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How to be consistent on social media as Content Creator | Content creation tips | Social media tips

  1. The Importance of Consistency on Social Media
  2. Understanding Consistency vs. Scheduling on Social Media
  3. The Power of Consistency for Content Creators
  4. The Min-Max Method: A Consistency Hack
  5. Life-Friendly Consistency with the Min-Max Method
  6. Enhancing Consistency Through Strategic Approaches

The Importance of Consistency on Social Media

Hi guys, I'm coming to you with a very exciting video today. We are talking all about consistency on social media as a content creator, but specifically my own consistency hack. I speak about this. I mean, I want to say all the time, but I feel like I speak about a lot of stuff all the time. But I've mentioned this hack quite a few times, and those of you who have tried it have absolutely sworn by it and said it's massively helped you on your journey. Right, so I decided let's bring it to the masses, let's talk about on YouTube, and that is exactly what I'm about to do. Before we get to it though, I'm really trying to hit 100,000 subscribers on YouTube. And I mean, I'm not that close. Like, I've got a little while to go, but I really think that plaque is going to look great in my living room. So if you could subscribe to my channel if you haven't already, or share my channel with someone else who you think would like my content, I would be incredibly grateful. Okay, enough of the plug. Let's get to the content.

Understanding Consistency vs. Scheduling on Social Media

So let's talk about consistency on social media and what that actually means, because I feel like people often get consistency and scheduling confused. So when we talk about scheduling on social media, we're talking about the actual schedule that you follow when it comes to posting. So we're talking about the day that you post per week, we're talking about the time that you post per week, we're talking about how often you post per week. Like, that's the scheduling side of consistency. Where the actual consistency comes in is your ability to stick to that schedule. So what's important to know is that the schedule is completely up to you. I have loads of different videos which will help you pick your schedule. For example, I've got a video all about the best time to post on Instagram if Instagram is your chosen channel. I'll link to up here, but I have other videos as well which I'll link to in the description which might help you if you're unsure on when you should be posting. Right, but the schedule is completely up to you. So it's important that you commit yourself to a posting schedule which actually works for your lifestyle. In addition to, of course, working for your audience.

The Power of Consistency for Content Creators

The more you do that, the more consistent you are. The reason why consistency is so important for content creators and for anyone who's trying to grow their online presence via social media is because, well, actually, there's a bunch of different reasons. One of the main reasons is to do your audience. When you consistently produce really great valuable content and you stick to a certain schedule when it comes to you producing that content, you're actually training your audience to expect content from you at a certain time every week. And that's a super valuable thing to do. People will start to look out for your content and people actually start to weave your posting schedule into their lifestyle, if that makes sense.

The Min-Max Method: A Consistency Hack

Okay, guys, now it's time to talk about my hack. So my consistency hack is called the Min-Max method, right? I titled it myself. Hope you love it. So how this hack basically works is you set a minimum and a maximum target for your posting frequency across all of your channels. I'll give you a real-life example. Okay, my minimum target for my posting frequency on YouTube is once per week. My maximum target, so you know, the gold standard that I'm really trying to aim for, is twice a week. On Instagram, my minimum is three times a week. My maximum is five times a week. On TikTok, my minimum is once per day, and my maximum is three times per day. Obviously, my Min and Max targets do vary by platform, and that's because every platform is different. But you can clearly see from my examples that it's possible to come up with a minimum and a maximum target across any channel that you're on.

Life-Friendly Consistency with the Min-Max Method

Now, the reason why the Min-Max method works is because it allows for life to get in the way. Let me paint you a picture, right? Let's say you have been doing an old-school way of consistency, and you've told yourself, 'I want to post every day on Instagram.' That is my only target. I want to post every single day on Instagram. If I don't post every day on Instagram, I'm going to be annoyed, and I'm going to feel like a failure. What happens when you have a really busy day at work, and you just do not get the time to post that reel that you want to post? What happens when you fall ill, like I was ill all of this week? What happens when you feel ill, and you can't post anymore, or you've got a cold, and you just want to spend the day in bed? Like, what happens when life gets in the way, and you're unable to post one or two days that week? Well, I'll tell you what happens. What happens is you don't post, because obviously other things can come above social media, guys, right? You don't post, and then you feel like a failure, and then the rest of the week is the write-off. The rest of the month might be your write-off. You just feel like you have failed, and there is no point in you trying to be consistent now, because you've managed to mess up the few days where you were supposed to be consistent in the first place, right? Now, you might be able to tell from the way that I painted such a vivid picture that that is the exact experience that I used to go through back in the day. A few years ago, I used to struggle to be consistent on social media. And that is the exact process I would go through when I set myself a goal and then I wouldn't hit it, which is why I came up with the Min-Max method. So this way, if you have an off day at work, or off week, or whatever, you know that it's okay. You don't have to hit your max goal that day or that week. What you do need to try and hit is your minimum goal. And your minimum goal should be something which is really comfortable for you to hit, right? It shouldn't be so easy that it only requires you to do, you know, I don't know, one post a month, but it should be very comfortable. And your maximum goal should be a bit of a stretch. So it's the goal that you hit when you are really, like, absolutely killing life and everything's going your way and you've got loads of time on your hands, right? That's what your maximum goal should be. And that's essentially the Min-Max method.

Enhancing Consistency Through Strategic Approaches

Okay, that is it for today's video. I really hope you found it useful. If you did, I recommend hanging around and watching this video. It is all about how you can actually become a six-figure content creator in 2022. Thank you so much for watching, as always. Don't forget to subscribe if you haven't.

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