HomeBlogE-commerceHow To Start Shopify White Label Lecture 3 | How To Customize Shopify Store | How To Design Shopify

How To Start Shopify White Label Lecture 3 | How To Customize Shopify Store | How To Design Shopify

  1. Customizing Store Design and Look
  2. Customizing Store Features and Collections
  3. Creating Feature Collections and Product Displays
  4. Customizing Product Display and Layout
  5. Enhancing User Experience and Designing Page Elements
  6. FAQ

Customizing Store Design and Look

Before that, see my store, how it was made in my old store. So this is my store, it has products, there are feature collections, this and every category below. The collection is coming accordingly. So here you can see that today I have designed my store, so it is not at all simple like that, there is a lot of WiFi editing, you can do it as per your wish, but whatever we have, we have to keep it very simple. So I will close it here, now here I will show you how to customize your store. So there are a lot of things coming here, this is a little new, you might be looking for a theme. So on top of this, we will work like we have a logo here, first we put its logo, according to the mobile, the logo comes to me, and here I add images. I have a logo lying on the desktop, it is the same one from the old store.

Customizing Store Features and Collections

Well, here it is asking that what do you want to run in the announcement bar, so I have kept it simple for now. I had told you in the previous video that from where we have used the announcement bar. From here we have to change the announcement text, so here we can write whatever we want to write, apart from this, there is a setting for its theme, so here if you want to put links etc. on the top, then you can do it, otherwise don't put it. Apart from this, come here, feature collection. Now what is feature collection, like here I tell you, okay, this is also a down word coming, we close this also, we will go inside the header, let's do this inside the header menu here.

Creating Feature Collections and Product Displays

What is template feature collection, let me tell you inside the feature collection. That how you have to add products which is feature collection, here I write the category, T-shirts have come here, if I write T-shirts then these T-shirts will come, now this T-shirt has written here, select collection, which was the purpose of making you a collection. This was that as soon as you click on the t-shirt, it will automatically pick up the products here. Look, there is a cross on the main price, apart from that, the main price that I have offered has come. If you select this, then it is here. Well, if you want to put four items, then you can put four. If you want to put three, then you can make it three. Apart from this, here comes the theme setting, whatever is above it, square it with foursome, and it will become smaller in square size.

Customizing Product Display and Layout

Apart from this, a saving display here will show it in dollars. In percentage, we have dollarized it, but we have not written rupees in dollars. It is coming in because we have a Pakistani store, okay, apart from this, come here, click on show vendor, here my name will be written above or below, then enabler color vache switcheru nahi do enable product reviews. If you want to add reviews then that will also be written. Look, e Store is written. If you want to add any branding of your own, you can add it.

Enhancing User Experience and Designing Page Elements

Apart from this, I will make a section called Future Collection. Let's add another one here. Now let's come inside it. What have we added inside it? All you have to do is create a collection of airports. We attach the airports here. Look, the airports have also come with both the names. Just as we had created the old one, our collection has been created here. Apart from this, come here. Back add section is now a section where you have the feature product which is the main product, above that the product is coming and its details are coming next, let's add it, okay now let's see how it will look.


Q: How can I customize the design and look of my store?

A: Before starting the customization process, it's recommended to assess your existing store design. Consider the products, featured collections, categories, and overall layout. Customizing your store involves editing various elements like logos, images, themes, and more. It is essential to keep the design simple and user-friendly.
Q: What options do I have for customizing store features and collections?

A: You can customize features like the announcement bar and theme settings. For collections, you can create feature collections by selecting specific categories and products. Additionally, you can modify layouts, add links, and make design adjustments to enhance the user experience.
Q: How do I create feature collections and display products effectively?

A: To create feature collections, choose specific categories like 'T-shirts' and select relevant products. Adjust the display settings to showcase products in an organized manner. You can set the number of items to display, adjust pricing information, and customize the layout to fit your store's theme.
Q: What are the options for customizing product display and layout?

A: In addition to basic display options like currency preference and vendor information, you can enable product reviews and add branding elements for a personalized touch. Customizing the product display and layout allows you to create a unique shopping experience for your customers.
Q: How can I enhance user experience and design page elements effectively?

A: Consider creating feature collections, adding new sections, and focusing on user-friendly design elements. For example, you can create collections of related products, design engaging product pages, and set up sections to highlight featured products. Enhancing user experience involves strategic design choices and thoughtful element placement.

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