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How To Get Free $230 USDT In Your Trust Wallet

  1. Claiming 500 Million FlowKey Token Tutorial
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Claiming 500 Million FlowKey Token Tutorial

[Music] do [Music] [Applause] Hi guys, welcome back to my channel. I do because I'm very great. Well, this is cryptozone and in today's article, guys, I'll be showing you guys how to get a 500 million flow kitecon into your trustworthy profile. So guys, do well to follow every step of this video so you understand all the steps you need to follow to be able to add this token in your trustworthy profile. So guys, like I said earlier, I'll be giving out 0.001 BNB to 25 percent the 55 cents to comment um the giveaway code. I'll be leaving in this video in the comment section. So all you need to do is to watch the video to the inside to be able to see our giveaway codes. And once you see it, comment it straight in our comment section. And if you are one of the first 25 percent of comment, you will receive BNB from me. I want to make a comment. I'll be sure to contact you for your wallet address to receive your BMB. And I will publish the name of those who are qualified for the giveaway right in my Telegram group. So do all to join my Telegram group too. And I'll be leaving the link to this address in my video description box. So do well to check out the link in the description box. Okay, so guys, we'll be getting started right now. So the first thing you need to do is I'll be taking it right now to our trust wallet. So right here in our transformation, we're going to click on solid and open it, trust wallet. And guys, like I've always said, the thing you need for this hedge up is just your select app and a small amount of PMP or PSC that you need to pay the gas fee of this drop. So once you have these routines, then you are fitting for the airdrop. So once in your transparency, the first thing you need to do is to go to that section, guys, and writing it up section. Like I said, the link to the airdrop is in my Telegram group. So do have to follow the link to my Telegram group in the video description box to join my Telegram group. Then in my Telegram group, copy the address link from right from there. And you can also see the address link straight under the video description box. And you can also see it as a print comment. So you can follow any of these three steps to get a drop link. So once you get the drop link, I'll be sure to paste it right here in your search bar and go ahead to search the address link. So once you do that, the address page is going to load and you're going to see the azure page right like this. And this is the floatkit.com address page and this is exactly what you're going to see, guys. So the first thing you need to do once you get to this page is to make sure to change the network settings of the azure page from Ethereum to Smart Chain. So simply click on the networks agents here, click on the eternal network and switch it to Smart Chain. Guys, this is because we'll be making a gas fee payment with the BSC token. So we need to switch it to the banners machine and network. So once you don't doing that, guys, you can do well to check up on other infos about the airdrop right here. As you can see, the airdrop has just 42 days more to go and the edge of cloud will be over and you will be getting a 30% BNB and a 70% flow kitchen for each friend you refer. And if you want to repair your friends, this is exactly where you can get your referral link from. So to do that, you need to copy your 20 wallet address. Once you copy it, simply input it here and click on get link. So once you click on get link, your link will be generated automatically and you copy your link out. So once you have your link out, you can chat your friends and make your bonuses too from that. Okay, so guys, that is about the referrals and some other few things you need to know about this. So guys, we'll be going straight into the claiming process. Like I told you, for each claim you make, you're going to get 500 million flow key token and it's as easy as that. So for us to be able to claim this token right now, like I told you, you have to have some basic token in your wallet for the gas fee. So we're going to click on claim 500 million flocking intercom. So the next thing you have to do is to connect your wallet. So click on connect wallet. So I will simply wait for once we get collected and right now it has been connected. So simply go ahead and approve the transaction. So we click on approve writing. So once you click on approve, then you authenticate the transaction. So once you do that, as you can see claim is successful. So we'll simply go ahead and since we've claimed for a single claim, you'll be getting 500 million free token. If you make two claims, that means you'll be getting 10 million. 10. Okay. You'll be getting a billion flocking token if you make two claims. Okay. And vice versa. So just like that guys, it's as simple as that. So right now guys, we've claimed on the second. The next thing we need to do is to go to BSC scan and get a control address or better ST, you can copy it straight from here as you can see. This is the account address and guys, you can see right here the listing three 0.0232. So this is the listing price of the token. So we are going to calculate how much you are going to make if you are able to claim 500 flukey token. 500 million token. Once it gets listed. So now right now guys, we are going straight to BSC scan to copy the control address or better still just scroll up here and copy it straight from here. So as you can see, we copy it right from here. So right now we'll go back to our trust wallet in the water section of address wallet right here and right here at the top right account of your screen, you're going to see an icon just right here. So what you do is you. So once you click on the icon, you just need to scroll down to the last option of the menu, which as you can see here at custom token. So you click on add custom token. So once you do that, you're going to see this page and you will need to change network settings from Ethereum to Smart Chain like usual. Okay. To Smart Chain. And once you do that guys, simply go ahead and paste the counter address you've copied already. So as you can see, the boost, the name, the symbol and this map have automatically appeared. So you simply go ahead and click on done. So as you can see, you have gotten 500 million flukey token instantly. Like instantly guys. So. So that is how you will go about to claim this token. It's very, very simple. And like I told you, if you're able to claim two times, you're going to get one billion of the token. But guys, don't forget to make your own research before you claim any token. Okay. Like I told you guys. Ellen, um, if you are able to claim 500 million of this token and remember, okay, let's multiply this by. So guys, as you can see, you will be getting 11 million dollars if this drop is automatically listed. So guys, this is what you're going to get if this drop is listed. Uh, most times the listing price may reduce once I've listed the site. So you might expect less than this. So. So guys, do a make your own researches about this site and don't forget to like this video and subscribe to our channel. If you subscribe, and please, as you're subscribing, don't forget to turn on your notification bell so you always get notification. And I'll post new videos and remember to comment, I'll give our code to be eligible to qualify for our 0.001 bmp giveaway. Thank you for watching this video. And have a great.


Q: How do I claim 500 million FlowKey tokens?
A: To claim 500 million FlowKey tokens, you need to follow the steps outlined in the tutorial provided in the article. The process involves connecting your wallet, approving the transaction, and claiming the tokens.
Q: What is the requirement to participate in the giveaway mentioned in the tutorial?
A: To participate in the giveaway mentioned in the tutorial, you need to watch the video for the giveaway code, comment the code in the comment section, and be among the first 25% of commenters to receive BNB. You will also need to join the Telegram group as mentioned in the video description.
Q: How can I generate a referral link for the FlowKey token airdrop?
A: To generate a referral link for the FlowKey token airdrop, you need to copy your wallet address, input it in the specified section, and click on 'get link.' Your referral link will be generated automatically.
Q: What network settings do I need to change when claiming FlowKey tokens?
A: When claiming FlowKey tokens, you need to change the network settings of the address page from Ethereum to Smart Chain. This is necessary as the gas fee payment will be made in BSC tokens.
Q: How can I calculate the potential earnings from claiming 500 million FlowKey tokens?
A: To calculate the potential earnings from claiming 500 million FlowKey tokens, you need to copy the contract address, paste it in your wallet's custom token section, and calculate based on the listed price of the token on BSC scan.

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