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I Earne164 USDT Instantly To my Trust Wallet

  1. Channel Introduction and Subscription Reminder
  2. Withdrawal Process
  3. Using Signals for Successful Transactions
  4. Refer a Friend and Conclusion
  5. FAQ

Channel Introduction and Subscription Reminder

Hey, what's up guys, welcome back to my channel, Crypto Zone. I'm going to join us in today's video. In this video, guys, I'm going to be you guys to that just paid me. Up is do to go ahead and hit on the Subscribe button right here, and don't forget to go ahead and turn on notification for all our videos so that any post new video YouTube will always notify you. You can do to also go ahead and join our membership program right here, so that you can be able to access our members-only content. Do want to also go ahead and check out the Desc of our videos to be able to access our telegram link. Join our telegram so be able to get other info that we post on our Telegram, and don't forget to also give our videos a like and share to your friends. So guys, having said all this, let's get started.

Withdrawal Process

So guys, over here we have around $170.88 us, and right now we're going to go ahead and withdraw it straight to our account. So we just go ahead and click right here to be able to make our withdrawal, and click on wallet, and it's going to bring us to this page where you be able to withdraw. So select withdraw and go ahead and put in the amount you want to withdraw. So be going ahead to withdraw everything right here, we'll be withdrawing $170 us. So once you click on this, it going to show you how much you'll be receiving. We'll be receiving $65, $4.9 right from this withdrawal, and we're paying a service fee of 3%. So I just go ahead and click on withdraw, and it will ask me to confirm my wallet. I'll just go ahead and click on confirm, and guys payment has been sent automatically. If I go back right to my homepage, you see that the money have been DED right here, and we only have around 88 Cent right here. So I just proceed straight to my trust wallet to check for the payment of 1649 USD. So over here is my trust wallet. I'll just go ahead and open my b 20 USD wallet address. So over here is it and currently the money have not arrived. So I just keep refreshing until the payment comes in.

Using Signals for Successful Transactions

So guys, right now payment has arrived, and you can see make good money from this website. And in my previous video about this site, I was able to withdraw a total of 149 USDT right into my trust world, and I showed you guys proofs right on this channel. So in today's video guys, I'll be going ahead to complete more successful transactions and I'll be showing you guys using the signals that I'll be getting from the signal group. So do well to stick around in this video. So once you are new right here, guys, you need to go ahead and fund your account to be able to stand out to be ready to play the games that will come up as a prediction. So you need to go ahead and fund your account in case if your account is empty. All you need to do is to go ahead and come to this page and then go ahead and fill the amount you want to deposit. For the minimum should be at least 5 USD. So let me just assume I'm going to deposit um maybe 30 USD today. So I just select 30 US and I'll go ahead and click on pay now. So it's going to load up to this fast pay page. Where it's going to bring out the make the minimum of payment. So I just need go and select whether I want to pay with bip or t 20. So I always go with bip. I just go and click on pay now. So it's going to bring out this page for me where I just go ahead and copy the address I want to pay into or scan a QR code to be able to complete my payment. So right I just go ahead and open my 20 US to be able to make a payment of $30. So this here I'll just go and click on send and then paste the address I've copied so far. And then select the amount I want to pay which is $30. So I'll just go and click on continue. So I just proceed to complete the whole transaction that I involved right here in the deposit. So just on confirm and confirm my payment. So guys make sure that the payment you made is completed before you leave the page and go back to the site. So this is the payment right here and you can see it's still pending. So I just need to just go ahead and make sure that it is completed before I leave the site. So if I check again you can see that here the payment is completed. So I can now leave the site and go back to the TR platform. And right here guys you can see that we've completed a payment. So we just need to go back to the homepage to check if a payment has been added. So right now we'll be waiting for this payment to be credited right into account to come. So currently you can see right here that our payment have been approved and you can see we have a total of around 14238 right here. So right now guys we are done with the deposit and we are ready to start our transaction. So we just go ahead and click on the Big T the symbols right here and it's going to load up to this page. And this is our one page where you can be able to make our predictions and earn money. And like I've always said there are two game modes right here. We have the 1M light mode and the 5M pro. So depending on the signal you getting from the group will determine which one you'll be using. So to get started all you need to do is just go ahead and click on invest and also select the amount you be using to play whether you're using all to play or you're using even and proceed. So guys as the signal group we going ahead to select. We'll be playing with the one light mode. And we just go ahead and select the money using to play is at least $10 and we select um we'll be using the odd mod to play. So just go ahead and click on invest. And right now guys our game is currently on and you can see right here guys over here is the prediction and this our timer right here. So we just go ahead to wait for the timer to count down to zero for us to see if our prediction is going to go in our favor. So we are predicting with the 33 the game number 33 and we are using $10 to play Under the one M like. So we're going to just wait for our time to count down and also if is your first time depositing you can get a 100% bonus on your first deposit. So do well to go ahead use the link on to register and right now guys our time is almost up. So we're going to wait to see if we're going to make a transaction. And right now guys you can see that we just made an extra $9 right now and it was a win. So currently our balance have increased to 151 right now. So we're going to make another transaction right now guys to see if we're also going to make another win. So just go ahead click on this and we'll be using the um we'll be using um $10 to also play right now. And also we will be using the one M light mode and we'll be using OD modes to play also. So select OD and just go ahead and click on invest. And our game is also on right now you can see our game is currently pending you can see it pending right here and our timer is now going down. So we're also going to wait to see if this is also going to be a win for us and like I said I am only using the signal from the signal group. So if you don't have access to the signal do to check out the link in description to be able to access the signal group that's if you don't have a good knowledge about technical analysis. If you are a novice when it comes to trading, please do not do it on your own make sure you are using the signal from the group 'cause I personally use signal from the group. So I'm just going to wait to see if this is also going to be a win for us or we're going to lose some money. So guys we're able to win the second time around you can see right here we have won another $19 so we're able to make extra $9 right in the second round and it's as simple as that guys. So if you're actually using the sign from the group you will stand a high chance of making some more money from this prediction but then the signals also are not 100% sure that it will always enter but then there's a high chance that you make something from it. So let's go again and see if we be able to make something from it. So just go again and this time around we will use even and we'll be using $10 to play just go ahead and click on invest and then we'll just go ahead and check to see if we'll be able to make anything from it. So currently our time is also going down and the game also is pending so we just wait to see the time count down to see if we'll be able to make anything from the game. So currently the time is currently almost exhausted so we're going to wait to see if we're going to make a profitable Venture from this and the time is currently up guys. So let's see if we're able to make anything from it and guys we've made another profit so we made an extra $9 so we made almost um $28 right from this game and guys it was a big win for us we made TR transactions and we were able to make profitable Venture for the whole TR transaction and it's as simple as that. So right now if you go back to our homepage you will see that um we now have a total of 17 USD so you can see it right here.

Refer a Friend and Conclusion

Lastly before I end to this video let remind you guys that you can be able to invite your friends to use the site and stand the chance to earn unlimited bonuses for yourself. All you need to do is to go over to the bonus page and copy your referral ID right here and also referral code and invite your friends to the site. And doing that you'll be able to earn referral bonuses for just doing that. So that's about the platform guys. If you have any question about this platform do to ask in the comment section and I'll be glad to give back to you. Like I said do well to use the signals from the group for your trading to maximize the Profit you make from the site and reduce the chances of you making losses. And like I said the signals are not 100% reliable but then it offers you a high chance to make profit from the site. So do well to use the signals and also having a good knowledge of technical analysis will give you an edge right in this side. Thanks for watching guys, don't forget to like the video. If you do helped you and don't forget to also subscribe to our Channel if you're not subscribed yet. Until next time guys, do [Music].


Q: What is the Channel Introduction and Subscription Reminder about?
A: The Channel Introduction and Subscription Reminder is about welcoming viewers to the Crypto Zone channel, encouraging them to subscribe, turn on notifications, join the membership program, access exclusive content, follow on Telegram, like and share videos.
Q: How does the Withdrawal Process work?
A: The Withdrawal Process involves clicking on the withdrawal button, selecting the amount to withdraw, confirming the payment, checking the wallet for the payment to arrive, and ensuring the completion of the transaction before leaving the site.
Q: What is the process of Using Signals for Successful Transactions?
A: Using Signals for Successful Transactions involves funding the account, depositing a minimum amount, following the signal group's recommendations, selecting the game mode, making predictions, waiting for the outcome, and using signals to increase chances of profit.
Q: How can one Refer a Friend?
A: To Refer a Friend, one needs to copy the referral ID and code from the bonus page, share it with friends, and earn referral bonuses when friends join the site.
Q: What are the key takeaways in the Refer a Friend and Conclusion section?
A: The key takeaways in the Refer a Friend and Conclusion section include inviting friends to earn bonuses, using signals for trading to maximize profit and reduce losses, having knowledge of technical analysis for an edge, and subscribing and liking the video.

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