HomeBlogSMMHOW I STARTED 4 SIDE HUSTLES WITH A FULL TIME JOB - Running a small business whilst working 9 - 5

HOW I STARTED 4 SIDE HUSTLES WITH A FULL TIME JOB - Running a small business whilst working 9 - 5

  1. Swimwear Boutique During a Pandemic
  2. A Multifaceted Side Hustle Journey
  3. Commitment and Sacrifices in Side Hustles
  4. Finding and Developing Your Side Hustle
  5. Mindset, Reading, and Goal Setting
  6. Balancing Work and Side Hustles
  7. FAQ

Swimwear Boutique During a Pandemic

Specializes in swimwear. I thought it was a really great idea at the time. Hilarious. Oh yeah, let's sell swimwear. Everybody always wants swimwear, right? Not when there's a pandemic, Jade.

A Multifaceted Side Hustle Journey

Hi guys, welcome to my channel. My name is Jade. I'm a full-time marketer and side hustle addict. I have four side hustles. Two boutiques, one Instagram page which we've monetized, and this lovely channel, We Side Hustle, which is all about providing content and tips to help anyone who's starting or wanting to level up their side hustle journey. So if that sounds like you, you're in the right place. So this video is going to be all about how I actually started four side hustles while working full-time. And I think before we get into kind of the stages I went through and a bit more detail about what those side hustles are, I think it's just worth noting that the reason why I'm such an advocate for side hustles and why I encourage other people, you know, looking into side hustles so much is because it's all about diversifying your income, right? And I think if there's anything what this year has taught me and so many millions of people around the world is that we can no longer rely on one source of income and that being our nine to five job. You know, I back in the day and like in my mom's generation, it was all about you getting that one job and staying at that company forever and, you know, it's going to give you your security and your pension. And don't get me wrong, those nine to fives are still such a staple in our society, but I think this year, you know, we've realized that actually we need to diversify our income, whether it's just because we want more cash or whether it's because we want to be more stable and comfortable in case, you know, there's another pandemic. It's just something what I think we should all be exploring. And so I just wanted to make sure I said that up front. So without or do, let's just talk about the side hustles a bit more. So, um, I didn't wake up one day and just said, you know, I'm gonna start four side hustles and just see what happens. That's not what happened. I'm not a lunatic. And I kind of fell into all of them. So the first one, um, Lilo London, which I started almost a year ago now and...

Commitment and Sacrifices in Side Hustles

The first step in my side hustle journey was me basically making the commitment to myself that I was going to find a side hustle when I was going to make it work. And I know this might sound super simple to you like you might be sitting there thinking, "Oh yeah, well like I've already decided I want to give one a go." But I can't stress the importance of actually committing yourself to making it work and how detrimental that is to your success and your future. And the reason why I say that, like I've tried so many side hustles in the past, like I've tried reselling on eBay, I had a candle brand at one point, I tried to do a theme page on Instagram. I've literally been trying side hustles since I was about 21 and none of them worked because I wasn't committing myself properly to the ideas. I was just saying, "I'm gonna give it a go," and then I was being inconsistent. And then four months later, I wasn't making money so I gave up. You know, you've gotta literally say to yourself, "Like, I'm gonna commit this amount of time, potentially this amount of money, and that's what I’m gonna do, and I’m gonna make sure that this works." And unfortunately, what also comes with that is gonna be making some sacrifices. And I'm not one of those people who, like, this might be controversial, but bear with me. I don't know if you follow those entrepreneurial, like, business quote Instagram pages, but I do. And I love them. But some of them post quotes just saying, like, "Oh, you know, you should ghost everyone for a year and, like, become a recluse for a year." And that's how you're gonna become a successful person. I do not preach that by any means. Obviously, you're gonna have to make some sacrifices, and maybe you can't go out five times a week, or maybe you can't go on holiday every other month. But, like, I don't think by any means you should suddenly stop speaking to your mates or doing any of the things that you love because you're working on a side hustle or a business idea. The key is balance, and the key is making sure you've got enough time to actively and properly do both. So, I'm never going to be someone who's going to sit here and be like, "Oh, cut everyone out of your life," because I don't. It's not healthy. It's not healthy, okay?

Finding and Developing Your Side Hustle

The second thing I did was find my side hustle. I actually think this is potentially the hardest part, and that's coming from someone who's somehow managed to find four different side hustles. But it's hard. There are people, and I'm very envious of these people, but there are people who have a passion which can easily be turned into a side hustle, or maybe they have the resources to turn it into a side hustle, and it's just like the perfect fit, and it just works. And I admire those people. I'm jealous of those people. I think like, that is the dream scenario. So if you're one of those people, like, mate, lucky. However, for a lot of us, there isn't going to be something straight away what we think, "Oh my God, yeah, that's exactly what I want to do, and I've always meant to do, and I have the resources to do it." And I find sometimes, again, going back to these business pages of quotes, I'm making it sound like I hate these pages, but I actually love them. It's just sometimes they say stuff which I think can be a bit off-putting. Anyway, sometimes what they do right is they'll post something like, "Oh, follow your passion and the money will come." And while that's true if you have a passion that you could turn into a side hustle, then follow it and the money will come. Not all of us have a passion front of mind that we can just translate into a side hustle. You know? Like, I when I was younger, I used to dance, but not properly. Like, I was not good enough to be professional, but I just used to do it in my spare time. Done it all through uni as well, I loved it. I've not trained in like six years. I can't do like, forgotten all my ballet terminology. Like, it's not there anymore, the most I can do is in a club. Like, I can't just go out there and start teaching dance to people. And, but that was my passion. So when I was starting on my side hustle journey, I really felt a bit discouraged by that kind of stuff because I thought, well, that was my passion and I can't turn into a side hustle. So maybe I just shouldn't start one. And I just don't want that to put off anyone else. I think maybe it should be rephrased to like, find something you enjoy and the money will come. Because realistically, if you find a side hustle and you don't enjoy it, then it's not going to work because you're spending all of your spare time on this side hustle. So if it's something that you don't want to do, you're just not going to do it. So it needs to be something that you enjoy, right? But that's not to say that it has to be something that you're truly, truly passionate about. I like swimwear, I like bags, like I like taking photos on holiday, which is what Orange Collective is. So all of those things, and all those side hustles make sense to me and I enjoy running them. I wouldn't say I'm passionate about taking photos on holiday, I just like to do that. So that's basically where I'm gonna go coming from with that. I mean, what I've actually created, which hopefully will be really helpful to a lot of you guys out there, is a quiz on my website, WeSideHustle.com, where you can basically fill out a few simple questions, like how much money do you have to dedicate to your side hustle, how much time, what are your interests, and it will give you a few suggestions for what you could be doing, whether it's affiliate marketing or joining TaskRabbit or anything like that. And if you click on each of the options, it will just give you a few resources as well. So if you haven't checked that out, I recommend giving it a go. And I'm also going to link to a YouTuber's video. I'm keeping it vague at the minute because I'm not sure which one I'm going to link to, but I'm going to link to one which talks about different side hustles you can do because I've watched loads and there's so many really good ones. So I'm going to link to a really useful one, which I recommend watching as well. I side note, I feel like I don't often see YouTubers linking to other YouTubers, and maybe it's like a competitor thing, but I just think like, if that resource is helpful, then like, share it, right? You know? Anyway, I digress.

Mindset, Reading, and Goal Setting

And then the third kind of step that I'm going to talk about today, which I felt like came in my journey, was basically to put in the work. And when I say that, I don't mean start actually putting the work in directly to your side hustle. That's definitely part of it. But there's also a lot to be said around changing your mindset and putting some time and energy into reading to help you on your journey as well. And I actually think that was the biggest difference between the side hustles I do now and the ones that I've tried in the past, was that my mindset has changed quite significantly. Myself and my partner made quite a big pact earlier this year that we were going to try and read more nonfiction. So, I'm going to link to like a bunch of books that I've read, which is basically, I mean, I don't want to say changed my life because I feel like I'm being dramatic, but they kind of have. Like, they've really changed the way I think about things. And I feel like I applied that to my work ethic and to my side hustles and it, they also just made me realize that like, anything is possible. And I sound so corny, but it's so true. Like, the only thing was ever holding us back from any levels of success is ourselves. And us putting these barriers up and us kind of letting society tell us that actually, no, you can't do that much, this is, this is all you can, like, achieve. To me, whilst I get that out. This is all you can achieve when actually we can achieve anything we want. And the only thing that's stopping us is us and our mindset. With that in mind, reading books like that could be like revolutionary to you and your side hustle journey. So, I'm going to link to a bunch in the description below, which I 100% recommend reading because I think it's really going to help you on your journey. But then other than that, it is literally about putting work into getting your side hustle going. And the best way to do that, I'm going to do a more in-depth video on this. But the best way to do that is to think about what your end goal is. So, start with the beginning in mind and work back from that. So, for me, with Raya, like my end goal, was that I actually wanted to create my website, have a successful bag boutique running by the end of the month. And this was the start of September. And what success looked like to me was X amount of sales, X amount of Instagram followers, this level of engagement rate. I set all those things up and then I worked backwards and said, "Well, okay, if I want to have this amount of followers, then I need to do this. If I want to get this sale, then I need to work with these influencers, XYZ." And that's how I kind of planned my first month and that's the best route and method that I can recommend to anyone who is just starting out. And, you know, if you're unsure on what your first month or your first goal is, drop me a message because if it's anything to do with any of the side hustles that I have, then I'll definitely be able to help. And if it's not, I can point you in the direction of someone who can.

Balancing Work and Side Hustles

I just realized I almost forgot to mention something in that section which is so important. Your nine to five, whatever hours is like your full-time job, the people who pay the bills. They come first. I cannot stress this enough. Regardless of whether you're starting your side hustle because in the future you want to quit, like that's fine. But at the moment, you have not quit. They are paying your bills, they are putting the food in your mouth. Like, do not disrespect them. Do not give them a reason to fire you because otherwise the side hustles are going to be even harder to try and achieve. You know, you've got to remember that those are the people who are paying you at the minute. So those are the people you need to give your time first and foremost. And it becomes so much simpler and so much easier when you realize that. And when you're at work, you dedicate that time to focusing on work. So, your nine to five, you focus on work. The second you leave and you're done for the day, then you focus on your side hustles. Like, make sure you have that really clear line. I'm not just saying that because my boss might be watching. I actually don't think that's a really scary thought if she is actually watching. But that's not the reason why I'm saying that. I'm genuinely saying that because your job really does come first. And that's what you need to prioritize. So those are the key steps that I went through when I was starting my side hustle journey. So, the first, just to recap, making sure that I've dedicated myself to actually making the side hustle work. Then going out there and finding the right side hustle that I'd enjoy and that would work for me. And then lastly, putting in the work and making sure that I've tapped into my mindset and making sure that I've got my mindset in the right place to really make it a success. And as I mentioned during this video, like, I'm going to be doing so much more in-depth content on each of those sections. Really deep, digging down into what I literally done step by step to make my various businesses successful. And so, if you're interested, please subscribe and turn your notifications so you know when I'm going to upload a video. It will be every week. And so, you know, if you're interested, then please keep an eye out. Or, well, not or, do both. Follow me on Instagram because that would be great. And, you know, all that other engagement stuff what people always ask you to do. So like, like the video and comment and all that stuff. I know people get so annoyed asking them, but I've just got to beat the algorithm. You've got to help me out. I'm a new YouTuber. So yeah, show me some love. But thank you so much for watching. I hope this was useful to you.


Q: What inspired Jade to start a Swimwear Boutique during a pandemic?
A: Jade specialized in swimwear but realized it was not the best idea during a pandemic.
Q: How many side hustles does Jade have and what are they?
A: Jade has four side hustles: two boutiques, one monetized Instagram page, and a YouTube channel named We Side Hustle.
Q: Why does Jade advocate for side hustles?
A: Jade advocates for side hustles to diversify income sources and ensure stability especially during uncertain times like a pandemic.
Q: What did Jade learn about commitment and sacrifices in side hustles?
A: Jade emphasizes the importance of committing fully to a side hustle and making necessary sacrifices without compromising personal relationships or well-being.
Q: How did Jade find and develop her side hustles?
A: Jade fell into her side hustles rather than actively deciding to start them. She mentions that finding a side hustle can be challenging for many and doesn't necessarily have to align with one's passion.
Q: What does Jade suggest for balancing work and side hustles?
A: Jade advises giving priority to one's full-time job as it pays the bills and should be respected before dedicating time to side hustles.

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