Discord server of Over Protocol. Users can join the server, navigate to the 'Over Wallet Quiz' channel, and get the answers to the daily quizzes.

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