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Get Paid $2999/Week with Google’s Secret Mistake

  1. Capitalizing on Google's Website Error
  2. Uncovering Google's Mistake with Small Business Websites
  3. Exploring the Strategy to Approach Small Businesses
  4. Crafting Messages to Offer Website Solutions
  5. Creating Websites without Web Design Experience
  6. Monetizing the Opportunity with Small Businesses
  7. Securing Business Data for Future Gains
  8. Exploring Residual Income Models
  9. FAQ

Capitalizing on Google's Website Error

Google recently made a major error that affected over 42 million small businesses, and I figured out how to capitalize on this error to get some quick cash in your bank account. You don't need any previous experience to exploit this opportunity, and it could easily make you $2 to $3,000 per week if you follow the instructions in this video. Let's dive in now.

Uncovering Google's Mistake with Small Business Websites

Google used to offer a free website for small businesses that looked something like the website that I'm showing on my screen right now. But this is where they made a huge mistake. Back in March, they abruptly deleted all of these small businesses' websites. So that means 42 million small businesses all of a sudden, they have no website at all. But this has opened up a massive opportunity that my coaching students are making money with right now, and I'm going to show you the whole thing right here.

Exploring the Strategy to Approach Small Businesses

First, you want to do a Google search for this exact phrase: site colon business.site, just like I have it right here. And then I want you to type your city name or a city near you. Now, this special command is almost like a code that tells Google, "I want you to list for me every business in my city or town that used to have a free website with Google and now it's deleted." You can see right here, just in the town of Southfield alone, all of these small businesses now missing their website.

Crafting Messages to Offer Website Solutions

So then the next step you're going to do is you're going to pick a business on the list. We're just going to go down to this counseling place and click on it. And you can see right away when I click on it, there used to be a website here but now it just forwards directly to a Maps listing. And then what you're going to do is scroll all the way down to where it says web results. Obviously, they don't have a website anymore, but you want to find a way to contact them. And then I want you to send them a very specific message. Now, don't overcomplicate it. I want you to send them the exact text that I'm about to show on my screen.

Creating Websites without Web Design Experience

Now before you freak out and say, "Hey, I'm not a web designer. I can't make a website," I'm going to show you how to do this whole thing without knowing anything about web design or having any tech experience with this at all. Now, when they reply and say, "Yes, please send me the preview," you're going to go to a site called Template Monster, and you're going to type in whatever type of business it is. In this specific case, it's a counseling website. And over here, we're on the left, we're going to click on website templates and we're going to click on WordPress themes.

Monetizing the Opportunity with Small Businesses

You know already it's going to cost you $70 to have it designed because you're going to use this pre-made template. And then you click up here on the left and you click down here. You click on services and you're going to use Template Monster's website installation service which costs $37. So the template costs around $70 and the installation and setup of the site costs $37. So really, for around $100, you're getting a website created for this business. And anything above that that you charge is going to be pure profit for you. So let's say you charge $500. Right there, you made an automatic $400. And you did it without knowing anything about web design.

Securing Business Data for Future Gains

My team has actually been downloading this list of businesses. Currently, we have a list of 40,000 small businesses, and these are all businesses that lost a free website from Google. So even when Google erases all records that it ever happened, we're going to have a list that we can continue to contact day after day to make money. I'm going to give that list away. All you need to do is click on the link in the description of this video, enter your email, and again, like I said before, we're going to email you that free class.

Exploring Residual Income Models

Now there's one other catch to this situation with this error that Google made. Do you remember this website search that we showed earlier in the video of all these different websites that Google deleted? Well, something that I noticed is every time I do this search in Google, there are fewer and fewer websites. And in fact, if you're watching this YouTube video sometime in the future, this search might not even work anymore at all because Google's quickly deleting any record that this ever happened.


Q: How can I capitalize on Google's website error affecting small businesses?
A: You can capitalize on Google's mistake by following a strategy that involves approaching small businesses offering website solutions without having any web design experience.
Q: What was Google's mistake regarding small business websites?
A: Google had previously offered free websites for small businesses, but in March, they deleted these websites, leaving 42 million small businesses without a website. This created an opportunity for individuals to offer website solutions to these businesses.
Q: What strategy should I use to approach small businesses affected by Google's website error?
A: You can use a specific Google search command to find businesses in your city or town that used to have a free website with Google and now have it deleted. You can then offer them website solutions.
Q: How can I create websites for these small businesses without web design experience?
A: You can use pre-made templates from Template Monster and their installation service to create websites for these businesses even without any web design knowledge.
Q: How can I monetize this opportunity with small businesses?
A: You can charge businesses for creating websites using pre-made templates, and the profit you make will depend on how much you charge above the template and installation cost.
Q: How can I secure business data for future gains in this opportunity?
A: You can download a list of businesses affected by Google's website error and continue to contact them for potential gains even when Google removes all records of the error.
Q: Is there a possibility of residual income from this situation with the Google error?
A: There is potential for residual income as Google continues to delete records of the error, and the opportunity may not be available in the future. Therefore, acting promptly is essential to benefit from this situation.

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