HomeBlogOthersNEW FREE CRYPTO AIRDROP | Tea Protocol Testnet & Mathverse NFT Airdrop [ENDS SOON]

NEW FREE CRYPTO AIRDROP | Tea Protocol Testnet & Mathverse NFT Airdrop [ENDS SOON]

  1. Introduction to Airdrops on Nighton Channel
  2. First Airdrop from Math Wallet for NFT Whitelist
  3. Second Airdrop from T Protocol backed by Binance Lab
  4. FAQ

Introduction to Airdrops on Nighton Channel

So hey guys, welcome back to my channel Nighton. In today's article, I'm going to show you two airdrops. Okay, so these two airdrops are going to be massive. They are backed by Binance Lab and these two airdrop projects are so massive that you cannot even imagine. Okay, so the first one will be regarding the reward. It will be very, very high. Okay, if you are eligible for that reward, you can be able to get at least $500 from that. This is the minimum. So, this is the first airdrop. The first airdrop is based on luck. And the second airdrop, we are expecting at least $100 per ID. So, this one is not luck. Everyone has to do the task. So based on the task you do, you'll be able to get. So, if you do more tasks, you'll be able to get more profit in the future. If you do less tasks, you will not get any profit in the future. So, that's why I'm telling you at the beginning of the video, these two projects are very, very massive. So, before starting the video, if you're new to my channel, don't forget to subscribe to our channel. We are almost near to 36,000 subscribers. Just tap on that subscribe button and also like this video. And a small notification that join this Telegram group. The link is already given in the description of this video. The reason is that you just need to join this Telegram group because they will be all the links related to today's video. Okay, so I think we will start with today's first video.

First Airdrop from Math Wallet for NFT Whitelist

So the first airdrop is coming from the Math Wallet. So Math Wallet is a very, very big project. And you can see over here, they are giving a free giveaway of NFT whitelist. And you can see the number of winners are 750. Okay, so 750 winners are picked over here in a random basis. If you are selected, then you're very, very lucky. So how do we participate? So first of all, we have to connect our wallet. Just tap on that connect wallet, which is shown over here. So once you connect our wallet, then you have to just select as MetaMask. Because we are connecting through MetaMask. Okay, so I'll be just selecting MetaMask. And let's just connect our wallet first of all. Okay, there is a request which has gone to our MetaMask wallet. So we will approve that request as well. Okay, sign transaction. And then, yeah, that is done. Now what we need to do is that we need to come back over here and then we have to switch the network. We have to switch the network to BNB chain. So we will just tap on the switch network and then we have to switch from any network we are in right now to BNB Smart Chain. Okay, so once we are switching over here, then what we need to do is that we will just close all the additional tabs. Okay, then what we have to do is that we have to just tap on this Connect Wallet again. Because I think it got disconnected due to some reason. All right, so let's just wait for it. I think it got disconnected when I shifted from one tab to another. So that's the reason. Okay, so no problem. I'll just go back over there into that page and you can see it is connected. So now what I need to do is that I need to authorize my Twitter. Okay, so you can see access token is expired. Please authorize your account. That is this one. So what I'm going to do is that I'm just tapping on reauthorize. And then I'll just tap on reauthorize app over here. So once I authorize, you can see, please grant access to your previously authorized Twitter account. So I'll just tap on that authorize button. And let's see what will happen later. So once you authorize your Twitter, then you have to just follow one and every single ID they have given. Okay, so each and every ID they have shown over there. Okay, so first of all, Math Wallet. Then comes Math versus NFT. All you have to follow. This video might go longer, but you need to watch the full video because the second airdrop is much, much bigger than this one. Okay, so just follow all the Twitter pages which they have shown. And then what you have to do is that like and retweet the given tweet. So we will do that as well. It's like a simple Galaxy task which everyone does. So I'll just tap on this like button first of all. And then I'll just tap on retweet. That is repost. And I'll come back. And then it is asking verify your email ID. And then I'll just tap on "I'm not a robot." And it is asking to solve the capture over here. And then I think I'll just tap on next. And then fire hydrant. Yeah, then next. I think. How many more? It is asking all right. So what is it asking right now? Motorcycle. So we will do all these solve capture thing. And then we will just make sure we will verify all the stuff over here. Okay. So once it's verified, I'll just tap on "confirm registration." So far right now, you can see over here, 48,000 people have participated over here. And you can see it is saying, "Congratulations, you have successfully won one whitelist." So what you need to do is that you need to refer to your friends to get more chances of winning. Okay. So that's how it's going to work. So this was the first airdrop.

Second Airdrop from T Protocol backed by Binance Lab

So the second airdrop is coming from the T Protocol, which is backed by the Binance Lab. If you don't know the T Protocol, I'll just remind you. We had taken part in that whitelist if you guys remember T Protocol. If you guys clearly remember. So this is the project which we were talking about and this is backed by Binance Lab fund. You can see it is also followed by Binance Lab fund as well. So what do you need to do in this video before taking part is that if you have a laptop, then it is well and good. If you have a mobile phone, what you need to do right now is simple. You just need to go to your settings and then enable your developer options. I've already told you how you can enable your developer options. Just go to about phone section and then you just need to tap on this build number six to seven times. Okay, this one. And then once you enable the developer option, just go there and then scroll down. And then you'll be finding one of the options known as adjustment of the screen. Okay, here, minimum width. Okay. You just need to make it as 7160 over here. And then just tap on okay. So every single thing, text will become very, very tiny. Everything will be very, very small over here. Okay. So once this is done, I'll just close down like this. And then I'll just open that particular airdrop page. So which is from the T Protocol. Okay. So I'll be just opening that page right now in any browser. It can be Chrome browser as well. So you can see it will be like this. Make sure that your screen is in landscape mode, which is like not straight, but tilted like this. Then whichever the Google ID you had given for whitelist, you need to sign in with that. I'll just give my Google. I'll just sign in with that Gmail ID. Okay. So once you give that Gmail ID, once you sign in through that Gmail ID, it will just ask you to create a username. So the task over here is also easy. It's in a very early stage. So only small tasks are available. So as it goes on further and further, the more tasks will come over here. Okay. I think the connected successfully. It happened. Then we have to continue without GitHub. Okay. So I'll just continue without GitHub and I'll just give my new username over here. So I think due to the keyboard issue, I cannot type properly. Okay. So once you create a username, then it is saying that complete registration. So we will tap on that as well. Then generating T username registering and receiving testnet tokens. And then let's do this. Okay. We are ready to perform the task of testnet over here for T protocol. So now what we have to do is... So first of all, we will be given with some... We are not giving anything. So we'll be having zero T protocol testnet tokens. So first of all, we need to go into the profile and then we need to go into the settings. And once we come into the settings, what we need to do first of all is that we just need to... I think, let me just check over here. We just need to add profile details over here. So what we need to add... Profile details. We just need to keep it as novice and then save changes. And then what we need to do is that we need to add the email ID. So which email ID we need to add? Okay. The email ID which we had given during the part of the whitelist we need to give that. So once you do this, then we will come into the home section. And then what we have to do is that we have to scroll down and you can see there are some tasks which we need to do. Okay. So the tasks are given over here. Let's just tap on this T test net button. So once you tap on this T test net button, you can see if you add the email address. Okay. If we add the email address, we will be given 125 points. So it is saying, tell us about yourself. So already 500 points are given. It will take some time to add. Okay. So then there is something known as break T rank that I'll be making one more video for that. And then there is one regarding being first 100 to order T bur. So we will talk about that later as well in next video. So right now what we need to do is very simple. So for now, you have to just add your email ID in your profile section. Connect your GitHub account. And then what you need to do is, uh, what was that one more over here? I think it was given somewhere over here. Yeah, that's it for now. And you can see I have already earned 600 points over here. So based on the points, you'll be given a ranking. And if you have the higher ranking at the end of the test net, you will be given the higher rewards as well. So the project is very strong. It is backed by Binance Lab and it has been funded by Binance Lab as well. So don't miss it. If you can do multiple IDs, then do that. It's a easy thing. You just need to have multiple Gmail account. That's it. And you can be able to do all these tasks in an easy manner. Okay, I think that's all for this video guys. Like and share this video as much as possible. And I'll be meeting you in the next.


Q: What are the two airdrops discussed on Nighton Channel?
A: The two airdrops discussed on Nighton Channel are backed by Binance Lab. The first airdrop is based on luck and offers a minimum reward of $500, while the second airdrop requires completing tasks for a minimum reward of $100 per ID.
Q: What is the first airdrop mentioned and how to participate in it?
A: The first airdrop mentioned is from Math Wallet for NFT whitelist. To participate, users need to connect their wallet to MetaMask, switch the network to BNB Smart Chain, authorize Twitter, follow specified Twitter pages, like and retweet a given tweet, and verify their email ID.
Q: What is the second airdrop discussed in the article?
A: The second airdrop is from T Protocol, which is backed by Binance Lab. Participants need to enable developer options on their device, connect their Gmail ID given for whitelist, create a username, and perform tasks on the T Protocol testnet platform to earn points for rewards.

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