HomeBlogAffiliate MarketingMy Secret To Learning & Self-Improvement

My Secret To Learning & Self-Improvement

  1. Optimizing Learning and Self-Improvement Efforts
  2. Unconventional Approach to Mindset Improvement
  3. Strategic Approach to Studying Successful Individuals
  4. Targeting Specific Net Worth Levels for Learning
  5. Navigating the Uncanny Valley of Net Worth
  6. FAQ

Optimizing Learning and Self-Improvement Efforts

Oh! My mind is so powerful. No. But seriously, I really put a lot of effort into making my mind powerful. And in this video, I'm going to be showing you my secret to learning and self-improvement that has paid off dividends.

Unconventional Approach to Mindset Improvement

Everybody talks about the mindset, right? The mindset, the mindset, the mindset. And frankly, I'm bored of hearing about mindset, mindset, mindset too. It's like how do you improve your mindset? How do you even train your mindset?

Strategic Approach to Studying Successful Individuals

What I found which is really interesting about mindset is that you want to study people that are 1 to 2 levels above you. But not more. And the other thing I found out about is you don't want to study people who are at your level either.

Targeting Specific Net Worth Levels for Learning

More specifically I look to find people who are in a specific as specific of an industry as possible that are1 to 2 levels above me. Now, in particular, I'll try to find other affiliate marketers. But I just look for because it's so specific to find specific affiliate marketers that have interviews with them that have 8 to 9 figure Net Worth I found it much easier to find marketers direct response marketers that have eight to nine figure net worth.

Navigating the Uncanny Valley of Net Worth

If you're doing sales, learn from a sales person who has 6 figures in their bank accounts. 7 figures in their bank account. Now, the difficult thing about this is there is an uncanny valley here that I found.


Q: How can I optimize my learning and self-improvement efforts?
A: Put effort into making your mind powerful and adopt a strategic approach to learning and self-improvement.
Q: What is an unconventional approach to mindset improvement?
A: Consider studying individuals one to two levels above you rather than focusing on mindset cliches.
Q: Is there a strategic approach to studying successful individuals?
A: Study individuals who are one to two levels above you in a specific industry for targeted learning.
Q: How can I target specific net worth levels for learning?
A: Look for individuals in a specific industry who are one to two levels above you with a specific net worth level, usually 8 to 9 figures.
Q: How to navigate the uncanny valley of net worth?
A: Learn from salespersons with a bank account balance of 6 to 7 figures but be cautious of the uncanny valley phenomenon.

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