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Earn And Withdraw Free $106 Daily To Your Trust Wallet

  1. Sharing the Success of Being a Convict Agent on the Platform
  2. Exciting Results Achieved in Just a Day
  3. Guidance for Maximizing Earnings on the Convey Platform
  4. Earning and Withdrawing Funds as a Convict Agent
  5. Making Money Without Investment on the Convey Platform
  6. Tips for Withdrawing Earnings and Maximizing Efficiency
  7. Demonstrating the Withdrawal Process as a Convict Agent
  8. Completing Withdrawal Process for Free Earnings
  9. Confirming Withdrawal and Receiving Funds
  10. Confirming Fund Arrival After Withdrawal
  11. Acknowledging Successful Withdrawal of Earnings
  12. Celebrating Successful Earnings from the Convey Platform
  13. Encouraging Others to Benefit as a Coveted Agent

Sharing the Success of Being a Convict Agent on the Platform

Yesterday I made an article about how you can be able to make up to $420 per week being a convict agent, and I'm glad most of you guys have seen the article and seen the steps I explained on how I can be able to start being the agent on the platform, and how you can be able to make free money without having to invest anything. This is actually one of the ways you can be able to make money without having to invest into the website. I shared it yesterday right on my channel.

Exciting Results Achieved in Just a Day

Guys, in today's video, I'll be showing you guys a shocking result of what I've been able to make just in a day. I told you guys in one week, but in a day, I was able to make something tremendous. I'm going to be sharing with you guys in this video, so guys want to stick around and do not peace out. By the way, lyrically announced that we'll be sharing a very important update about the basic token withdrawal tomorrow, so you guys want to stick around so you don't miss out on tomorrow's update.

Guidance for Maximizing Earnings on the Convey Platform

So guys, before considering this video, if you're new to our Channel, if you haven't subscribed to our Channel, please do well to hit on the Subscribe button right here and don't forget to give our video a thumb up. Click on the like button right here to help us with YouTube algorithm. Don't also forget to share with your friends and to also join our Telegram group. The link to our group is in the description. All you need to do is to go ahead and click on the link, and you will be joined in our Telegram. That way you won't miss our updates and our efforts we share on our Telegram. So guys, and without wasting much time, let's get started.

Earning and Withdrawing Funds as a Convict Agent

So guys, welcome back to the convey platform. Like I told you guys in my previous video, I'm currently a convict agent, and I am able to earn rebates on each person that I bring into the site. And over here, you can see that these are my rebates that I've earned just for today. You can see over here is a payment of 10.9 USDT, and you can see the payment actually arrived today. This is not the only payment I got today. I got up to more than 20 payments, and I'm just going to be showing you guys my whole balance for today. I'll also go ahead and cash it out to also show you guys.

Making Money Without Investment on the Convey Platform

Yesterday, in a video, I showed you guys how you can become a coveted agent for free without having to pay anything into the site. And most of you guys have actually started by signing up for the agency and already trying to get their own audience and starting to play the games and making profits. So over here, let me just quickly show you guys my balance of what I was able to make between yesterday and today: $106.399 USD. Although I have an uncompleted flow of around one University, I'm just going to go ahead and use and play a game and withdraw the rest into my account.

Tips for Withdrawing Earnings and Maximizing Efficiency

Like I told you guys also in my previous video, you can withdraw money once you have an unfinished flow. So, you just need to go ahead and complete your unfinished flow before you go ahead to withdraw. But then, my main point here is that you can actually make money on the convey platform without having to invest anything, provided you have influence. You can actually invite your friends to use the site. You can be able to make a whole lot without having to invest in the site. I'm saying this concerning those that say they don't have money to invest in the site. Yes, you don't have money, but you can actually influence others to use the site, and that way, you can be able to make a whole lot from it. So guys, it's as simple as that.

Demonstrating the Withdrawal Process as a Convict Agent

Just in case if you haven't yet signed up for the agency, do want to follow the steps in the video I posted yesterday, sign up for the agency, and that way you can be able to make money on the site without having to invest a dime into the site. You just aim for being an agent for the site.

Completing Withdrawal Process for Free Earnings

I'm just going to go ahead and withdraw my money, but then I just need to go ahead and remove the unfinished flow so that I can be able to withdraw my money. So I'll just go ahead and play one game to be able to withdraw my funds right now. So let me just play the crash game so you can see I have around 1.02 of an uncompleted flow. So, just go ahead and make a game of around $1.5 USD, that way I'll be able to withdraw my money out. So, I'll just wait for this to crash. I'll just go ahead and play the game and go ahead to cash out my money into my account. Remember that's completely free money. I did not pay anything, I did not recharge, I didn't even play a game to get it. I got the money by being a convict agent, so you can do it too.

Confirming Withdrawal and Receiving Funds

Check out how to become an agent and start your own journey of the agency and also make free money from the site. So just wait for this game to crash and I'll go ahead and play my own game. So right now, just go ahead and click on bits and it's going to start. I wouldn't want to lose in this game, so just go ahead and cash out. So, I've cashed out and my money is very much intact. So, I'm just gonna go back to the site and see how much I have to withdraw right now and go ahead and complete my withdrawal.

Confirming Fund Arrival After Withdrawal

So, over here, you can see that I've completed my unfinished flows and I have around $106.639 USD to withdraw. Just go ahead and click on withdraw right here and it's going to load me update with drag over here is the draft page. I will just go ahead and click on University, and I have $106.69 dollars to withdraw. So, I'm just going to click on all and go ahead and fill my withdrawal details. I just want to withdraw an automatic password and go ahead and confirm.

Acknowledging Successful Withdrawal of Earnings

So right now, I've filled all the required details. Let's go ahead and click on withdraw. Then I'll be paying a $0.5 USD charge for the withdrawal. Just go ahead and click on withdraw, and the money has been sent. And guys, I'm gonna wait for the money to arrive into my account. You can see that my current balance is $0.000. So, I'm just going to wait for the money to arrive in my account, and guys, I'm good to go.

Celebrating Successful Earnings from the Convey Platform

So, guys, over here, you can see that we have around $12.62 USD. Let's go over to my USC account and refresh to see how much I'm going to have now. And right here, you can see that we already have our money has arrived right here. This is $106.193 University, the payment we got from the convey platform.

Encouraging Others to Benefit as a Coveted Agent

So, guys, if you really want to be a coveted agent, you just need to follow the steps I showed you guys in my previous video to get started. And if you have any questions or you need a guide down, please do well to contact me, and I'll be glad to help you do that. Thanks for watching, guys. Don't forget to like this video if you found it helpful. Don't forget to also subscribe to our Channel if you're not subscribed yet. Invite your friends to also subscribe so they'll be able to share in the opportunities we also share on our Channel.

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