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NEW FREE MetaOasis Crypto Mining [100% VERIFIED] Instant Claim & Withdrawal (2024) | MOMO AI Mining

  1. Introduction to a New Mining Application
  2. Exploring the Meta Oasis Project
  3. Earning Rewards from Daily Mining
  4. FAQ

Introduction to a New Mining Application

So hey guys, welcome back to my channel Nitron. In today's article, I have brought a new mining project and a new mining application which is very important. You can see the environment around me is not my workspace, so I am traveling right now. But I found this application just now and I feel that this is a must-needed application everyone should take part in. This project can give us higher profits than we are expecting from NCoin, expecting from P Network. This particular Mar project could give us more profits than that. Okay, so make sure you watch the video completely till the end. And obviously, if you are new to my channel, don't forget to subscribe. Our channel, there's a small subscribe button. And also like the video. And make sure one simple thing, watch the video step by step to not miss any single update and any single step which might lead you to not be profitable. So that's why I'm making the video. I'm making the video so that everyone can be profitable and everyone can earn on a daily basis. All right. So now we will straight away go into the mobile screen and we will understand how to participate in this project.

Exploring the Meta Oasis Project

So guys, talking about the project, project name is Meta Oasis. So Meta Oasis, it's basically a social entertainment web 3 platform. And why am I emphasizing and why am I giving the importance is very simple. It is what do you say? It's a platform based on the Solana and T Network. And we have seen all the Solana network airdrops in the past, such as pit token PT. Then we have seen Jupiter. Then we have seen other projects as well where they are giving a lot of airdrops to many people who have taken part in Solana. So that is the only reason Solana can give any project any amount of airdrop. So that's how I'm making the video. So how do we join this particular airdrop and mining? How can we mine? I'll be just telling you step by step. So first of all, I'm going to give you the link in my Telegram group. So join this Telegram group because in this Telegram group, I'll be giving all the links which is necessary for today's mining project. Okay. The link is given in the description of the video to join this Telegram group. Yeah. So once you open that bot, it will be looking somewhat like this. Now what you have to do is that there is a connecting Now button. Okay. So there will be invite code automatically put over there. So let that be over there. If you cannot find the invite code. So this is the invite code you can just note it down in your mobile phone. If ever you don't find this invite code appearing over there, then just tap on connecting Now button. So once you just tap on connecting Now button, you will be given a random character for yourself. Okay. It's just random. It doesn't have any importance for that. Then what you have to do is very simple. There will be commands which will be showing over here. You just need to tap on next, next button. And then I got it. Now what you have to do is very simple. So when you start initially, I'll just tell you what is it about. How do we earn? So first of all, this is where we will be able to get some amount of points. Okay. And we have to convert these points into the levels. Okay. Using this particular point, we have to level up over here. And the more we level up, the more tokens we will be earning at the end of the day.

Earning Rewards from Daily Mining

What matters is the token which has been accumulated over here based on the daily mining and based on the daily earnings. Okay. So first of all, how do we get this? First thing. So for that, what we need to do is very simple. I'll just go into this particular part that is known as draw. So if you go into the draw button, draw section, every day you'll be given one draw. Okay. So every single day, it's like you'll be given one draw. And from each draw, you'll be able to get this particular point. So how do we get that draw? You have to just tap on the share to unlock button. Okay. So once you just tap on that share to unlock button, you have to share to someone randomly. Okay. I'll just share to someone randomly over here. I'll just share to this guy. And once I share this, then I'll go back into that particular bot. Okay. So once I come back into that particular bot, it will say as unlocked and we have two draw. I'll just tap on draw and randomly I'll be getting a point. So I'll just tap on this draw button again and randomly I'll be getting any random points over here. It can be 100, 200, 500, anything. So you can see I got 290 points over here. Some people get 3000 also. It depends from one person to another person. So next, what you have to do is very simple. Just tap on this get the point button. And then you can see it will say send it to your 10 friends to get additional. So that is the later part. We will discuss that later. Now we will come back. So once you come back, then there is something known as home. So come back to the home section. And you can see we have currently 29 points. And with this current level, we are able to earn 214 tokens per day. So if we level up, if I level up right now, it will cost me 150 points. So I'll just tap on level up. And I'll be leveling up from level one to level two. And now my mining rate has been increased. So earlier it was something and now it is 417 per day. So based on this particular way, based on this particular method, you have to come over here every day and then just tap on draw. Every day you'll be given one draw for completely free, which is able to make some extra earnings over here. Now coming into the other parts of earning. So what is this reward about? So if you come into this reward section, there is something known as deposit. Okay, it's nothing but you have to deposit some amount of Solana. So do I recommend this? Do I think? I don't recommend you anyone to invest over here. Because the reason which I made this video is to get the free amount of money and to get free amount of tokens from this particular mining. So if you want to deposit Solana, it is not yet unlocked. Solana deposit is not yet been opened for everyone. So that's why if you want to deposit, I can make another video regarding that. But I don't recommend you guys to put money over here. Now coming into the other part which is known as a team. So in referral system, can you actually make money? I think my answer is no. You cannot make any referral income. I feel that way. Okay. So let me just go back into my particular bot over here. So why can't you make money in the referral? I have a reason for that. So what is the reason? Because I tried to recommend, I mean, I tried to refer one or two friends. I'll be showing from my main ID. Just give me a second. So this is my main ID. And you can see my current mining rate is 1,000 tokens per day. So when I tried to refer my friends, if I just go into my team, you can see over here, I'm not able to get any amount of income from them. Why is that? I will only get the income from my referrals if they deposit Solana over here. Without that, I cannot make any money. So this means it's a very good symbol for us. It's a very, very big advantage for us because some of the whales and some of the influencers, they take advantage in other projects which we have seen in P Network, i.e. Network, etc., etc. But here, not any whale can take over the entire system. So it will be a fair mining project and it will be like equally distribution for everyone based on the hard work they do every day. So this is why I'm telling you this is a very promising project and you guys have to take a look into this particular project before making any decision. And talking about the finance, talking about the research part, because a lot of people ask, what is the research you have done and how did you contact their team? It's a simple thing. If there is a join group at the top of the screen, so just tap on that join group button and you will be straight away going into the particular Telegram official page. And you can see a lot of people are discussing over here and a lot of people are asking questions and answers. You can see there are multiple groups as well. You can see this chat zone, general, etc., etc. So this is for your own, what do you say, reference. I'm not promoting them or anything. I'm just giving you the entire thing so that you guys can understand. So my conclusion is very simple. If you have more than one ID, if you have two or three Telegram IDs with you, then definitely, you can go to make multiple IDs because it's not going to cost any single amount of money from your pocket. So I think that's all for today's video, guys. Like and share this video as much as possible, and I'll be meeting you in the next video until then.


Q: What is the new mining application introduced in the Nitron channel?
A: The new mining application introduced is called Meta Oasis. It is a social entertainment web 3 platform based on Solana and T Network.
Q: How can one participate in the Meta Oasis project?
A: To participate in the Meta Oasis project, individuals can join the Telegram group where necessary links for the mining project are shared. By following the steps provided in the Telegram group, users can start earning tokens and rewards through daily mining activities.
Q: What are the ways to earn rewards from daily mining activities?
A: Users can earn rewards from daily mining activities by participating in the draw section, sharing to unlock button, accumulating points to level up, and by engaging in other activities provided within the mining application. The rewards are based on daily mining and earnings.

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