HomeBlogAffiliate MarketingHow I Made $2,000,000 With Google Maps (So You Can Just Copy Me)

How I Made $2,000,000 With Google Maps (So You Can Just Copy Me)

  1. Finding a Phone-Driven Business Category
  2. Partnering with Businesses for Commission
  3. Setting up a Call Tracking System
  4. Repeating the Process to Scale
  5. Potential Income Growth and Future Opportunities
  6. FAQ

Finding a Phone-Driven Business Category

First thing you need to do is find a phone-driven business category, and when I say phone-driven, I mean something like an electrician or a plumber or something like that where, in order to hire them, you call them on the phone instead of walking into their store. A phone-driven category... I actually have this handy dandy list of business categories that come straight from Google.

Partnering with Businesses for Commission

After I complete step one of finding a business category that's a phone-driven business, then what I did is I partnered with a business that was willing to pay me $650 for each sale that they made. Now I'm going to show you how to find businesses like this later in the video.

Setting up a Call Tracking System

Now once you've got your phone number all set up, then it's time to actually register on Google, which is the first step to getting the calls coming in. So what you want to do is you want to go to this website here business.google.com because we're setting up a new business account on Google...

Repeating the Process to Scale

And now we go to step five which is to repeat this process over and over. Now in my case, I repeated it hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times and I even have trained staff that knows how to do this now so I don't have to sit here doing it myself all the time.

Potential Income Growth and Future Opportunities

And you can see by month 12 you're already making $23,000 and that's per month without doing anything at all. Like even my daughter has a business like this, she hardly does anything, she almost does nothing on an ongoing basis to keep her income coming in. Now let's say up here let's say you thought, oh, I could probably add 20 new clients per month and you can see by month 12 you're making $155,000...


Q: How do I find a phone-driven business category?
A: First thing you need to do is find a phone-driven business category, such as an electrician or a plumber. You can call them on the phone instead of visiting their store.
Q: How can I partner with businesses for commission?
A: After finding a phone-driven business category, you can partner with businesses willing to pay you a commission for each sale made. Look for businesses open to such arrangements.
Q: What is the process for setting up a call tracking system?
A: Once you have your phone number set up, register on Google by visiting business.google.com. This is the first step to start receiving calls.
Q: How can I scale the process for more success?
A: To scale the process, repeat the steps multiple times. You may even consider training staff to handle the process efficiently.
Q: What are the potential income growth and future opportunities in this business model?
A: By month 12, you could be making a substantial income without much ongoing effort. With the potential to add new clients monthly, the income can grow significantly over time.

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