HomeBlogOthersFree USDC MINER 2024 - Earn Unlimited USDC and $MGF Tokens To Your Wallet

Free USDC MINER 2024 - Earn Unlimited USDC and $MGF Tokens To Your Wallet

  1. Introducing Mega Finance: Earn USDC and Mega Token
  2. Earning with Mega Finance: Connect Wallet and Start Mining
  3. Upgrading and Staking with Mega Finance: Boost Your Mining
  4. Connecting Wallet and Managing Subscriptions with Mega Finance
  5. Dynamic Mining Subscriptions and Network Support
  6. Dashboard Insights and Withdrawal Preparations with Mega Finance
  7. FAQ

Introducing Mega Finance: Earn USDC and Mega Token

Hey, what's up guys? Welcome back to my channel. I'm glad you're joining us in today's article. So guys, lately we've been talking about projects that are able to reward us for allowing them to use our bonus internet bandwidth. In today's video, we'll be talking about a brand new project that will be able to enable you to earn in USDC and the native token known as the Mega. So this is the Mega Finance on-chain. In today's video, I will be talking about everything related to the Mega Finance and how you can be able to also earn in USDC and the native token right here using their nodes and everything right here. So this is Mega Fin, and it's the first project that has been built on the super chain. In this video, I'll be demonstrating, I'll be showing you guys everything you need to do to get started right here with the Mega Finance. So now, over here is a Twitter page. Right here, you can go ahead and follow on Twitter. They say this is the first project built on super chain, and you can go ahead and participate in every activity right there hosting on Twitter. They've already partnered with a lot of projects right here on Twitter, and you can see they've partnered with Open Git Labs, they've partnered with the Rent M, also the F.A.I., and many other projects and names they partnered with right here. So do go ahead and follow them on Twitter, and let's dive into the main.

Earning with Mega Finance: Connect Wallet and Start Mining

So today, like I said, we'll be talking about the Mega. So this is the homepage of the Mega Fin, and you can go ahead and earn the MGF tokens in USDC by connecting and allowing them to use your unused internet bandwidth just like we've done in projects like Grasdown Grant and Notpay. So now, in this one, we will be talking about the Mega Fin, and like I said, you can be able to earn both USDC and MGF directly right on this page by connecting your wallet and allowing the browser to run right here on your page. So this is the homepage right here. You can see earning by sharing internet bandwidth, and you can earn both USDC right here and MGF. MGF is the native token of the Mega Fin, and you can do that instantly by going ahead to connect your wallet. So there are varieties of you can to connect right here, but before we log into that, let's just go ahead and explore other things.

Upgrading and Staking with Mega Finance: Boost Your Mining

So now, we have the home, we have the earnings dashboard, staking right here, and upgrades. Mega Fin gives you the opportunity to also upgrade your mining, and that will also help you to have an increased mining and earning in both USDC and MGF. So now, this is the dashboard right here. You can be able to see the dashboard, you see your in mining US and MGF, and also you can also see your upgraded versions if you're using the deluxe, premium, or other ones, and you can also be able to also visualize your any statistics right here. So I will also explore that right at the cost of this video, and also right here they will also be unlocking their staking feature in the next six days, where you will see they have their airdrop one, featuring airdrop two, airdrop three, airdrop four, and airdrop five. Everything will be featured, but then it will go live in the next six days.

Connecting Wallet and Managing Subscriptions with Mega Finance

But for now, we're going to participate and focus on going ahead to grab the niche by participating and earning free US and MGF right at the moment. So now, what do we need to do? So first things first, let's just go over to the earning page and then proceed to connect our wallet right to be able to participate in the whole chain. So first of all, let's go ahead and connect our wallet right now. Click on connect wallet, and then it's going to bring this all wallets. So, click on all wallets, and it's going to bring out the options of wallets that you can connect right here. You can see you have MetaMask, Trust Wallet, OKEX Wallet, BG Wallet, Binance, Unop Safe, Power Rainbow, BuyBit Wallet, Token Pocket, Ledger, Timeless, and other wallets right here. So, let's just go ahead and go with one wallet. So, I'll be using my MetaMask right in this video. So, click on MetaMask, and automatically, you can see right here. It wants to open on MetaMask. I just go and open it, and then connect with my MetaMask. So, I'll be able to click on Connect right here, and automatically, it's connected and is active. So, I will go and return to app. So, guys, right now we are connected, and you can see right here. Our network is connected right here, and you can see our wallet right here. You can also see that we're already ining USDC and MGF right here. So, now that's the good thing. You can earn USDC continuously, and also, MGF unlimitedly right here, as long as your page is on and live right on your mobile. You can use mobile device. You can also use laptop or any PC at all to mine this.

Dynamic Mining Subscriptions and Network Support

Now, you can also go ahead and boost your mining right here by featuring in the upgrades. I told you guys about the upgrades, and there are different packages right here to help and upgrade your mining. Right here, we have the deluxe package costing about 50 USDC. We have premium package, see about 200 US, we have the LAI package, we have the ultimate package, and the mega package right here that's going to cost you about 303,000 USDC, actually. So now, we're to go ahead and go with the deluxe package. Let me just show you guys how it works. So, first of all, your network should be in abet one network right because it's supported right here. This particular page supports abet one, it supports optimism, and also supports base. So, you must use these three networks. So now, just go ahead and make sure that your wallet is in either of these networks. For instance, this is my meta mask, and you can see that right here, it's in abum one. That's my network right now, abum one. So, let's go back right here, and we're going to go ahead and go with the deluxe package. Click on it, and you can see right, it's pricing price. So, these are the things you need to pay to be able to start using the deluxe package. I'm going to pay 50 USDC, and then I'm going to pay an estimated mining fee of about 0.1 ETH. And then the total balance of everything is going to be about 501.25 USDC that I need to pay right here. So, that's it about it. So, currently I won't be going, so I've switched to optimism. And let me remind you that if you use my referral link, you'll be getting a 5% discount. So, make sure to use my referral link to proceed with everything. So, right now, just go ahead and send action, and also proceed to go ahead and mint the package right now. And I will be done with the whole thing. And automatically guys, I've been able to get my deluxe subscription, and that will help to increase my mining speed right here. So, guys, right now, we are able to get the daily subscription and...

Dashboard Insights and Withdrawal Preparations with Mega Finance

If I go back right here to my earning, you can see that my earning has also increased right here in speed. You can see I'm also mining the USDC and MGF right now. So, let's just go ahead and explore the dashboard right here. So, this is the dashboard, and you can see right here I have one deluxe subscription right here. My deluxe and this is currently my USDC. So, I won't be able to withdraw now, because the minimum withdrawal is 1 USDC. So, I'm going to wait till the next time I'll make another video to show you guys withdrawal right here from the Mega Finance website. So, I'm going to be withdrawing USDC in my next video, and I'll be showing you guys live withdrawal. So, this is my deluxe. Right here, and it's helping me to earn faster right here using it. You can see right here, my earning statistics right here is currently rising up. I've been able to earn this amount of USDC today on the 17th of November, and this is everything I've earned right here. So, you can see right here, this is the network I've connected right here on the network, and you can see my status, and my IP address right here. So, everything you can do, check out everything right here on your dashboard. So, this is my withdrawal history so far, so good. I've not withdrawn anything, so you won't see anything right in your history. The whole connectivity and everything is simple. Like I said, there are three networks supported by this Mega-fin. It supports the Abitron 1, it supports the Base, and it also supports Optimism. So, the one I used right now in doing everything was the Optimism. I tried Abitron 1, and it was lagging, so I used Optimism and everything worked perfectly fine. So, do have to go ahead and check the three if it gives you issue while trying to upgrade your subscription. You can just go ahead and try switching from one chain to another to see if it will help you. So, like I said, Mega-fin is the first dipping project to be to launch on the Supercenter Network. So, you can do it to go and check out everything I've talked about right here. And also, I said the staking feature will be live in the next six days, and all the airdrop also come live along with it. Like I said, also, you can to go ahead and check them out right on their socials. They're on Discord, they're also on Twitter, like I showed you guys earlier, and they're also on J-Book. And for now, you can just go ahead and start earning USDC and MGF right here by simply going ahead to connect your wallet, which can be any wallet I showed you guys, and you can be able to mine unlimitedly. And like I said, in my next video, I'll be showing you guys the withdrawal proof out of this website into my wallet. So, like I said, finally, if you want to go ahead and buy either the deluxe, premium, anyone, go ahead and use my referral link to sign up, and automatically, you are going to be getting a 5% discount on your first purchase. Thanks for watching guys. If you have any questions about the Mega, do ask in the comment section, and I'll be glad to get back to you. You can also ask me on Telegram, and I'll do my best to assist you. Thanks for watching guys. Until next time, please do have a good.


Q: What is Mega Finance and how can I earn in USDC and Mega Token?
A: Mega Finance is a project that allows you to earn in USDC and the native token (Mega) by using your bonus internet bandwidth. You can participate in various activities on their platform to start earning.
Q: How can I connect my wallet and start mining with Mega Finance?
A: You can connect your wallet to Mega Finance's platform by selecting your preferred wallet option such as MetaMask, Trust Wallet, etc. This connection will allow you to start earning USDC and Mega tokens by sharing your internet bandwidth.
Q: Can I upgrade and stake with Mega Finance to boost my mining?
A: Yes, Mega Finance provides the option to upgrade your mining capabilities by purchasing different packages like deluxe, premium, etc. These upgrades can help increase your mining speed and earnings in USDC and Mega tokens.
Q: How can I manage subscriptions and withdraw earnings with Mega Finance?
A: You can manage your subscriptions and view your earnings on the Mega Finance dashboard. The platform supports dynamic mining subscriptions and allows you to withdraw rewards once you reach the minimum withdrawal amount.

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